Will do when I get the chance, talk to you soon.
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Hiyo, got a futher expansion on my combat roll idea. I've started having parties, and rolling every individual attack is tedious. Instead, I've learned to do it in rounds/exchanges with the same low=take damage high=deal damage, applied however feels right in the party(still using conditions rather than harm, just suits my play better). I also think I'm gonna do something, which is write in world facts as FKR style rules for different settimgs, for some guidance on the play.
The game itself is good. I was initially bristly on the reddit, but the game itself is very, very good. It's innovative and full of fun ideas, and the system itself obviously took immense creativity and effort. I am however highly, hightly critical of the AI ""art"". I would honest to God take RISUS stick figures over that. Please hire an actual artist who puts real effort into their actual human art, use public domain non-AI artwork(there's plenty), or learn to draw. I'm learning to draw. It's doable for anyone with hands and eyes. Yes it's difficult, but it's doable. Seriously, please support actual human creativity, it's all we have left.
Hi there, got another idea, this time to make combat a bit more easy for my brain, that may already be implied by the game. All combat rolls are player facing(obviously) with no and no but being negative consequences for the action, yes but and yes being positive, in degree, and a tie being the same mechanically. That way it still feels like a "combat/attack" roll while just being the oracle. This is really just a recontextualization but it helps my brain.
Off my old comment, I came up with a way to do this more "campaign" style. It requires writing or recording at least a basic recap, or just full on journalling or rp on tape if you want. You replace the more gamey harm with diagetic conditions, and at the end of a session jot down your conditions and spark words and phrases for the session, or again just journal/rp. That's all. Just wanted to share my approach.
Tbf my combat system is also a single d6 roll, just a low-high nuanced one with diagetic wounds. Roll low and you do badly, and will likely get hurt. Roll high and you do good, and hurt the other guy. Just track the wounds till it feels like the npc or pc should be dead. Only a step up in complexity.
Finally taking a *real* look at this since I got in the racial justice and equality bundle 3 years ago, and I like it a lot. I'm not the biggest fan of the hyper simple flat chance combat, but I have my own homebrew, more nuanced combat system I can slot in. Very good Bloodborne-y goodness at base. I like that there's explicit room for homebrew. Very good job. When I can figure out the itch mobile app UI, I'll rate it.
Gonna combine this, the noun suggestion in the other comment, ARSINO or your dice roller bookmark(unsure which yet), the One Page Solo Engine dungeon details, my homebrew ultra-ultralite rpg and wargame both, various books, and some of the principles of Berlin Roguelikes into a analogue roguelike in a dot grid journal. I'll run all kinds of characters through these dungeons, from death knights to mansect soldiers to water mages to dragons to "0 level" peasants who are oddly lucky. No matter the size, it fits on one unit of space, of course(which I am quadrulpling the square per letter ratio. One letter square is 4 sqaures in a square, so I have room for combat.) Sorry if this comes off a rant I'm just excited lmao.
[repost of my review] Great shit, all the benfits and flexability of oracle-only solo play, except now, all in your head, anywhere, any time. I know it's labelled with the "just before sleeep thing", but this is a perfect car ride(not driving lol), waiting in line, walking, at the beach, eating out and your family is annoying, or yes, before bed game, where it will likely influence your dreams, I assume. The die system is genius, and the oracle and all that is truly fully memorizable. You always have it on you. I guess my question is, what are the limits of a fast action focused setting before it becomes clunky? Could you play something like a more adventury Quake with it? I've yet to try pushing that. But for general adventuring, this is stellar beyond measure.
Fair point, actually. I guess it is keeping that reality in mind. Let's be honest, we all do that sometimes. I've cheated at solitaire before. Also, reading it not at like, 3 in the morning is helping my comprehension of the game by multitudes. Though I'm still not sure I understand jamming the gun.
I like the vibe and concept, but this is unplayable. All the actions don't tell you which attribute to use, they just say "attribute". Fix this and even if it's not perfect it's actually playable. I want to love this, and know it can be good when I actually know how to play it. If I misunderstood or missed something let me know.
Hi, first of all, great book, loved ITWaW, and this is even better for my particular tastes. I purchased a copy from my lfgs, and I noticed there's no digital version of the sheets without the book, thus I can't print out the sub hex sheet or clock, and my printer has issues photocopying. Could I maybe at least get the sheets digital? I can email myself with the copy of the book as proof.
Genuine OSR feel, the gm-relief of Knave, all the flexibility of Fate and Cortex, all the wildness of Troika, all the simplicity of FU, and so easily hackable and tack on-able, that at the end, I can do anything with this game, and handle it in a truly simulationist manner. Less is more in this case. Right in line with the FKR. I ran a oneshot game with my uncle as my player a while back, turnwd out great. System was easy to well, grok, on quick and fundamental level. I've also played it solo and plan on doing much more of such. I've also gone out my way to make new rules, like sanity, corruption, a custom hp system, reworked sequencing, saves, and what I like to call "special conditions"(conditions that temporarily lower an attribute value). I don't use or plan on using all of these all of the time, I like the game as is, but it just goes to show how easy you can add. I've also made very simple solo rules, which are placeholders till you make yours, as I remember you talking about them on reddit. Overall, literal 10/10 game, deserves to go down in history as a masterwork.
Also, as for the next solo game I'm going to do, I'm gonna play in a homebrew setting, and I'm going to play a shapeshifting dragon going around as a troubleshooter and justice bringer. I wanted to do this in fate, but it would've taken making whole extras and stunts and way too much work. Here, I can just have the traits and assets, and figure out a simple mechanic for transforming, like an attribite roll, or having some requirement or limitations both ways, as I want for there to be a chance for the character to be stuck in his true form for a bit.
As someone who also bought Forbidden Psalm over on dt/wgv, and has wanted to run ww1-styled Mork Borg, this is a godsend and a worthy sequel. Great shit man. And as with forbidden psalm vanilla, the ease of use with the rpg right out the box is one of the best things about it. I do just with the paper minis were more easily ready to use, like I did with Forbidden Psalm. Right now I would need card stand bases to use most of them, especially the ones that are laid out side by side as opposed to top to top. Improved paper minis and adding paper bases would be a great addition, but I do understand they are somewhat of a bonus to begin with.
Hey, looking through this game a few times, top tier stuff. The first Lumen gane I *really* click with. I plan on running it as is, and I actually want to homebrew/hack it for a home game, straight up monster hunter, which I won't sell or anything out of respect to both you and capcom, if I do shafe it publicly it will be free and with a hefty credit to this game. I will say what I want to do with it though. Add rework the weapons, add more moves, add wirebugs, add switch skills, flesh out a full weapon/armor crafting system off of parts and armor/progression system, add more items and economy, and flesh out the whole Rise roster. So basically adding a ton of non combat-oriented crunch, and a bit of combat oriented crunch. I've wanted to make a monster hunter fan rpg for a while, and I didn't know what to do to get started. This beautiful game has given me a foundation. So I thank you for the game itself, and the foundation which it has given me.