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Pearl Fire

A member registered Aug 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for stopping by to take a listen!!

Here's mine if you have some time to listen <3

Thank you!!  I'm glad you enjoyed listening to it.

Ah thank you so much!! That one I was singing through Ovox as one of my instruments so maybe that's the one you're thinking of!

Thank you so much for the feedback I appreciate it!!

Oh my goodness thank you so much!!

Thank you!!

Thank you I appreciate your feedback!!

(1 edit)

Ahh thank you so much!!  That is so kind of you I also have a lot to learn as well though. It never stops haha.

Ahh thank you so much! I haven't played Minecraft in awhile, but I can totally see the similar vibes.

 Thank you so much!! 

I really love how your melodies layer and weave between each other especially in Step Inside (Prologue) and I'll Miss You (Epilogue). A beautiful listening experience!

I love the glockenspiels and horns in these tracks! Makes me think a whimsical adventure is happening. Awesome work!

These are a very lovely set of songs! Soft and full of that wonder you have as a kid. Well done!

Thank you so much for the feedback!!