Short and sweet but so polished. Would love to see a longer game like this!
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Beautiful art work and a great mood all round, a nice combination of music, art and gameplay. Very polished. It's also fun to play, juggling so many different things at once almost like a simplistic, twitchy Papers, Please! I especially enjoyed kicking out customers without masks. :) My biggest request would be for the difficulty to either ramp up much more obviously or for there to be some kind of end-game state. It took me a while to realise there wasn't, otherwise I might still be playing now!
Excellent concept and the execution also felt very polished. The gameplay itself was really fun in a twitchy sort of way but I wish it had ramped up just a little slower - it seemed to spike very quickly after about 20 points and I couldn't keep up for long after that. Mind you, that may say more about my own ability than anything else!
Lovely simple style and mood and some really well-planned puzzles. It took me a while to figure some of them out, and I didn't quite finish, but I'm going to come back and try again later. There were a few places where (I think) you could be forced to quit because you'd jumped or thrown the can into an inaccesible spot, which was a bit frustrating, but it was short enough that it wasn't much of a hardship to start again. Nice work!
My record: 38.99578 seconds! I'm not sure if that's anything to boast about or not... It did take me a few tries to get there, and I encountered the problem you mentioned, of some items not being available, a couple of times. It was fun, though, and the whole thing, gameplay and graphics, felt very smooth.
Really neat game, the difficulty of the waves was pitched just right and it kept me coming back for a good number of tries to see if I could beat my last score. The art is really nice too, especially the flying sprites. The only small change I'd make would be to darken the rest of the map, maybe even completely, to make it clearer where the limits of your lantern are. Having it green with details visible kind of tricked my brain into thinking I should be able to see things in areas where I couldn't. That's a small point though - the lantern mechanic still worked really well and made for some nicely twitchy gameplay!
Why did you have to give them names?! It made it so much worse every time I killed them! :D This was a really fun experience, deeply frustrating but in the good way... I thought the music and art worked really well together to create a deceptively chill mood, and the frantic gameplay was great. I was terrible at it but I enjoyed it a lot!
This was a really great experience. I was kind of sceptical at first but I made myself write as honestly as I could, thinking I probably wouldn't do a whole page, and then the interruptions had the unexpected effect of encouraging me to finish, as if I were having a dialogue with them. It was thought-provoking and useful. Thanks!
Here's what I ended up with: