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Scrap WarsView game page

Submission to GMTK Jam 2024
Submitted by Cortez (@corpsthese), PaulMagnus — 1 minute, 40 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 50 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You start with a tiny spaceship which you build up to a flying fortress

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
Most assets, font & laser sound by Kenney

Artworks by Petit comme un caillou

Main menu music is Galactic Rap by Kevin McLeod

Game music is Birth by Marvin Chiriguaya

Logo made with Cool Text using their Gunmetal style & Star Jedi font by Boba Font

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Love the build up that you can get later in the game, really fun!


Fun premise, I'm always a fan of that Asteroids style of movement where ships can drift in any direction. I appreciate that there's a tutorial, and I liked that you could build onto your ship as the game was running, it didn't happen in a separate mode. It added an element of making repairs to your ship in real time as parts broke. I think the bullets could have stood to travel a bit faster, ships could nearly outrun my bullets, and it was very difficult to lead my shots enough to hit anything with the way everything on screen was maneuvering.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

The ship building element of this game is really cool and well executed! Very simple, but incredibly effective. And the thorough tutorialization was much appreciated, especially for a jam game. The fantasy of building a ship up from a couple blocks to a huge flying fortress was very compelling, even if 99% of my bullets missed!


Yeah we are already working on balancing the game, bullets are already faster and the building should be easier to do without completely pausing the game.

Btw are you sure you rating saved properly? We’re still at 49 reviews ^^’


Great game ! A bit too hard i think, but it can be improved ! Well done !


Really well made, nice work!


Dang I found this game hard haha! Pretty fun, I think I would have been less stressed if there could be a separate build and battle phase -- it was hard to think about expanding the ship when I was getting actively attacked, but other than that I think it was a solid experience!


Yep, we already worked on an update to make the game easier, prettier and juicier!


Building the spaceship is fun idea. The game is well-made in general. I had fun playing it.


A cool concept. The spaceship building was fun and overall the execution was well made. It´s still need some polish and balance, but like i said, overall it´s a great game, good job.


Building ship, trying to come up with some nice ship design was a lot of fun.

Fighting could be improved by for example faster bullets from your ship (I missed shots so many times), or by having enemies with really low health so you can get some scrap back. I got to a point where I got only one gun left and because even the smallest enemies wear shields I almost wasn't able to kill them.

But the game is nicely designed, some little tweak to fighting could make it a good game.


Thanks! Yes, this is a common feedback. We are working on a new version with some tweaks. :)


Nice idea and execution overall.

I had a hard time killing ships. The waves were too big, and were overpowering me. I would also have liked to have a moment without things chasing me to build up my ship (a pause option?)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Very cool Idea, gameplay is fun and addictive, just a few this that could be done better in my opinion:

  • Enemies felt too hard to hit, and they had little visual feedback.
  • bullets were too small and very hard to see. Barely any room for reacting and avoiding.
  • I managed to softlock myself by having no scrap and no guns.
  • (edit) also, it was hard to build and fight at the same time. Maybe if enemies came in waves and you had time to better your ship it would be less stressful.

The main mechanic is very cool and I would very gladly buy and play a full version of this, maybe with a more clear objective. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for the feedback! Those are good points. :)

Fun to hear that you think it could become a marketable game. We might at least publish a more balanced and polished version with these suggestions and a few other improvements. :)


Very solid entry, concept and theme implementation is on point.

Difficulty is slightly high for me but that's all good. Well done :)


Really cool game, definitely a lot of depth derived from the combination of the different mechanics.

One thing I noticed is that I think the camera zooms out a little too rapidly as the size of the ship increases, which makes it difficult to see the different entities on screen, especially the projectiles (which funnily enough is the opposite of the feedback you gave for my game haha)

Also very slight nitpick: I don't think it make sense to have a parallax effect on the stars - they should just be stationary in the background (unless of course the scale of the ship is comparable to that of a star lol)

Overall very well done :)


Ha! I wanted to make pretty much the same game! Ultimately decided against it though, so I'm glad someone else thought of a similar idea. :)

Pretty fun, but the amount of small enemies spawning constantly is too large, it felt like i have no time to rest and upgrade my ship in peace. Other than that, great job!


Haha, I have seen 3 other games with this concept so far, so it wasn't a unique idea. :p

Yep, agreed. You get no rest to properly upgrade. 😅


I love it! Reminds me of one of my favourite childhood games, Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. Good use of the theme and fun gameplay, I love building vehicles I can then use in combat. Well done!


With more polish and sound effects it could become a really fun game! I like that idea of building your spaceship but it's hard to shoot the enemies and see their projectiles.


It was a bit hard to shoot enemies since they moved around so fast, but I like the vibe of the game!


Nice take on an Asteroids-style arcade game! Customizing your own ship always feels fun and meaningful.

It's been a while since I've played a game like this, so it took some time getting used to the controls. I found it pretty tricky to hit targets with the gun. With my direction movement in addition to the enemy's, it was difficult to lead shots and get hits in. Most of what I did get just seemed to be luck.

There's definitely a really fun idea in here. Nice work!


Thanks for the feedback! I agree the difficulty is very high. The bullet speed should probably be faster. :)


Nice game! The build buttons could have used some more feedback to the player so it was clear what thing you had selected. But other than that, was pretty good :3


Cool concept, the foundations for something great are definitely there. I would say that the bullets need to be faster as it makes it very hard to aim effectively with slow bullets, and also adding some sort of build phase is necessary as I would buy upgrades and they'd immediately be damaged by the swarm of enemies around me as I was building. There is definitely a lot of potential here tho, good job!


Yes, those are good ideas! Faster bullets and more opportunity to build in peace. We will do some tweaks and probably publish an updated version after the voting is over. )

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