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A member registered Dec 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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Nice little game,  love the rain effect!

This has been brought up a few times on github (eg - it seems to be fixed in the latest dev versions (at least on Linux) but not sure about Mac.

Not sure what the problem is there but I created this similar program and tested it natively and by uploading to It reports the expected 60fps in both cases.

Maybe the python server is causing the issue? Note: I also didn't hear any music when running your code.

local t=0
local ts=tstamp()
function drawFps()
    local tmp=tstamp()
    if tmp==ts+1 then
function TIC()

Great, well done.

(I don't have a Pi anymore so I can't test it I'm afraid.)

It's --fullscreen not -fullscreen

Good luck!


I know but it's just not the same :D Programming on the CPC became less of a challenge compared to earlier home computers - at least you had a chance of saving your program successfully.

We seem to have veered miles off topic!

(1 edit)

Yes, you could always use a viewport (clipping region) if the resolution is lower than TIC's - for example, my game for the last Low Rez jam was 64x64 (

EDIT: Wish I still had my CPC464! :D

You can't change the resolution but you might be able to emulate a lower resolution in some way, eg drawing rects or small sprites to give the illusion of bigger pixels (I don't know anything about the Atari you mention I'm afraid).

The palette is easier - just use the colours you want and don't use the others :D

You could use this tool to set the desired colours and maybe set  the ones you're not going to use to black or some other colour:

If you come across anything specifically for TIC make sure to shout about it :D

Hey, I tried the first three seasons and it was a nice chill experience that made me think... more content that I was expecting and I like the way you've incorporated real photos - well done!

TIC-80 community · Replied to ATSxp in Pmem
if not(a==1) then...

works :D

TIC-80 community · Posted in Pmem

You're right, pmem() saves 32 bit integers. ( )

The obvious workaround is to use 0 and 1 (or non-zero) to represent false/true but of course your code will need to be adapted to take that into account.

You could define (uppercase!) 'constants' at the start of your program and use them throughout:

local FALSE, TRUE = 0, 1

if flag==TRUE then...

Or you could just modify your 'if' statements: if flag==true then... becomes if flag==1 then...

Alternatively, you could create a function to examine the value and return true/false if that's essential for some reason. eg

function bool(i)
 if i==0 return false else return true end

and use it in your 'if' statements... if bool(flag) then.... but this adds the overhead of a function call for every use.

The best solution really depends on how/how frequently the values are used. Hope that gives you some ideas , sorry if you know all this already and just wanted to a basic answer (which is 'No') :D

The executable doesn't run on Linux I'm afraid (at least not my system).

Well done!

No, don't worry. Good luck with the game! :D

Just asking... how has this been submitted 2 days after the jam ended?

Thanks for the offer but I prefer web apps - good luck with the game!

Well this is different and I'm sure it could be developed into something more interesting - well done!

Any chance of a web version for non-Windows folk like me?

I won at first attempt but wasn't sure what the chaser actually does other than maybe knock you off course??

I played the web version as I'm not on Windows.

Despite the obvious issues it's a pretty good effort although I couldn't get away from the bugs and sometimes they just disappeared. Projectiles to give a clearer hint of fire direction would be useful!

Any chance of a web version?

How do you execute the program on Linux?

OK thanks anyway, good luck!

Thank you so much!

Any chance of a web version for those who don't use Windows?

Nice little polished game although a clearer idea of what's required would be good.

Is this Windows only, there's no platform shown by the download button and it doesn't run on Linux?

Well presented and pretty smooth gameplay.

To run:

To distribute:

Have there ever been any? I found one from may 2021 on itch that had no submissions but have not seen any others.

I've just submitted a game for the Bored Pixels Jam and have also used TIC-80 for the Low Res Jam:

I don't think there's a big enough community to make a TIC-80 specific jam worthwhile - so maybe stick to the other pixel/fantasy console jams?

Thank you :D


Hey, no problem... we're in a minority so we're used to it :D Good luck with your entry.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you fore the kind words!

Yup, I agree, the music is a bit lacking. Thanks for taking a look!