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A member registered Aug 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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THank you so much!! Im so glad you enjoyed it <3

Thank you so much! that was just the feeling we were looking for!

okay thank you!! What we wanted was like to add an out of control theme where no one truly had the control, even when winning or loosing

thank you so much, we loved your game, and the artstyle was amazing <3

Great idea, loving the concept, it does look so much like baba is you, there just a bug where if you push a piece out of the zone it dissapear, but it didnt stressed me out or anything it was still fun

Looks like a good idea, the only thing was controls were hard to understand at first, so sad you lost grace period, this is grrat

Like the idea and concept, the thing could be worked is enemies suddenly appearing thus they randomly kill you

really nice concept, very fun to see theres several ways to complete de levels :3

One comment on the art tho, Slimy is as green as the hills on the back, so its a little difficult to find him, besides those hills look like theyre too close as if theyre part of the level, with a little more work it could be improved a lot ;3

This is a super idea, loving it all!

VERY VERY BEAUTIFUL I LOVED IT, MAKES YOU "THINK WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO???" but its very intuitive, i loved it, great game

AAAAA I loved it, its super fun and super cute, very very nice concept!

The only thing that threw me off was the typography, but the games awesome with that aside.

loved the concept and the aesthetic, would love to see it with music and sounds made for it as well as more detailed animations

Very pretty and fun, loved the monochromatic tone :3

very entertaining and frustrating but its really fun, would love to see it with an improved image.

Lol it did worked! it just wasnt visile visually! we didnt had time sadly. We also should have tested it out more so that the buffs and nerfs were more noticeable i think . Thank you so much for the feedback!!

perhaps like a "dizzy meter" like depending on how drunk you are it moves more eratic this meter that shows how much youll be moving, that way you can be more prepared for when the character wont respond at all as you want

yeah i do think would be great, theres no problem with stressing people a little bit

Thank you! power ups, do work but we didnt had time for them to be more noticeable both visually and in game :(, but thank you so muuuch

OMG i know is not a good excuse but english isnt my main language and i do the most dumb mistakes, thank you so much for the feedback!

The cards needed more detailing i know , we where working on making buffs and nerfs more noticeable to the players and to know how these affected them directly but time won us.

Its basically cards that give power ups and the loser can affect a little bit the decision by discarding the card they truly dont want to be applied

Love the music and the character, the game needs a little more polish. iTs fun, it just needs polish and easier learning curve :)

This game looks fun, could be implemented for mobile and whoever gets more ships without destroying wins!

Nice touching story, liked the aesthetic

So far my favourite game! Aesthetics, art , music , concept. Great! This would make a great lougelite i believe haha

yeah , we didnt had enough time to balance it out , we tryed playing with it but didnt had time haha,thank youuu!

Lol not the type of game for me but the concept is great and the aesthetic amaing!

This is a cool idea, liked the concept, the only thing i would change maybe is that of adding an alert when it will get dizzy and wont move properly or adding some extra anims, cause at times i tried making jumps and couldnt ge through without any alert before so. the idea is great tho, i loved the santa and it seems there was some hidden lore e.e

The concept is really goooood, i liked it, i magine if this idea keepds devloping further could be some sorts of overcooked for pandemics!

Aesthetics are so sooo niiiice, movement feels great too! I did encountered something i got softlocked somewhere that whenever i died i reappeared just before the orb that was killing me so i stayed there on a loop. But this is awesome !!

The game has a nice concept , this could develope in some really interesting puzzles, maybe aquiring and losing certain abilities in levels

The idea is fun, and feels like those zombie games there are in the appstore, controls are nice

Nice, you indeed lose control fast, it took me some time to understand what the percetnage meant at first but pretty nice concept!

Nice, short an wasnt what i expected, it is pretty funny

Great concept, loving the visuals, the main mechanic is just great, the difficulty is really high i think. But this suits excellently the jam, nice!

Thank you so much!!, Haha we didnt got to test everything we missed many basic things haha! But thanks so much for the nice coments ;u;

Creators note, 3 sound effects wherent ours the music was completely ours tho, i didnt knew how to correct that