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A member registered Jul 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you so much for your feedback.

Yeah you got it, we definitely intended having the map and different passports because in the original design you would need to select the right passport and fail instantly if you deliver a wrong one. Alongside with this each combination of action/passport would have a different behavior, some would be harder than others. I feel very much for not being able to finish those features, but we started late and only had less than 24 hours.

Right now, I'm not able to check your game because I'm sleep deprived, but I'll look at it during the week :D

Thank you very much, we had more plans for the gameplay but we could not manage to do them. It had be simple for scope and time constraints, but we are thinking on improving it in the future.

Glory to Anatevka!

Thank you. Yeah the gameplay is very simples and does not have much depth, but it had to this way for us for scope and time constraints. We are thinking on improving it in the future though.

Thank you very much, we really trying to make a reference while still being original. The gameplay had be simple for scope and time constraints, but we are thinking on improving it in the future.

Thank you very much, we tried our best!

Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it.

(3 edits)

Yes, the gameover screen is a known issue. I'm not sure what's causing it, it runs perfectly on Unity Editor, it only happens on the browser, but we noticed it to late to fix it. And about the difficulty, in the original design each combination of action/passport would have a different behavior so some would be harder than others. But we could not implement this in time.

Glory to Anatevka!

Thank you, I'm glad that you liked it. We plan to tweak it on the future, so we can address gameplay improvements.

Thank you very much for your feedback. Yeah, and we actually started late, we only had less than 24 hours. But we are planning on improving and making the full experience once the voting period ends.

These are some great suggestions, thank you very much for your feedback.

Yeah, in the original design each action would have a different behavior, and you also would need to select the right passport and some would be harder than others. But we could not implement those features in time, so we accepted as it is, better than being unable to submit something.

Glad you liked it. Strange,  it should work, I'll check it

I see, I'm sorry it wasn't clear, but I couldn't finished in time actually (because I was helping another team). But I'm glad you like the concept. If more people liked I'll consider finish up developing this experience.

Yes, I left a comment on the page saying that the game was unfinished unfortunately. I was helping two teams actually (a friend, and my wife) with their ideas, so I focused most of the time in one game and didn't have much time left to properly finished. But I thought it was worth to post it any way to see what people think and if has any merit to continue this project.

(1 edit)

I could not find a definitive answer for these questions:

  • Am I allowed to post multiple submissions?
  • Am I allowed to participate in more than one team?

I got some information on Discord, but not sure if it's accurate. It seems that multiple submissions are not allowed, but joining/helping multiple teams is. I just want to be sure about it.

Man, I really like it. It's a little frustrating sometimes, in the same vibe as Getting Over It, but very fun nonetheless. And I found it very clever this meta usage of the leaderboard.

Very Nice.

There's a bug that when playing fullscreen the pad can only moves half of the screen.

Really cool, I really like the lighting effect.

The only thing I didn't like is the the punch hand is affected by the light ball, and I think it should be a UI element only.

(6 edits)

I enjoy it. I liked that there is some sound anticipation for the enemies, that's a nice detail. There are somethings I wish were different.

The default viewport size doesn't fit the game very well, in a 1080p monitor it cuts some parts of the street, I didn't understand the taxi part because i could barely see it, once I played in fullscreen, the experience was better. 

One flaw in the score system is that its incentive is a little misleading. The score seems to care only about time and not over  distance. Which would incentivize a slow play as a way to optimize score, while I think most of these endless runners are more enjoyable when moving fast and getting farther away.

I didn't like that the bonus of hitting 3 birds is an active action for getting 1000 points. It would be better if you make it either as a passive score bonus (i.e. after hitting the three birds, instantly give some bonus points, visual effects for this would be nice), or an active power which does something like invulnerability, or something similar.

Looks like there is a bug on the leaderboards. The first time I played, the list was showing my username with a Score I didn't get, when looking at the list again later, some other player (probably the correct one) is listed with the score I saw before, but my score was not present in the list.

Hope that reviewing sooner than the deadline helps you to improve some of these points I've mentioned.

Thank you, I was so happy when I realize I could make the ghost priority to turn off the lights, it made so much sense thematically.

Thank you, I definitely had a hard time coming with an idea that would fit the theme, be interesting on its own, and that would fit in the timeframe under my abilities. But in the end I think it fit very well on all of this. If I had a little more time I could improve it a lot.

Thank you, all the art used was from free assets, mostly from 0x72. Yeah, I struggle to put the idea to life on the firsts days, so I basically had only 3 days to develop the game, and it was not enough. Sorry for the loud music, added at the last moment, I didn't adjust the volume.

I would advise you to put a warning on the game page that it may contain a jumpscare.
Just to avoid a bad experience for someone who is really sensible to it.

The only reason I don't give a full score is because the lack of audio.

Other than that, this is awesome, great game. I love roguelikes so maybe I'm a bit biased here, but I love it. I like the upgrade system, and the egg hatching was well thought mechanic as well.

Very complete game, lots of features and very well polished. What grab my attention was your interpretation of the theme, very different then most submissions, extra credit for that.

The only thing I would like to be improved is that sometimes cannons shoot even outside of the screen. I getting that when its just coming in/out of the screen it could fire, but quite often I had to dodge a projectile coming from a place outside the screen, specially worse when it comes from the left because you naturally assume that there would be no thing coming back. That part looked a bit unfair to me, but it is a very small detail on a great game overall.

I really like the topdown perspective and the Binding of Isaac room style.

I just thought that the shooting mechanic could be improved a little bit, not the sound effects, "pew pew" were a awesome. It's strange for me using the mouse only to shoot and not to guide the player facing direction. It makes hitting enemies harder than I think it should be because you have to carefully align yourself instead of using the mouse to aim which is more intuitive. I also think that the big spider hitbox was smaller than I would expect it to be.

But overall a very nice game.

Nice visuals and cool idea.

I just found it a little monotonous since you could just be near the cat and spamming the space bar have nothing to worry about. Adding some depth to it would be nice, may having quick first level to introduce the mechanic, and improve the complexity on later levels, like adding more cats. Maybe the cat instead of chasing the bees it could drop the honeycomb and it would need you to pick it up and put back on its place.

Nice one. I just found it a little bit unfair because enemies are hard to kill but you die very easily.

I also experience a bug, one time the attack animation was playing indefinitely. I think it happen when I clicked out of the game in the middle of an attack.

Nice game, I enjoyed it.

Great game, just finished it. Really polished, all aspect I could think of were very well done.

Thank you for your comment, we're glad you appreciated our game. I'm also pretty competitive, my highscore at the moment is 3830 . 

We definitely wanted to add a leaderboard, it was on out backlog of things to do. But we were both pretty busy on the jam period, so we focused on the mandatory features and gradually improved according it was possible to our schedules, unfortunately a leaderboard would take much more time than we had.

Sure, I totally understand you being reluctant about changing because of the rules, I was just point out things that could be improved if you want to continue this project in the future after this jam, or just a suggestion for future entries on other game jams.

Now I was able to test it, it was just a matter of pressing enter as you said, I played the webgl version.

Your game is really good, seriously, it's great. It's awesome that is your first finished game.

The gameplay it's pretty simple, but that's expected for the scope of a game jam. What I really liked was the effort put on the details. Good SFX, nice animations, enemy life meter for feedback, camera shake for added game feel. Everything combined make it look really polished, even being so simple at the end.

You said in comment before that you not an artist. However, the animations, specially the player attacking (with anticipation, nice) were very good.

The only thing I wish was different is that I would like to be able to walk while attacking, but I can see an argument for the other way, is just my preference to feel that I have more control over the character.

Sorry but I could not test your game, I clicked start and nothing happens. I will check later to see if running from app makes any difference.

Good game. I liked the swarm effect, well made.

I love how the menu and game over screen were made like in-game scenarios so the lighting/shadows affect them as well, that was awesome. Also about the menu, I liked how before the game started there is already a swarm following the mouse to suggest how gameplay would go.

The game is very challenging, and I like that. But sometimes it felt close to being unfair rather than just difficult.

When I played there was no soundtrack and sound effects, adding those would make shine even more.

Nice, I liked it. It's similar to our game, give it a try if you can.

The soundtrack fits perfectly for this style of game, I liked your choice here.

I really like your game, very well thought, and overall very polished.

I just wish you could go back to previous visited areas. I found one exit before I finished discovering it. To be fair I also wish there a little bit more incentive on killing the viruses, some times I skip them because it didn't look necessary, but killing all gives some necessary power ups on some occasions. Having an extra incentive would be great.

There could be some improvements on the UI to be closer in the visual style of the game (plus, on a power up there is button label "Button" haha), and there could be more use of sound effects on attacks, death, power ups, it would improve the game feel, but overall that was a great game.

I like it. In my opinion the music you selected fits perfectly with your game.

As others pointed out, it seems that sometimes it took a while to a glitch to appear and that could be a little frustrating.

I reached level 3 and nothing happened, I assume the game ends there. Would be nice to have a way to communicate that in order to be clear, just a simple end screen would be great to make sure it looks finished and not a bug.

Nice work. I really like the visuals and the music. Gameplay was fun as well.

Maybe it was just me, but I would prefer player 1 being controlled by WASD keys and let the arrow keys for player 2, but that's just preference, not a problem. It took me sometime to start because I immediately went for WASD keys an got no response from them.

One minor thing I would say would be good to improve is player movement. As far as I tested, it was impossible to move sideways once you are already in mid air. That was a little bit frustrating, I had to carefully go sideways and jump in order to jump to platforms. It also sometimes reacted to the input faster than I expected, making consecutive jumps when I thought it would do just one.

Nice game, good parallax effect. And if I not mistaken, I like that the stalactites randomness tend to go closer to where the player currently is.