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A member registered Aug 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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that has been fixed check the new update dev log

Rest assured that I've got you covered. An options menu will be added in the future update to address the sound issue, and I'm working on updating the keyblade this week. So, sit tight and stay tuned for more updates!

You could also just make an options menu at the title screen that swaps it to friendly seizure mode, like accessibility options. 

I did struggle a bit with firing even after getting the hang of the controls. But I was so invested in the game that I couldn't stop playing. Nario always gives me a bit of a scare, but I managed to beat the game after a few attempts. It was pretty challenging but totally worth it!

Hey there! I just wanted to share my thoughts on the game with you. I really enjoy the dribble mechanic as it adds an exciting multitasking element to the left and right movement. However, I was hoping that the left and right movement could be a bit faster. The controls could also be more reactive, which would make it easier to maneuver around some of the people in the game. Thanks for listening!

I recently came across a captivating game that has a portal theme to it. The game is quite interesting and enjoyable to play. While exploring the game, I noticed a picture of a character that seemed familiar to me. I wonder if I could find out who the character is?

I don't understand the point of the uppies game. It appears to me that you can move around randomly instead of following a particular order. Although, I found the varied patterns of bombs and obstacles quite intriguing. What are your thoughts on this?

It's a fun game that reminded me of Just Shapes and Beats. However, I couldn't start the Seizure Friendly version, and it's impossible to know which part of the game you're at unless you try the number out of 26. Additionally, I think it would be fair to credit the other two people who worked on the game on the page.

The health concept linked to having to stay still is interesting, but it doesn't fit well with the puzzle elements. It earns a score of 1 out of 5. Moving constantly while solving puzzles can feel like a chore and detracts from the gameplay experience, resulting in a score of 2 out of 5. The initial puzzle is disappointingly simple, scoring only 2 out of 5. It would have been more satisfying to see more use of the block, button, and door mechanics, which earned a score of 3 out of 5. Despite the cohesive color palette, the visuals feel underwhelming because there is barely any character animation, resulting in a score of 2 out of 5.

Thanks I'll work on a fix


ok so i have a build file made just like yours try and download mine again please and see if it will run

unable to play it i clicked the application in the zip folder and it wont runcan you also do an html build 

Sometimes it's better to take a break and come back to it

More Worlds are in the works as i make them ill be updating between classes as i have free time 

Your download doesn't work its missing the .exe file in the zip folder.
also you dont have it available to play on the browser page. so fix and re-upload so others can play it thank you

So once the game is done how do i upload it to the site?

Its coming from unreal engine so im guessing i just click export and then upload or do i have to upload the whole zip file for the project?

so i can use unreal engine 5?