This game is Epic!!!
Thomas Gelman
Creator of
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Thanks for playing, and glad you enjoyed! Yeah I definitely feel as though there are issues with balance as well, although a game like this is hard to balance in such a short time-frame. Our thought process was that the fight would usually be beatable on a second attempt if the players didn't have the right build their first time since they'd learn what works through their mistakes, which to be fair is typical of the rogue-like genre, and that the game is short enough that that wouldn't be too punishing.
We will likely be pushing a balance overhaul, as well as adding in a few of the things we cut for time after the rating period ends, so stay tuned for that! Thanks for the feedback!
This game is really good! The platforming honestly is super well done, everything feels nice to control, and I love that the map is procedurally generated, that gives the game some replayability and keeps players from memorizing paths between playthroughs.
The visuals are really good, the pixel art is super cute! I love the sprite for Neuro a lot it brings me so much joy.
The audio is also good, it fits the game well.
Overall pretty fun game!
This is a really cute puzzle game! The pixel art is really good, I loved the sprites and it's impressive that you got those cutscenes and camera transitions working in this time frame! I also really liked the audio design, the music was good and so were the sound effects.
The narrative was simple but cute, the puzzles were also very straightforward but the individual pieces were clever and I think you could design some cool puzzles with those mechanics if you decided to work on this game more.
I did notice some UI scaling issues when playing in full screen, which would hopefully be an easy fix but is worth noting.
Otherwise, my only real complaint is that I wish there was more, good job y'all!
Okay first things first: I liked the assets for neuro and evil-neuro a lot, they're super cute! Some notes about the gameplay though:
1) The jump feels a little clunky. The platforming isn't too tough so it's not a huge deal for this game however it maybe would be nice if there was some easing into the fall after the initial jump.
2) You should probably communicate somewhere what the attack button is for the boss fight at the end. I was able to figure it out but it was a little awkward to control.
3) I can't tell if this was intentional or not but every time I defeated the final boss the fight would reset. I'm not sure if there's supposed to be a victory screen or not but that would be something worth considering in a future update if you wanted to keep working on this game.
All that aside though, I did have fun with it, and think the idea is good!