- What types of cards or upgrades would you like to see?
Weaken - next enemy card does less affection
Discard - forces enemy to discard highest energy card
Recharge - X energy, get 2X energy n turns from now
Poison - reduces the enemy energy by X for n turns
Energy steal - steals enemy energy
- What types of enemies would you like to see added to the game?
Aggro enemy, overwhelms with cheap cards
Charge enemy, saves its energy for huge affliction turns
Brick, slowly forces your card slots to be stationary (the card in the slot must be played before the slot cycles now). The longer you take to clear a slot the more slots stack up
Poison, but against you
- Does the overall movement of the affection slider feel good?
Yeah looks good.
- Is there any other additions you would like to see?
None currently, just keep building on it, looks cool! Good job!