Thx bro your comment made my day
Officer Sifu
Creator of
Recent community posts
Thx for the your comment , I just checked the second level and yeah its not a bug but a mistake actually I will fix it in the coming update,for the death I agree to its too punching but i do it to make some kind of challange it wasnt like that it was when you die the only clone you play with die and return to the first place but I changed it later I will reconsider get back to the orignal idea
Unfinished projects assets by Officer Sifu (
1-Bit Character (idle-run-jump-double jump-dash-teleport-die scene) animations.
Seed Character (idle-run-jump-double jump-dash) animations.
Reference character run animation.
Frog Boss (idle - run-damaged-die-attack 1 -attack2) animations.
Ladybug(run-die) animations.
Worm(run-die) animations.
Orange & Green tree animations.
simple graphic trees with different colours.
spikes and Cemetry asset.
Unfinished projects assets by Officer Sifu (
This assets from projects I didn't finish but I put good effort on it wish anyone could use it well.
These assets include:
1-Bit Character (idle-run-jump-double jump-dash-teleport-die scene) animations.
Seed Character (idle-run-jump-double jump-dash) animations.
Reference character run animation.
Frog Boss (idle - run-damaged-die-attack 1 -attack2) animations.
Ladybug(run-die) animations.
Worm(run-die) animations.
Orange & Green tree animations.
simple graphic trees with different colours.
spikes and Cemetry asset.