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A member registered Mar 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey man, with every update I make an attempt to finally make a playable Linux build and something always goes wrong. Of course I'll try again with the upcoming update, who knows :)

Yeah, this is already taken care of and will be fixed in the next update :) 

Thanks man, I appreciate that

Yeah, the "L" key is part of the debug tools that I accidentally left in...oh well :)
I'm very glad that you had a good time and yes, there are plans for both multiple characters and starting weapons and aaaaall kinds of stuff. Next update will be really cool I hope :)


Thanks a lot! There is still a lot of work to be done, let me address your points:
- In the next version I intend to have the player start with the default gun with unlimited ammo, and the gun itself will not have any perks and won't be visible in the inventory. It will only function as a kind of last resort sidearm.

- The camera is undergoing some major changes because it's far from perfect. As for the enemies, I intend both to have their reactions when spotting the player a bit longer and actually have bigger rooms so that you don't bump into them as soon as you walk into the battle

- Aiming reticle is a tricky beast, deceptively simple concept that is easy to get wrong. Still working on it :)

Thanks a lot for the feedback man!

(2 edits)

Currently I'm working on a really big update that finally can be called a proper production after laying the basic foundation. Unfortunately there is so much work that there was no way I could make it in time for this jam, so the only new thing since the last one is this small update: 

  • Two new enemy types with elite variants
  • Lots of revamped visual effects 
  • Slightly lowered the difficulty curve
  • Slightly lowered the default length of the dungeon
  • Significantly increased the max ammo count and ammo gain from pickups for most weapons
  • Increased chance to get passive items as a reward for clearing a room
  • Bug fixes and some other minor stuff

I wanted to have an enemy that has different movement and attack patterns to inject some variability in the game, because most of the existing enemies would just rush at you and hurl projectiles/do melee attacks. As for the visual design, I knew I wanted to have beholder-like enemy right from the start and I thought that I could use them right now as a kind of disruption to player's movement :) 

Thank you so much! It's still work in progress but it's very nice to hear something like this.

Was it you who messaged me on twitter? I think there is some problem with Unity on Mac's Parallels, I need to look into it.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

I hear you. The fact is that the game is still unbalanced as hell and I have a lot of tweaking to do as far as the difficulty goes. I will try to address some of these issues in the next update. Thanks for the kind words though!

At last, the proper weapons are here! 12 tools of death and destruction are at your disposal, ranging from rapid machine guns, deadly crossbows to powerful cannons and even some otherworldly artifacts here and there. 

---> 12 weapons to blast and shoot your way through the hordes of unholy. Each of those comes, of course, with its' own perk tree

---> 3 new usables

---> 2 new spells 

---> 3 new passive items

---> 1 brand new enemy

---> new elite variants for existing enemies

---> revamped blood effects for this much coveted game feel

---> many graphical updates

I actually had problems with this very thing before and I thought it has been resolved. Thanks a lot!

Actually I was meant to ask you to elaborate on the bug, but I noticed I haven't. Could you?

That's probably the greatest message I've ever received, thank you man. Sorry about the bug, though :/

Thanks a lot for the comment, really appreciate this. I'll go from top to bottom. 

  •  different primary weapons that you can unlock or find for variety; not sure if this is already in the game, I'm bad and died several times on level 2

 Different primary weapons is exactly what will be in the next update, not only ranged, but melee as well

  • it's hard to pick up items that are on a teleporter unless you're not standing on the teleporter

Yeah. I was meant to fix that and then it got lost in backlog.

  • some type of indicator that you're getting money from killing monsters (I just noticed the coin animation, maybe a sound too?)

Gold is a temporary solution. I mean, I might ultimately use gold as a currency, but for now it's just a placeholder, so I'm not spending time on this :) 

  • auto-pick up mana/health potions, I don't see a reason that you need to click a button to pick them up

Good idea.

  • spells should say how much mana they consume unless that's an intentional design decision

Nah, it's not by design, it's by omission :)

  • the map should have an icon of where you're at on it


  • have those blood particles when shooting monster go out in the direction that you shoot, would look better that what I get for hotfixing carelessly. I was working on the blood particles for the next update, and then when I saw a comment saying I have a nasty bug so I quickly patched it...leaving of course, the half-baked new feature in. I've uploaded the new version now :)

Thanks a lot for the message. The fix has been uploaded, I encourage you to give it a try :)

(1 edit)

I've just noticed your submission, I know that game! I played it like a month ago or so, gonna try again soon.

Hey, thanks a lot for this comment. I've quickly identified the bug and uploaded the fixed version, so now If you like you can have a go at it again :)

As for the camera, you can turn off the screen shake completely in the main menu. Cheers!

Thanks man!
Decent base was all that I was looking for with this prototype, I've already made 20+ tickets based on the impressions from this so yeah, all things you've mentioned are to be fixed. I think the next build will show the direction I want to take to distinguish it from, for example Gungeon :) 
Your games looks awesome, I''ll try it today!

Holy crap, I can't believe you've made the 1-hour long gameplay of my prototype :) Going to watch now, cheers!

Hey man!
So for the minimap I guess you mean that the player should see a small UI window with the map in a corner?

Hey man, thanks for the feedback!
Yeah, the breakable environment is one of the things that come up quite a lot, just not implemented yet :)
The skills are used by RMB, the 1-4 is just for choosing the one that you want to use, like weapons in FPS :) 
You can see the key binding in pause menu.
The maps are procedurally generated, but there will be more variants in the future.

Holy crap, thanks a lot for the feedback!. I'm really glad that you can see the potential, cause that's basically all that this demo is - looking for a potential game that's buried within :)

Yeah, I haven't take gamepad into consideration yet, the `twin-stick shooter` tag was more about the genre than input specification :)
The screen shake can be disabled in the main menu. As for the score - yeah...I was made aware by someone already :)

Can't blame you for that. The menus and UI are kind of troublesome right now.

Thanks, man!
You can disable screen shake in game options in the main menu:)
The main menu was basically unchanged from the very beginning, so the code sucks balls, I give you that. :)

(1 edit)

Oh, and also I 100% intend to have predictable projectiles. Didn't have time to implement yet, though. Thanks, buddy.

Thanks for the feedback.
Yeah it agree that it feels generic right now. For this release I was really more trying to land on a combat model that is satisfying enough. After this release and after I finish the refactor I intend to focus solely on design aspect, because I have a lot of ideas in store that would help to distinguish this game from others. Small steps I guess :)

Thanks a lot man! Lot of great feedback, I appreciate a lot :)