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A member registered Jan 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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Always happy to lend a hand to a friend in need. 🥲
Now I better get to studying those books...

Thanks! Yes, this is a common feedback. We are working on a new version with some tweaks. :)

Thanks for the feedback! Those are good points. :)

Fun to hear that you think it could become a marketable game. We might at least publish a more balanced and polished version with these suggestions and a few other improvements. :)

Haha, I have seen 3 other games with this concept so far, so it wasn't a unique idea. :p

Yep, agreed. You get no rest to properly upgrade. 😅

Yes, installing the thing manually and then rebooting worked. I guess its some library that is not included in your game files.

It was pretty cool. Kinda trippy with the constant gradual scaling. The first few times I found myself thinking "Wait, when did I become big??" 😅

Since the scaling is so gradual, there should maybe be some more visual feedback reminding the player if you are currently growing or shrinking, like a little up/down arror next to the character.

Also, I'm supposed to dash-jump with shift+space, but that didn't seem to work. It wasn't possible to jump while dashing. Dashing while jumping worked.

Amazing! We had a similar idea with out game, but yours is way more polished. :D

As you become really big you fill more than the entire screen. It should be gradually zooming out so that you can continue to see what is going on around you.

Of couse, this is also the unkillable lag machine stage, so as it is the game is basically over at this point. :p

(1 edit)

The scales of the snake scale up 😎

Thanks! Yeah, we did intend to have more different modules you could place on the ship, but there was only time to implement these ones. 😅 Will probably make an updated version with some balance tweaks and more time for building.

Yes, those are good ideas! Faster bullets and more opportunity to build in peace. We will do some tweaks and probably publish an updated version after the voting is over. )

Thanks for the feedback! I agree the difficulty is very high. The bullet speed should probably be faster. :)

Ah, right, I had the right idea then, but wasn't quite big brain enough to be a proper wizard. Apparently I didn't discover any of the Purify uses. It might have been a coincidence that whenever I used it there was not purifiable terrain nearby. So, I didn't realize I could get water back. 

I get an error "The following components are required to run this program: Microsoft Visual c++ Runtime".

I've installed it myself from, but now I have to restart my computer as well. I'll try it later. 🙃

Took me a long time to understand what to do. I was placing random boxes and they were just floating upwards every time i started playing. I was only after reading the comment about "line rider" that I understood that it is the little green thing that is the car, and that it is actually falling down! Then I started adding boxes under the car, and things started making sense.  First I thought the boxes I was placing was the cars, as they were the ones moving. 😅 

You don't explain anywhere what is actually happening and what we are meant to do. When you don't have time to add such explanations in the game, just write it in the itch page instead. :)

A simple way to make the player understand that we are falling is to have an image/texture in the background. Then we can clearly see that we are moving. Also, if the small brick is supposed to be a toy car, use an image of a car! Just drawing on some wheels would do a lot! :D

There's nothing to really achieve here, but it's a cool concept, and you could potentially make this project into a proper game later by adding some objectives.

I don't see that it fits the theme though. :p

Very funny and silly :)

The connection to the theme is also very funny and silly ;)

Amazing! It's a similar concept as our game (in "Scrap Wars" you build a modular spaceship) but even crazier, and in 3D!

I was a little confused about if I was supposed to do something to properly aiming the weapons, and if the weapon placement matters, as sometimes they just shoot at nothing. But it seems to work well to just keep adding more stuff! :D

And I always enjoy a good pun!

This game was super dope! Really gives you the feel of being an intelligent wizard that must truly understand and master the elements and plan how to best take advantage of them. If you know what you are doing you become very powerful and can destroy armies at great distance. And magic is dangerous and if you don't understand what you're doing or become reckless you might as well destroy yourself.

I didn't quite understand the Purify and Corrupt spells thohugh. Corrupt only seemed to hurt the wizard and not the enemies, but I assume the purpose was to turn change the terrain to enable other spells later? Purify just removed corpses though, so I didn't quite see the purpose of that.

Well, it's something! :D

I couldn't tell that anything was actually changing shape or size though. 🤔

I must say I didn't understand much of what to do. How to use the tools and the chest? I pressed E for interact on everything, but nothing ever happened. I could pick up wood and brought it to the tools, but couldn't figure out what to do with it. I was able to feed some seaweed to the mollusk and he seemed to eat it, but he didn't grow or anything, and he didn't eat any more.

The concept sounds very cool though, so I'm sure there some interesting content here that I missed!

Ah, yes. Such is the way of the Game Jam. 😝

Ah, yes, I noticed shoving was possible. It should be explained somewhere though.

When you don't have enough time to put a proper UI and explanation in the game, you can always just write a small description of everything on the itch page after the deadline. :)

Clever take on the theme with 3 completely different scales. It really is just 3 different games though, but yeah, clever. I must say, with the virus game I didn't understand what was going on. I was clicking around forever without anything happening. Finally I think I figured out that  I needed to "buy" some blob things and place to block the viruses? But there was 3 different things I could buy?

The game is cute, but very simple. There should be some kind of time pressure/limit so it becomes a proper challenge.

It took me a long time to understand that I needed to flip the switch on the anvil to make the guards. If you accidentally create a wrong piece you are stuck with it and you're forced to just go thourgh with it and create a wrong sword before you can continue. And a bug: if you place a raw material on the purple resize thing it just turns into a L blade, whatever it was. 😝

It's a cool idea! Some more explanation would be in place. I didn't understand what most of the gun extensions actually do. The range extension I assume increase the range of the bullets, but the bullets would always go as far as I could see anyways. The bouncy, and penetriation extensions I have no idea what did. The most important thing seemed to be that they acted as protection, which was clever! When running out of bullets (and there's no more bullets to pick up) you are just stuck?

Thank you! That can certainly happen. 😝💀

Wow, thanks! 🥳 I was thinking when the average person is probably going to play the game for 5 minutes starting out with a well flowing tutorial means a lot.

You are correct, there was no time to add juice, or much quality of life stuff. 😅

The shield bubble is inspired by "FTL: Faster Than Light", so not entirely original. It was the first thing that came to mind. :)

I'm curious, did you find the game difficult? How far did you get?

Thank you! Yeah, we put a lot of effort into makin these fancy building mechanics. And, we didn't spend enough time actually playtesting and fine tuning it for ease of use. 🙃

Thanks! Damn, I tought we found all the crashing bugs. 😅

There's a yellow arrow always pointing at the tutorial guy, as well as the boss later.

Hehe, yes! I actually had exactly that in mind as well: Koopas that you have to line up to take out a bunch of Goombas, and you have to plan it so that Jumping Man steps on the Koopa at the right moment. It was the natural next thing to make, just not enough time for that mechanic. :)

I also was planning pipes that you could use to warp your creatures into position, including some that would be in otherwise unreachable locations. 

And I was planning hazards that could kill Jumping Man as well (just like a regular Mario level) and you would have to help manipulate his movement so that he avoids them. 🙃

I'm just getting "Error
The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)" and there seems to be no downloadable file. :(

Thanks a lot! I'm glad it was enjoyable. 😁

Yep, this is very much programer art. 😅

I'm just getting "Error
The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)" and the downloadable .dmb file seems to only be for Mac. :(

It ain't much, but it's honest work.