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A member registered Oct 21, 2022

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It could be something more futuristic like, Monolith v25.10 (if you release in October 2025).

I was thinking something similar. Using the letter of alphabet, starting with A, is original :-)

ok, from the description I thought that was extras. Thanks

Hi, I have been playing your game a few weeks. Great game! And it got me interested in playing more game with 2d6 system! But for now, I'm exploring your 3 zines. I also got Silver Nightingale supplement.

I saw on lulu that you have a collection for Kal Artah. I was wondering what are the extras and if you would publish them in pdf? thanks!


Hi, I just started to discover what depthcrawling are! I'm quite curious to explore your version.

 I use the Plight rpg (inspired by Cairn) which has tons of table to run a solo game.

One quick feedback after looking at your pdf, would it be possible to release a printer friendly version (removing the black around each page or other gray/black section)? That would be great! thanks.

hi, I was wondering how you decide on spell damage. Did I miss this info?

 I’m thinking to go with an extra d4 for weapon with a new magical effects that I create. For a spell, I imagine 3d6 since it’s rare and should be more powerful than a d12 (avantage).

I’m having a blast exploring the fate of Alric and his companions. I started a second quest with the quest spark and trying all your tables to experience your game. I like your oracle (action/descriptor/theme) - very sword & sorcery. And for npc, the ambition table with rolls for character features and traits make them interesting, original and inspiring. 

For hexcrawling and dungeon exploration, I use the campaign log’s procedures by perplexing ruins (on it works well with Plight and it has procedures that work for my style. Have a look, but maybe you alredy know that.

Your procedures are among the best I've seen in the solo rpg. It's among the best dungeons procedure that I've tried. Easy to run, simple & inspiring table. I use them with my other rule system (FORGE, Plight, OSE). I got your other 

You could add more table for monster encounters per terrain for low level/mid-level and you have an amazing tool for any OSR game!

There are a few new solo rpg like Plight and FORGE that packages a lot of procedures, but none come close to the experience you have. After playing a few games of Four Against the Darkness, I was hoping to find something closer to D&D 1e/2e. Your system works perfectly. 

That sounds really good. Suggestion, you could add a number in front of every item that the player could buy (armors, weapons, gears, goods. It helps to generate treasure.

I will look at the Block Dodge Parry. I got interested in procedurals while reading Forbidden Lands and FORGE solo RPG. That is something that got me interested in Plight too. I will be looking for the update! I just printed Cairn beastiary to try with more options. 

If I had time, instead of creating an adventure, I would like to create procedures for campaigns based on theme (undead, war, post-war, religious zealot, extermination of any magicien, kidnapping of human/elf, famine, blight..., good vs evil with tables to create the arch enemy and it's villains). So within 4-6 pages, have tables to generate hex, quests, key npc, encounters/terrain, problems, locations, adventure site, monster for low-level/mid-level (in plight, it's always low-level I know!)... My goal would be to have a more cohesive world/campaign with procedure. I think you have something along this line in Plight with Casus Belli, Quest Sparks, Civilization Oracle with the Trouble table. I need to play with it more!

Hi, I was curious if you had plan to add more Plight content? Adventures, tables, more options?

I know it's easy to hack things with Cairn. It seems that people are taking things they like from OSR and convert it to Cairn. When I read your rules, I thought it would be fun (for me!) to bring combat options like in dragonbane (parry, block...). I started to read more about Cairn and saw many hacks/supplements on it's website.

BTW, the presentation in your book is amazing! The art is gorgeous. I started to play solo to try it. I like the vibe/theme of sword & sorcery.

Thank you. Good job for the game. 

I ordered my copy from amazon Canada and the quality of the print is really good. 

I will need more time to explore all the mechanics and potential adventures! 

My mind started to race when I saw the potential to create specific tables to run a game in Middle-Earth 5e or Beyond The Walls rpg. Time will tell if I find the time to do it. :-)