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A member registered Apr 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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I don't have a widget yet, I worked on it but it was hard to manage. I plan to add it in the future

Can you join the discord, talk to me there and send me a screenshot of what's happening.

Sorry for no answering before, when the digimon dies of old age it can be turned into a digi memory

Hi! Hmm can you enter the application permissions screen of your android device, you can access it by the settings of your phone > Applications > Digivice. In there in the permissions screen it will say if you give the app permissions to the camera.

Buenas! Para conseguir los objetos de evolucion tenes que encontrar el digimon que haya digivolucionado con ese objeto salvaje. Cuando lo vences tenes un 50% de ganar su item. Recorda que los QR y codigos que encuentres no cambian de digimon siempre y cuando tu digimon sea del mismo stage que los estaneo. Los codigos solo se pueden usar una vez al dia, pero eso significa que si encontras un Chaosdramon (Digimon que digivoluciona ocn Red Digizoid) y te vence el mismo dia no vas a poder pelearle, pero al dia siguiente si. En el discord varios jugadores comparten los codigos donde encuentran ciertos digimon.

Hi! the barcode scanner is inside the gym, press the "Scan battle" button and a screen with the camera should open. If there is a message that says the camera couldn't be acceded, check the app camera permissions.

Hi, yes it crashed, it's a bug I am having trouble fixing, once in a while the server crashes and I don't know why and I have to manually enter to reboot it. Thanks for the head's up.

O.O you know I had this idea a while ago, but I was not sure if anyone would use it.

What I can create is a sprite editor or something like that.

Is that what you mean?

Hi! The digimon sleeps at least 8 hours, this is so it sleeps at the same time as the tamer.

Hi! To update, download the APK from and reinstall the app, like you are installing a new app, and the update will be applied. Don't uninstall the previous app.

Hi! Yes that happens with Unity, I have heard several newer android versions that say it's compatible, after a few months Android rolls out an update that make them compatible

Hi! Glad you are liking the game, the stress falls off from 100% to 0% in 24 hours, so it's about 15 minutes to drop 1%. The digivolution times are:

Fresh 8h InTraining 16h Rookie 24h Champion 48h Ultimate 72h Mega 96h Ultra 120h Armor 72h DNA 96h

All this data and many more is on the Discord, also there are a lot of other players to battle and interact.

You can ask for advice there!

The game is a tamagotchi like, to complete the digimon encyclopedia you need to have those digimon. Multiple digimon at the time is kind of difficult to implement with the current system, the phone mimics a digivice like you have your partner digimon, these mechanics are taken from the DW1 game. A digimon full lifespan is no more than a month tops. Then it transforms into a digimemory.

Hi! The DNA digivolution is implemented, it works with the digimemories that are generated when a digimon dies. e.g. You have a Wargreymon, it dies, then you grow a Metalgarurumon, when you reach the mega stage, you have the available digivolution Omegamon, one of it's requisites is Wargreymon Digimemory, and if you have it, it will digivolve

Hi! When you are selecting the digiegg you can pick it, and it will say what digimon is inside. The one that says Keemon is the one that digivolves into Impmon.

Hi! Yes I have tough of it, I want to add it, it's in the backlog n.n

Hi! Yes I can, I will organize a way in the discord server for people to help me translate the game in other languages

Buenas! Me alegra que te guste el juego, los items evolutivos se consiguen peleando contra los digimon que evolucionan con ellos en batallas aleatorias.
e.g. el digi-egg del coraje se obtiene encontrando a Flamedramon y al vencerlo hay altas chances que te lo de.

En el discord se comparten códigos para escanear que pueden tener a flamedramon

Yes, I have to adjust the drop rate of items, it's too low.

I would love to implement new forms and all kind of digimon, but I am not a sprite artist nor do I know any one. In the future I want to learn to do this so I can add more digimon and more art into the game, but this won't be anytime soon.

Buenas! Me alegra que te guste el juego.

La aplicación no requiere mucho para correr, Unity tiene ciertos percances con los android MUY nuevos, como Andoird 14. Pero hasta donde se corre hasta en celulares mas viejos.

Para desarrollar el juego lo hice en Unity, y a veces tiene un tema con las APIs de android mas nuevas, habria que esperar un poco a ver si Unity se compatibiliza con tu version de API de android.

The burst mode item is obtained from fighting burst digivolved digimon.

When you are on ultimate, mega or ultra digivolution stage, when you scan for battles you have a change to encounter Ultra digimon, they drop the digivolution item that evolved them to that stage.

Hi! Glad you are linking the game! Yes, there is a plan for a widget to do multiple kinds of interactions, it will take time, I have little time lately to develop, but eventually hope to add this feature.

Me alegra que le este gustando, espero poner mas cosas y mejorar la pelea pronto. n.n

Buenas, si creo que sin querer yo rompi esa funcion y la tengo que revisar, en cuanto arregle eso lo voy a anunciar en la versión. y.y

Scan Battle is a PvE battle, you fight against the game, and online battle is an PvP battle with other trainers. If you want to battle other digimons you can scan any barcode or qr

hmm, maybe AVG Antivirus marks all "Unknown Sources" APKs as a virus. I programmed it and a lot of people play it,  the only virus in this game are virus type digimon.

Os itens de evolução são obtidos lutando contra digimons poderosos em Scan Battles. Se você escanear códigos quando seu parceiro estiver em um grande estágio evolutivo, digimons poderosos aparecerão para lutar. Pode aparecer um Chaosdramon que, ao ser derrotado, dá um "Red Digizoid".

You get it by doing scan battles when your digimon is in the most powerfull stages of evolution (Mega, DNA). In those battles you migth find a armageddemon, when you defeat it, it will drop the copy data command.

Hi! You can see the silhouettes of the digivolution tree in the small digivice on the top menu. Glad you are linking the game n.n If you want to chat we have a discord group

Cuando tenes un digimon que puede hacer DNA vas a ver que aparece el digimon como posible digivolucion, ahi dentro de las condiciones va a decir algo como "Wargreymon Digimemory", en este caso vos tendrias un MetalGarurumon como digimon compañero. Entonces tenes que tener la digimemoria de "Wargreymon" para digivolucionar a Omegamon.

La digimemoria se crea cuando un digimon muere. Igual te recomiendo que si queres hablar de esto vengas al discord! Ahi pueden responderte yo o muchas otras personas que tambien juegan el juego.

ADN digivolution es fusionar dos digimon en uno nuevo, son stages mas poderosos.

Cuando te instalas una version nueva de la aplicación sin desinstalar la anterior, los datos siguen siendo los mismos. No se borra nada.

No sabría en que version te quedaste, pero la ultima version añadio DNA y Ultra digimon. n.n

Buenas, para usar el scanner QR, tu digimon tiene que entrar al gimnasio y debes pulsar el boton de "Scan Battle", abrira tu camara y debes apuntar a un QR o codigo de barras, debe estar bien iluminado y enfocado y esperar un segundo que lo escanee.

There is a limited number of attacks in the game, and each stage drops attacks that correspond to that stage, You can only have one copy of the attack card saved at the time so the enemy won't drop a new attack card if you already got it.

Hi! Glad you are linking the game n.n. Hmm I could add some kind of toy in the field, but would it get old really fast?  I like the idea tho

Yes! of course, it wouldn't be digimon without DNA digivolution!

Are you able to install other APKs? Because you need to enable unknown sources to install it