I agree with the Flying Bots, they were supposed to change their height as well during design so they would bob up and down a bit to help with this but we just didn't have the extra time to fit that in. The idea was that they try to get within a certain radius of the Player and follow them, shooting out a radar DOT effect until the player either gets away, or the Bot is destroyed. We appreciate the comment!
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Yeah the phantom damage isn't supposed to be there. So the flying enemies have a DOT effect with this pulsating radar, you'll see it occasionally, but sometimes either the flipbook doesn't play, or the effect lasts past death. Something I had wanted to get fixed but enemy AI didn't get in until the day prior to the Jam ending due to family stuff. Still happy with how it turned out, and I appreciate your comments on it a lot. :)
I might come back to this project and do a small game, and I agree the pistons were a bit OP and the timing should have been slowed down a bit.
Would have been great to have a more interactive tutorial since the play style is somewhat unique. That being said, as@timursol said the game is very immersive. The Artstyle, and Mechanics are really cool, and the music is also very fitting, though more variance would have been nice.
My personal favorite of the Jam so far!