Hello, we are searching for a few additional teammates for this game jam! If you are free to help for the 3 days, you will surely be useful. (all levels of quality welcome)... Currently, we have a Developer and an assisting artist.
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I don't really get this game... You need to expand but it appends once each 5min with something that one shot another tile. And how do we use troops? It seemed like a good game but I don't know how to play it. Maybe making it a little bit easier by increasing the item spawn rate will help it.
All in all a cool concept but a too game way too hard.
Hi! I'm a French Ue4 (or 5 eheh) programmer and I know blender very well. We are 3 currently in our "team" with other people creating the story and some concept art and the last one creating assets and programming too. Do you have a discord? If yes mine is pielloy#7989. It will be easier to communicate with this.
Hi! I'm a Unity and UE4 developer and I'm searching for an artist who wants to try with me a technology called procedural animations. I've always wanted to try to make something with this on a character or on mobs. If someone knows how to use blender or something similar and is interested my discord is: pielloy#7989
Hi! I have a lot's to say of this game:
I love:
- The art, it's some very good one and the bosses are impressive.
- The music is very good too.
- I liked the parry mechanic.
But there were some frustrating things:
- Each time the player dies he must play the tutorial again.
- When you shoot you can't move in diagonals? (It was surely a bug).
- And maybe a save between bosses?
- And also put a cover or a screenshot of your game in itch.io.
But all in all, I liked it! Good job!