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A member registered Aug 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nicely executed. Love the art and colors. It's nice to see something that isnt pixel art for a change.

Very cool concept. Music was fun and set a good mood. I thought all the assets were good individually but didn't relate too each other. The bubble transition effect in particular.

Pretty cute and fun. Really great use of lighting and alpha.

Yep. Completely fine after I turned off the default AdBlock in Brave. (Also probably my fault for using a less popular browser.)

Very fun and hilarious. The audio was a real show stealer.

Small note, my adblocker kept the game from loading in the browser for some reason. Havent had this issue with other Unity Web GL games

Really great visuals. Sound and visuals felt super responsive. Especially the camera shake.

Good use of limited colors. Controls were a little uncomfortable. There is also a bug where if you hit the restart button while trying to move the game can lock up.

Wow. Visuals and sound were amazing. Love the art style. The colored outlines as a way of differentiating enemies looks really clean.

Interesting tie to the theme. Simple but very fun and cute.

Again, sound was very good. Makes me want to check out Chiptone as it's listed in the software used.

Congrats on your first game!

Music was really phenomenal. It blows my mind what AI can achieve these days.

Not sure if this was part of your implementation of the limitation but the lack of a restart button  made it difficult to enjoy if you make the wrong choice early on. Due to the way itch works I had to open another browser.

Additionally some expository dialogue where you can't make the wrong choice could help set a mood. Going straight into the letter with it's stylized writing made me wonder if it was the character who was struggling with English or the creator of the game.

Again, welcome to game dev and I hope you stick with it!

Every piece of this is cuter than the last. Music was super fun and I liked the subtle animations to indicate the limited moves. Always enjoy an integrated tutorial but the the part where it teaches you to restart took me a minute to understand.

Really well done!

Cool idea and very fun but much too hard in my opinion. I found myself running in to obstacles with no time to check my ability to turn.

Very cool to have audio settings and the music and sfx were very nice. However I found the leveling of the sfx with the music to be off and the sfx took me by surprise.

UI was gorgeous. Great use of color. Very creative tutorial.

Really enjoyed the colors. Smoke animation looks great. The song is a great start (I kept waiting for a lofi drum  loop to kick in).

Very clean.  Achieved what it set out to do.