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A member registered Dec 25, 2019

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this game needs an epilepsy warning... god my eyes are getting cataracts from all the flashing...

how... just how? make guide please? i really want to know!

pfft, ironic... then again i also struggled to type intelligence properly more times than i care to admit when i was making my original comment.. anyways functions first before interaction. if i had a job, i'd pay  for patreon and discuss and help out with making this game come into full fruition. but i'll say what i can from here.

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i found out that if you open and close the player menu while she's giving birth she won't be locked in place and you can slide around as she's giving birth...  you can even jump and walk out/into doors... it's not even that hard to pull off and it's weird/funny to look at. Edit: also there's a small animation glitch where if you barely make it onto a higher platform (as in you jump just high enough to slide onto it perfectly<not really perfectly> ) her sprite stays in jumping/falling animation. it doesn't get me stuck or anything, it's like the game doesn't realize she's supposed to be in her grounded sprite. it quickly ends though because all it takes for it to end is for her to fall onto a ground in anyway at all and it's back to normal.

zombies, or bandits.... pretty much goblins but just bigger, bandits would be faster than goblins while zombies are slower, also at least when i'm jerking off to her getting raped and giving birth i won't have to relate myself to a tiny green gremlin with the intelligence of an aggressive toddler...  also because bandits are humans, our fighting style is more discrete because even in medieval time people are smart enough to know "if people can't see what you're doing, they can't react" so their charge animation would be that they slide their knife behind in a way that from the player's perspective we can't see the knife then jab forwards. from an outsider's point of view it'll look like just like any other attack wind up but it's a subtle detail to show the difference in intelligence. 

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i'll put this in layman's terms. what he means is SAVE FUNCTION IS NOT WORKING. not transfer of save files. he just wants to save but the game isn't saving the gamestate. and yes i'm having the same problem, why game no save?