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A member registered Apr 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Only realised that they would be useful after submitting.


Thank you for your in-depth reply. You brought up a lot of valid points, and I'll see what I can improve the next time round.

Thanks for spending the time playing, and replying, I really appreciate it! :)

(1 edit)

Sorry that it took me like 21 hours to get around to looking and rating your game, just had a super busy day.

I really loved your concept. Its super creative and the use of a console as the main input method is lovely to see. The music, with the office staff talking/phones ringing sets a nice atmosphere. I really loved your game. 

Even though basically everything was really good, there are a couple of small suggestions that I have. Its super hard, and only having slightly more than a minute is challenging at best. You don't want people who just started playing to try and memorize all the body parts on the first level. Maybe easing up on the tie limit could pull the stress of off the player and create a more enjoyable experience.

Apart from that, you have made a great game! Its truly create, the humor is on point and I loved it! Congrats! :)

Super cool game and super creative idea! I think that the overall game design is great, and the use of a console is awesome to see. Its defiantly challenging, but I'm sure that once you learn all of the body part's codes, you should breeze right through. I seemed to have the same problem as a lot of people, were I didn't realize that you had to enter 2 letters for the body parts, but it was all good when I figured it out.

Apart from that, I think that your game was a blast. Its super creative, and rather funny. Though the art is a bit rough around the edges. Nether the less, you have made a great game, so Congrats! :)

This was a blast to play, I feel like everything was fleshed out nicely, and the way time slows down when you are about to hit someone is a super cool feature. My only criticism is that its very hard to distinguish the CPU and player apart, because they look alike. My suggestion would be to change the color of either the Player or the CPU. This would help alike.

Apart form that, I thought your game was really good and I really loved your art style! Congrats! :) 

This was a blast. I really loved your art styles and the overall mechanics seem to be worked out. And I loved the fact that the game slowed down when you where about to punch the other guy. The only criticism that I have, is that both the CPU and Player look alike, which means I got confused as to where I was write often. Just changing the color of the player/CPU to blue or something, could really help.

Apart from that, you have an awesome game! Congrats! :)

Don't fret. I'm still trying to work my way around it and I've found the best way to do it seems to be trial and error. Well, I hope you did well in your assessments, and I hope you do well in the Jam too! :)

This game was sooooo CUTE! It is a super fun arcade type game, I really enjoyed. The music was a as fitting as you could get. The gameplay loop is fun and gets you hooked quite quickly, However, the game doesn't feel that spicy. I would suggest adding a couple of particles when killing the enemies, and maybe having the difficulty increase over time. Apart from that, I thought that you game was a blast! Congrats! :)

I want to get all of the negatives out of the way first. The time between hurricanes is way too little and the fact that there isn't any indication which ways North/East/South/West is very confusion at first.

Apart from those 2 biggest complaints, I think that you had a very interesting idea, and given enough time, you could probably create an amazing game. 

That said, the atmosphere that your game creates is perfect for the situation that your in. The fact that there isn't any music and just a bunch of alarms makes you feel isolated, the calm before the storm, then waiting through the storm itself. I think that you have a really intresting project here. Congrats! :)

I really liked the idea, but the way you implemented feels a bit off. There isn't enough time to prepare for the hurricane, and there should really be some sort of indication which ways what.  

Now that I'm done talking about the negatives. I think the atmosphere this game created was really good. The fact that there wasn't any music and just some warning alarms creates an atmosphere where you feel alone, waiting out a storm.

Given enough time, I'm sure that you'll be able to polish the game and improve upon it. :)

This was an amazing game with striking visuals. I loved the physics background and the basically the entire game. 

My only suggestion is that it would be a lot easier if you either change the way you shoot with the bazooka(instead of having to look in the direction that you want to shoot, you can just shoot in any direction), or you can change the level design so that there aren't areas where you have to shoot directly above or below you.

Apart from that, I think you have a crazy good game! Congrats! :)

Who would have thought that a cod could use a bazooka. In all seriousness, this is a super fun game. The graphics are just stunning. It looks amazing. The psychics is so cool, just the fact that you can see the impact of you bazooka adds a wonderful element. 

Although it was a stunning game, there a few suggestions that I have - 

I think that it would be much more impactful if the Bazooka had some recoil. The way that you shoot, having to look in a certain direction, is slightly annoying. If you don't want to change it, then I would suggest changing the level design so that there aren't as many sections where you have to shoot up/down.

Apart from all of that. I think its still great! The visuals are probably the most striking part of the game. I loved it! :)

Don't worry about it. Everyone start somewhere. I really enjoyed it and I think you did an amazing job. Keep creating games! :

You can pan around with WASD

This is one of the most original games that I've come across during this jam. Its not your conventional platformer or bullet hell. The visuals are stunning, the post processing/bloom really makes everything pop. 

My only complaint is that I really struggle to make the colors. This might just be me, because I don't always have the best vision. 

Never the less. You have a really solid game! :)

This was really unique! Its not your normal platformer, or bullet hell. I think taking a concept like colors, and creating a game around it is super creative! Everything was spicy and fun, the sound effect for the water boiling is brilliant.

However. I feel like sometimes it VERY hard to get an appropriate color. Multiple times I had to just add a bit of blue, and if you have multiple of these colors that are just slightly of, it gest unreasonably challenging.

Apart from all of that. Everything else was amazingly done. The visuals were vibrant and amazing, that sound, and the gameplay. Really well done. Congrats! :)

I really enjoyed your game. I don't mind a good precision/skill based platformer and your game is a great example of things to do, and, unfortunately, things not to do. 

I believe that a skill based platformer should be skill based, but the meteors feel very luck based. 

Apart from that. You have a great game! :)

This was one challenging platformer. I really enjoyed it. Gave me celeste vibes. The art was nice and vibrant, I could easily tell the difference between things that I should an shouldn't touch and the music was nice. 

However. I feel like its very lucked base, for a skill based platformer, it feels as if you require a lot of luck for the meteors to fall correctly.

Apart from that, you have a nice and fun game, the difficulty might be a bit hard, but that's what makes a skill based game, skill based. Well done! :)

Thanks for your feedback. I'm not all that great with UI and its features, but I'll try and improve them next time round. :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for letting me know of some of the things that I could improve. If I make another factory game, I'll look into making the convayer belts drawable. Either way, thanks for taking the time to play my game! :)

Thanks for taking the time to play my game. 

I've had a look at yours, and really enjoyed it. I love Top Down shooters in general, so yours was a blast to play! :)

Thanks for letting me now, I've figured out the cause and  will upload a patched version when the jam is over. And I'm super glad that you enjoyed it! :)

Don't worry, I'm also quite terrible at these type of games, so I have no idea why I made a factory management game. Either way, thanks for checking out my game. Really appreciate it! :)

Thanks for trying out my game!

Yeah, unfortunately the dialogue glitches out. I figured out how to fix it, so I'll upload the new version when the jam ends.

For your second jam, this is unbelievable. Its crazy good. The gameplay felt good. It wasn't too hard. There's replay value. There isn't even any big things that I could suggest. 

All that aside, my main problem isn't with the game, its with the downloadable .rar file. To be able to extract and play the game, I had to look all over the internet to figure our how to extract it. Ignoring that, the only suggestion that I have is adding some more particles/effects. I think that would add a lot more impact when you shoot/blow up boxes.

All in all. You have a great game. Really well done! :)

This was exceptional. I mean really. Well done. And voice acting? you went above and beyond! I don't have any complaints for the game, you've done a great job. However, the .rar downloadable file isn't easy to extract. I had to search the internet to find something to extract it for me. The gameplay itself was satisfying and super fun, though I would have loved if you added some more particles. shooting/throwing/blowing up boxes didn't feel that impactful. 

Never the less. I think your game is super polished and a job well done. Seriously. Well done! :)

Super cool game. O really enjoyed it, I think the music is great and the visuals are stunning. Its not everyday that you find a 3d jam game that looks good. 

Even though it was super fun, I felt like the player was a bit short, and that there should've been a crosshair or something to see where you're going to shoot. 

Apart from that. It was fun. Believe me. I think that you've made a great game. Well done! :)

This was unexpectedly good, in a good w ay. The Graphics were really good. I loved the game and there's a lot of replay value. 

I just have couple of small suggestions - 

This might be a me thing, but the player feels very short and the shooting feels off. I suggest adding a crosshair and adding more particles effects.

Apart from that. You have a super fun game.  Super replayable and the music is. Congrats on your game! :)

I don't think I've run into a game like yours in quit e some time. I really enjoyed the minimalistic visuals and the difficulty curve. Overall its a great game.

My only complaints are - It doesn't feel that juicy when killing the zombies, adding a couple of particles could really spice it up. 

Never the less. Well done. The game its self is fun and the replay value is great! Congrats! :)

I really Loved your game! And the simple visuals where wonderful! And the difficulty was on point!

My only suggestion would be cleaning up the UI a bit. It feels somewhat out of place with all that over visuals. And maybe adding more juice would spice it up a bit. Particles or sound effects.

Apart from that, you made an amazing game. There's a lot of replay value. And I really enjoyed it! Congrats! :)

Great Game! I really enjoyed it, but it got stale after about 2 rounds. I would suggest making the cart less controllable could help make the game more chaotic, and replay able because you are trying to master the controls.

How ever, the music was fitting, and the first round was enjoyable. Congrats! :)

First of all - the music was nice and upbeat. It feels like you have full control over the cart, which is normally a good thing, but with this type of game, I think it would be super fun/chaotic if you slipped and slid it all over the place. 

One thing I really appreciated is that it you had a webGL build. Thanks!

Overall the game was great for about the first 2 rounds, then it got stale. Never the less, for a jam, you did a great job. Congrats! :)

What a blast, your game is truly stunning, and I just loved the hand drawn aesthetic. It added a wonderful 'vibe' to the game. 

I would just suggest  adding some sort of difficulty slider, because I really struggled with the game, but that might be because I'm normally quite bad at games. 

Nether the less, for a game made in 7 days, well done. Even though it was hard, I really enjoyed it. Congrats! :)

'This is so cool' - says my brother. I bit of context, my brother is SUPER picky on what he likes to play, and as soon as he saw me playing this, he jumped at the occasion the play it. And my opinion doesn't differ much from his. 

It was a super fun game to play. And the art was incredible. I loved the hand drawn art, it added a wonderful vibe to the game.

I just have a one main complaint, the difficulty is extremely challenging, it might just be that I suck at video games. I would suggest maybe adding a bit of difficulty for those that struggle with the game a bit.

But, nether the less. For a game created in 7 days, its super fun. I might have struggled a bit, but it was fun. And that's more important. Congrats! :)

Super cool game! I really enjoyed it, the difficulty curve felt reasonable , which I found isn't easy to do. Either way, I managed to beat the final boss and switch of all of the crossbows. The movement actually felt good. I wasn't slipping and sliding all over the place.

My only suggestion is that next time try using a tilemap, it'll allow you to build levels easier and it'll make sure there aren't any 'seems' between the tiles.

Other all, you made a super fun game! Congrats! :)

This, this was fun. You had a good difficulty curve, at least in my experience. The final boss was hard, but with enough trail and error I was able to beat him. This game really reminded me of celeste. Over all I think you did a great job!

Just a small suggestion, try using a tilemap next time, it will make all the tiles connect nicely without any seems.

Apart from that, great game and super fun! Congrats! :)

To put it simply I loved your game. I love top down shooters in general, and I believe that yours was truly incredible, very polished and well done.

There's just one main issue that I have - you shouldn't have to continuously press a button down to look ahead.

Apart from that, you made a stunning game, congrats! :)

I believe I've stated it before, but I love top down shooters. And this is a GREAT top down shooter. I loved it, to put it simply. It was amazing. 

However, even though I think it was great, there are 2 issues that I have with it -

One - I would suggest that you can always look ahead where the mouse is pointed to, instead of having to hold down a button

Two - I loved the the slow mo ability, but I think that it you shouldn't be able to have it on for an indefinite amount of time.

Apart from this, your game was a blast. Congrats on making such a polished game! :)

I don't think that I've ever seen such a unique game mechanic before. That added with the nice upbeat music(especially when falling down  a well), really creates a nice atmosphere. 

Biggest problem though, is the movement itself. It feels off, and hard to say how far you'll go. I would suggest adding a breath meter to see you much oxygen you've breathed in.

I believe that if you make some tweaks and adjustments, you could have an amazing game! Nether the les, congrats on your game! :)