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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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It's not a lot, but I coughed up $10 for it, don't care about any bugs, don't care about any shortcomings, just know we all have a creative love for you, and want to make sure you're all good, regardless of developing and stuff; shit's pretty terrible all-round, and a few randoms posting on here might not feel like much, but we appreciate you a lot, and hope it shows people care! :)

Hey Hoff, had the recent whim to look up Cart Life again, as I played it many years ago, thinking what a unique and interesting narrative experience it was; I was working as a burger-flipper assistant and kitchen porter at the time of playing, and the emotions I had with it really made me appreciate the art that goes into making something like this.

Especially now, with how miserable a lot of stuff is, totally understand you kinda wanting to do other things, but know that a lot of people were touched by your work; I'm now a junior dev (doing terrible front-end) and was delightfully looking over the Github for Cart Life/working on my own (terrible) stuff, expect a donation from me, but also know that people will absolutely support you if you want to polish it up into something you're happy to call finished! If anything, so we can all stop harranguing you for updates haha.

Much love, from one very caffeinated, work-stuck dev(?) to another, I hope life treats you well :)

Ahhhhh, thank you so much! It's not superbly complex, but I'm glad that the feedback feels chunky, I wanted to try and implement a little bit of juice and make things feels impactful with deep sound effects and the screenshake, so I'm glad a little comes through! 200! That's bonkers, I'm glad I left the footsteps in now haha! 

You are absolutely right on the difficulty, the spawn logic *did* have some variables in place to eventually tick down the 'spawn' timer (and turn up the heat a bit with spawning enemies), but I ran out of time haha! Changing the battery decay and adding some more enemies/enemy behaviour was a big goal of mine that I had to chop down a massive bit as time drew on, thank you so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it as my first completed 'loop' of gameplay, it's encouraging and I'm glad there were bits you liked! :D

This is very kind of you, thank you so much! I had a bit of a hectic development and was leaning a lot on tutorials and 'on the fly' learning, so having something put together with some small bells and whistles is a big achievement for me at the mo! You're absolutely right, the spawn logic is fairly dumb at the moment and can occasionally be pretty unfair, and the audio could definitely be far tidier/more nicely balanced. I'm really glad the look of it had a bit of coherence to it, I'm fairly new all-round, so I'm glad you had fun with it! :D

Doh! My bad fam, I think I did only download the main game, please ignore my previous spam about instructions then, brainfarted after few hours of post-jam sleep haha!

The concept is really neat and has a nice and simple loop which makes it nicely suited for a webgame! The little upgrade system is really neat and the levels have a nice challenge to them too! :D

The game has really crisp little graphics and has some interesting games to try out! The variation on things like the wave, yoga and spaghetti minigames add a lot of little charm! :)

*Reject modernity, return to monkey*

The cinematic at the start was very very cool, and as a prototype for movement and mechanics, the modelled banana gun and rocketjumping was really interesting to try out in a little environment. The music was very very solid (the sampled monkeys is a very nice touch :D) and definitely would be something you'd see in a final iteration of a game level, with bits and bobs (and monkeys?) flying everywhere.

This is feedback that honestly just suggests improvements for working on it beyond the jam (as I know a week is a short time!), a bit of UI polish, some instructions/controls and some texturing on the map would go a long way!

*Not sure if it's something other peeps found, but my game slowed down in the final cinematic after destroying the barrels and had to be alt-tabbed out

This is a really interesting mechanic and theme and could definitely go places! :D

Hey hey! Just had a few runs through, it's a nice and simple concept that plays smoothly on a HTML5 web interface; the artwork is very smooth, appealing and consistent and has a delightful charm to it! The gameplay is fairly simple, but for a game put together in a week, it's good to have a solid loop working, so it's solid!

Music and sound can be tough to get right (I'm personally rubbish at it!), but having a few sound effects at least can give the world and game a bit of life; if you ever get a chance to add to it, some sound effects would greatly improve the experience!

This is a really nice submission and the artwork is solid, so well done! :D

This is absolutely amazing and really solidly designed! This resembles a game with a lot more polish and work done in just a week, so well done!

The core gameplay loop of digging into the dungeon to get takoyaki ingredients that improves your stats is really solid, and it has a really well designed difficulty curve that pushes the player to encourage further exploration for more ingredients. The presentation of the graphics and the icons are clean and really suit the style and gameplay, and the sound feedback on using the takoyaki stand, attacking enemies and taking damage are well integrated. The feedback for damaging enemies and even a progress bar to show how close an enemy is to attacking you is a really really nice touch and shows real care and attention to the player experience! :D The enemies in game are really cutesty and unique to the design and setting, this is a really unique concept that definitely has promise to be worked on and polished into something that a lot of people would really enjoy playing! For a game done in a *week*, the polish here is bonkers and overall, it's a really solid experience! The save system is a really really nice touch too, I'll definitely be exploring the depths for more ingredients ^^

*Random bug I spotted, you can cheese certain items if you have multiple of a same 'type' for a slot, which can let you infinitely +1 items by clicking on another item in your inventory (tbh, it's not even really a problem, the gameplay is fun enough that cheesing it like this is deincentivised).

(1 edit)

Hey there!

Just wanted to put some feedback here, for a week, the resources of having 3D models and remixed music in is really impressive, it's a lot to demand for 1 week, so it's nice to see it in there! The idea of having 3 different 'worlds' or layers of the world to explore for clues and items is a nice concept for the jam too.

In terms of some improvement (with the proviso that it was a short jam!), a bit of sound to give player feedback for interacting with items would help give the world a bit more life, just so that we know as a player when we've picked something up, opened a door etc.

*Edit to remove spam re: controls

It's an interesting idea (and the music and concept is cool too), so well done for submitting! :D

Hey hey, I stuck 'no' above just so there's no pressure to have to put feedback in for a fairly buggy, quite unfinished submission, but any ideas or thoughts at all would still be grandly appreciated by your resident Panda-like, uh, developer! :D

Oh brill, thank you so much! I'm very very new to game jamming in general, so I'm just firing away at any I can, thank you so much! :D

Hey hey there! Just started getting into game development as a student, I study at a university in the UK, would I be allowed to join up? No worries if not, the jam sounds fantastic either way, and hope it goes well! :)