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A member registered Aug 26, 2024 · View creator page →

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thanks will strive to become better 

Get Safe And I Will be Waiting 

Hey there, what algorithm did you use for the recognition? and I see that you are using Godot , would it be to much to ask for the script ? I would like to learn from it 😁

and thank you for your awesome feedback

To Add to Next Game :
>Full Page Button

Thanks for the feedback

its cashing shaders 

does is it work now ?

what universe are you from, would like to visit some time 

thanks , this is motivational

Hi there , Many people have found the same error that it totally my bad and will try to prevent that from happening in my future games , 
Sorry to disappoint you 
there is something that you can try which is to change the zoom of webpage if that works let me know

Thank You, And I Will Strive To Become Better

I am sorry to here that the UI Was Buggy Can You Point Out The Bug So I Can Kill It ?

Thanks And I will keep easier controlling in mind for my next games

"Might would be less confusing if wasn't exactly 45 but 30 degrees instead" That Is Really A Good Idea i also got confused even thou i made the game thanks i will take that advice form my other games as for upgrading it: no not really interested in that unless people like it
And Thanks Again for the feedback😀

Hi There Mike I Think I Have Miss Written The Reply It Was "Stuck" And Not "Suck" My Bad Have A Good Day

(1 edit)

Guss You Are Still Stuck In The Matrix

Thanks This Was A Test So No Worry

Bugs To Kill:

.Gun Stuck Behind UI

.Music Playing Over It Self

.Zoom In Button Not Working



.Thicker Font 

. Text Color White Or Black For Easy Reading

No Feedback Till It Becomes A Game

Recommend Tutorial On How To Play Pinball!


Hey Dude Thanks For The Feed Back It Is Actually Awesome

I Will Take From It These Key Points:

1." Some kind of fading between the tracks would be good" Yes That What I Was Looking For

2.  "staying at the end point after shooting" That Might Be Good Will Have To Test It

3."The gameplay feels a bit slow" Yah I Will Need To Boost It

Again Thanks

Thanks Any Bugs Encounter?

"user://" Thanks 

Can I Make A Folder Inside That "In Browser Build"? Example "user://maps"

What Video Did You Watch To Get It Done?

How Did You Handle Saving And Loading In The Browser Any Tutorial?

Thanks Man


This Does Bring Joy To Me

Thanks How Ever I Think I Asked The Wrong Question 

How Can I Make The Title Of The Game In "" As In From "Free x-Lego-x Loge" To "Free Lego Loge"

(1 edit)

How Can I Write  Lego My Game Title With The Line Effect?


In Itch.Io

1.) On my initial boot...

Were You Un Able To Shoot  OR Your Shoots Were Not Hacking The Enemys

2.) So It Did Not Show "Lost Menu"?

Nice Feedback 

Will Work On It Thanks👌

Hi There Zoran

I DM You so I am Replying to this message 

You made a great feedback on the 

puzzle-car game so I would like to hear your opinion on my new one

its Called "Just Shoot'em" a simple FPS

Thanks This is a great feedback 

I Truly Like It 

And Will Keep it in mind next game

"straining" what do you mean ?

How can I fix that?


If You were the one who was making this game What Will You Add To It To Make It Better?

// Other Then Sound !

Try To Play As The Player Will Be Challenging

"To prepare for it, I played the top 10 games from #73"      I Liked That I Think I Will Take It

So I Should make importent stuff more visible 

+ Yah I didnt show players how to get coal 

+ Make restart easier 

I have a question:

If you made the game and some one told you that they tryed it once and stoped when they died . What does that mean is it that the game is boaring or is it that it didnt grap there attantion in the first place?

What would you do?

got it thanks

why minecraft head sprite?

Had no time to model 

as for repetitive music I could make a 

play_list player script

That is a good Idea 
