Looked good and played smooth. The camera was a little fast for my taste but worked fine. Environments were nice too as was the character movement. I got turned around a couple times but the level layout stopped me from wandering the wrong way for too long. Nice job!
A member registered May 07, 2024 · View creator page →
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Speed is good and bad in an Elevator am I right?
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A fire can take as little as 180 seconds to fully engulf a room. Can you rescue the victims before it's too late?
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Interesting layout. Needs more player feedback. Such as the large stones moving sounds and more indication of what the switch I hit did exactly. Last, I was getting a ton of flicker from the lighting. My guess is that the Attenuation Radius needs adjustment. Shows some promise and movement was good.
Card Game Combat - RPG Maker MV/MZ Plugin community · Created a new topic Compatible with Smile GameBuilder?
These houses are Pixels. They are not blurry and JPEG'd. Just remember to set your art program to Nearest Neighbor if enlarging. That way they stay pixel. Otherwise, Photoshop, for example will automatically reprocess using blur to smooth the pixels when enlarging.
Nice art. Love it. I'm using in our GameJam!