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Haha Yes... A psychedelic freefall into an infinite abyss.
Stopping it changing at the last moment is a good shout. Will implement that. I'm adding extra visual cues to show which colour is the solid one, so hopefully that will help. And power ups and in the way to slow down the rate of change, reset the whole floor, or highlight the solid colour, etc.
I've also got different types of palettes for different levels of difficulty, one being a 'stand- out' palette which makes the floor colour really saturated, whilst the changing squares are pale, pastel colours.
Thanks for checking it out.
Thanks for the feedback and again for the live play-through. Really useful.
The sound was (very sadly) the last thing I worked on in the last 30 minutes before deadline, and as a sound designer it's definitely not what I'd want for the final game.
Lots of changes being made and refined already. Learnt a ton on this.
Amazing concept. I love the absurdist humour in it. Love the random sniff sounds of the character. I completed the purge and saved the gnomes! Found the camera to be a bit jittery when looking left or right which was a bit of a headache, but it didn't deter me playing through it to completion. Some of the audio levels were a bit uneven, but the voices and music are excellent.
Like I said in Discord, the really reminds me of Flashback. Also really reminds me of a game I was developing/learning how to dev that has a really similar style and feel. Feels very polished. I noticed that if I didn't wait to start moving at the top or bottom of a lift, I'd be moving but not animating. Was the only bug I noticed. Great work. 'Out Here Alone' looks promising too!
I really like this. Extremely polished for the time-scale, the music really fits, just a shame there's no sound effects, but wow, this is outstanding. Love the visual aesthetic. Did you make the shader?
Even though I frustratingly fell down a few times because of the perspective, I kept wanting to carry on. Lovely work.
Really enjoyed this. Love the theme and the atmosphere created. It's very satisfying when you're able to divert multiple boats at once from hitting the rocks and each other. Would've liked to know what my score was and the voice at the beginning was a little hard to understand. I agree about the one of the other comments about a meter for the light so you have to use it more carefully.
Great work!