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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Still working on my 2D platformer prototype. This week I'll debug and refine movement/gravity/collisions, and if I get to it, start using BoxCast to detect collisions (currently I move the player then move them back if there are collisions). Possibly adding acceleration/deceleration to player movement but that will likely be another week.

I'm also learning maths for game dev, let me know if you'd like any recommendations for resources, or if you have anything good you've found!

This week is over, well done to anyone who got something submitted and to anyone else who's got some work done! Your games look really cool. Anyone who didn't manage, this week is your week, I believe in you!

The next jam is now open:

I made some good progress this week, writing my own script for player collision, jumping, and gravity, rather than relying on the rigidbody physics. It has lots of problems so everything is now worse than last week! The player also loses their ground collision detection after they go through the portal. But I have a better understanding than I did at the start of the week, and more ideas on how to get things working properly. I might make a separate account for publishing unfinished/buggy prototypes so I can actually submit to the jam.

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Next week is up!

Congrats to anyone who submitted or achieved what they want to. Anyone who didn't, that's ok, keep going!!

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Looks great! Is it finished or is it something you're going to keep working on? I couldn't find a way in the house, not sure if there is one yet or not haha. Congrats!

I just had a quick click through of it, it looks great! I'll be coming back to it to play properly and actually read it! Congrats on getting it submitted.

My platformer prototype relies on dynamic rigidbody physics for the player controller. This week I'll be changing to either kinematic or no rigidbody. I'm refactoring my code to transform only once per update with a single vector for direction, and to detect and correct for collisions. Then I'll add gravity and work on jumping. I'm not sure how far I'll get - working out the collisions seems like a reasonable goal for the week, and possibly the jumping depending how long it takes.

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I've done the basics of what I wanted to do this week - take the first steps towards making a 2D platformer in Unity. I'm not publishing it because it's so rough and tiny (it is literally a room, a few platforms, and a portal to another corner of the room) but it's playable here (password is 2d if needed). The movement is horrible, both side to side and jumping/floating, and the sides get cropped in fullscreen so I need to work those things out. So I'll work on that next week, or sooner if I have time. I'm happy though!

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I'm starting a 2D platformer this week and I'm starting with a room the player can move around. That's it for this week, it will impress precisely no one!

A place to post your goals for the week! (optional)

Congrats to anyone who got something submitted or otherwise got some work done this week!

The next week is up:

Feel free to join and keep working on the same projects or something new.

I'm learning Unity and C# by adding features to a game bit by bit. I'm not trying to make a full game, just work on elements I can then reuse in 'actual' games. This week I want to make a ladder the player can 'climb'.

I'm also going to look try out Blender for the first time, so I'm not going to beat myself up if I get sucked into that instead and don't submit anything!

I love it SO much.

The next week is up!

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A place to reflect on the week! (optional)

A place to reflect at the end of the week! (optional)

A place to post your goals at the start of the week! (optional)

Next jam is up!

Week 6

So good!

No! Didn't go with a theme as people may have pre-existing pieces they're already working on, and it's more about getting something made regularly,  whatever that is.

At some point I'll make a clearer description for the jams, so let me know any other questions or suggestions. I could add optional or occasional themes if people want, particularly if the jams ever get larger.

Week 5 is up!

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This is jokes I love it

A place to reflect at the end of the week! (optional)

A place to post your goals at the start of the week! (optional)

Week 3 is up!

Portfolio Builders Jam - Week #3

I just want to get my first Unity demo playable in a browser and work on some more music for it. A room that the player can walk around with some nice lighting and background music. If I have time, movement between multiple rooms (separate Unity scenes) with their own music. (I'm just learning the basics of the Unity editor so no fancy game design or programming for this!)

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I hope this jam was useful for some of you! The jam for week 2 is up:

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I've managed the main things I wanted to do this week except for building the game with WebGL, so I don't have it playable on itch yet. I had fun learning Unity and found it easier than when I tried it before so I'll definitely keep making games with it and hopefully get my demo playable in browser for the next week.

If you've made something this week and don't want to publish it publicly on itch but still want to share it, e.g. a github link or a private page on itch, you can share it here!

A place to reflect at the end of the week! (optional)