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A member registered Sep 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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Critique totalement objective / 20

Really cool game, mechanics are interesting and fun to use!

fun game ! the fact that gun shots go through enemy made it a little complicated, but was really fun to play :)

cool game ! the twins sisters were really creepy xD

Thanks for your report ! 

You're right about the fact the we better use a browser based next time, but this one couldn't fit such implementation because of the need for notepad and file access, thus we limited the game to windows experience. 

But we did speak about that, and we know we should do a brower game next time.

Anyway thanks for your try on our game !

Cool game ! Liked the fact you used Pico 8 to build it :)

Everything in your game is really cool ! GG for your work man!

Cool game here ! :)

Fun take on the infiltration genre ! xD

Nice game ! I found it a little bit hard at first to spot the lying AI, but overall had a great time playing your game :)

Sure thing ! 

This game is really cool ! Everything in it is well done !

Wow that game is awesome !

The game looks really cute ! :D Liked the way you animated the enemy ^^

Nice plateformer mechanic integration.

Nice graphics!

The music was stressing me out xD Felt like a monster could rush to me anytime xD

It is a really great idea to make the player leave footsteps behind him so we can know where we already have been!

How did you deviné that I am français? xD

Really cool game ! 

nice idea with the sunglasses !

cool game ! 

Fun game ! :)

Really liked the "receiving item" menu interaction. And the bunny was really cute!

A bit a hard, but really cool visual and audio  !

That's a great game ! Loved the humour in it (spécial dédicace à Hank Ulay). 

I just add a little difficulty at the start of the game to understand that I could actually drag and drop the files... But wad a great test anyway !

LoL this was a fun take on the theme xD

Really liked how the music is chill but you have to dodge evil cars.

Your implementation of camera movement is cool!

Nice game, liked the idea. To me it was just lacking some audio.

Your game is really cool ! Really felt like an old style game.

Nice visual polish and narrator voice ;)

Really cool idea ! 

Liked it ! A bit hard from time to time, but still enjoyable. 

And I love the way you animated the bird xD

Really cool game ! Love the sound design and music :)

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Really good  ooking game !

Really liked the fact that you put a game in the game ! :D

(1 edit)

Those blocks appear when you tried putting too much blocks in the scene. 

You have a little counter under your life bar, and if you put too much blocks in the stage, the counter will turn red. When it is in this state, random block will become "ghost-blocks" which you will fall through ! 

Use the limited block quantity per level to prevent the glitchy blocks from appearing ;)

Thanks for your test ! There is a high chance we publish a new version of the game after the jam is over, with improvment and new level, so keep in touch ;)

Hey ! Thanks for the review. Can you be more specific on "it works not pretty well" please? :D

Thanks for your test ! There is a high chance we add new level to the game in the future, so keep updated ;)