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Pixel Sunflower

A member registered Jul 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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thank you for playing! I really wish I knew the direction I was gonna go with the game haha

Thank you for the kind words. I was hoping I could add more animations, sounds, and do more than just the bare minimum. But I'm glad you liked it :)

Thank you for playing! I understand that the game can be really random, due to the way I coded the game. But apparently, with some luck and hand management, one of my friends reached floor 48  xD I can't pass 36

It's alright! It was a game jam after all. 
As for controls, I think it depends on the person. I used to play a lot of Megaman X on emulator on the PC so the ZXC control scheme is quite easy to grasp, I just wish there was an option to rebind the keys. For me, jumping with X and attacking with C feels simpler, because jump attacks will be more intuitive.

Well done! I love the cute pixel art you did for this game. But it was quite difficult for me to try and understand the mechanics of the rope as I couldn't get through a lot of the level. I think for a skill-based platformer like this, the rope shooting mechanic needs to be more reliable and precise, though I'm unsure how to improve this. Great job though! 

Thank you so much for playing, I'm glad you liked it!

Since there's no tutorials it can be confusing as to when cards are replaced or not haha, sorry for that. 

Lovely little game. The best thing about it is the tight controls, and fluid motions. I enjoyed it as the combat is fast-paced. 

Though, I understand the game was supposed to be hard, but I think better enemy telegraphs would make the boss a little less unpredictable. For example, I can't really tell the difference between a pull attack and a normal chain attack, and that leaves very little room for reaction, because you'd need to react halfway through the animation. 

Overall, very solid game, much like an old Megaman boss fight, only the boss is on steroids and hit way faster haha. A job well done! congrats!

Thank you for playing! Thanks to your feedback I adjusted the UI element sizes and updated with minor bug fixes. I'm glad you enjoyed the game! :)

Thank you for playing! I find that often you'll land at around floor 9 or 10 but you'll definitely die from the lack of cards haha.

I enjoyed this little game, you should maybe work on it more ;) 

thank you for playing and leaving such detailed feedback!

Unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to add any sound effects, it would have been nice. And yes there is a little cooldown on the tractor beam. Thanks for the feedback, I’ll be sure to pay attention to that next time. 

Lovely art, animations and sound design! Really enjoyed playing through this one! Though I think it would handle better if the shooting could be aimed with the cursor maybe, I think it would be more fluid! Or maybe I suck at the controls haha. Well done for a 72hour jam !

Thank you for playing! I am glad you enjoyed the game!

Thank you for playing! though I didn't think of coop when designing the game, now that I think about it, it's probably fun too! Thank you for the feed back!

Lovely little game, it starts out slow but once you got more beam strength, watching all the fish getting beamed up is really satisfying. Great job! 

First of all, the game looks awesome with the post-processing! I found the enemy AI to be quite smart too, and they often crash into each other, making me feel like I made a sick dodge lol. However, the torpedoes swarm quite a lot and it's hard to tell where they're coming from because it's a little zoomed in.  Lovely little game!

Thank you for playing :) and also suggested something that is useful. I’ll definitely look into a save/load functionality for the game.

oh no that green candy xD I admit that I didn’t implement any end game balance, the rate of which the price is increased by doesn’t change at all, it stays constant, which was also rather apparent with the higher cost candies after a longer play session. Thank you for leaving a feedback, I’ll be sure to look into how to balance this :)

yes I really should’ve added sounds but there isn’t enough time for me. Some nice clicking sounds and calm music seems to be the best combination haha. Thanks for playing my game :)

Thank you for the feedback! Glad that you enjoyed my game! 

If it was a little frustrating it's probably because of the size of the spikes, as well as my platformer level design isn't good yet. But thanks for pointing that out! :)

Thank you for playing and the feedback! My friends told me the spikes were too big so I think that could be toned down a bit.

Thank you for playing the game and for the feedback! I originally did not know how to do a movement script so I only put together a rather simple one, so there aren't much controls, but I will continue to learn how to improve it gradually. :)

Thank you for the feedback!

I also thought the edge drop level is stupid due to the fact that you had to be very precise to land safely! I will fix that asap. Thank you for playing my game! :)

then I'm looking forward to playing the new and improved versions to come!

Really like your game! This jam I also wanted to try to make a simple minimalistic 2D game with the same style of this game, but I failed and mine looked horrible haha. Your game looks awesome!

I like how the scene transitions are simple and nice, also the shooting feels good and impactful! Though the movement is a little floaty but it's just my preference to have tight 2D movement. This type of movement works with your game well, I think. Great job!

Lovely game! I really like the sound design and the music, which accompanies the game well!

Though I think the game looks a little blank at the moment, some UI elements  (such as the number of remaining enemies), or later on even gun upgrades can be even more fun! Thanks for making a nice game! very well done.

I love the way the game looks and feels, it's difficult but really fun!

I think that there can be some more tweaks to the UI to make it easier to see. For example when I focus too much on the bubbles, I couldn't see the health bar or the difficulty bar very well, which leads to some embarrassing deaths! 

Overall awesome game! nicely done!

I think I might have fixed it, will you take a look? I Zipped the file. 

I'm so sorry because I do not have experience in working with MacOS files :(

I am so sorry ; - ; I just uploaded a MacOS build

Awesome game! very nicely done! 

I think the movement seems a little too floaty for a tight platformer like this, and sometimes I get stuck on an edge of a block. And the game looks a little too dark, though I don't know if it's just my screen setting or not. Overall a great idea and concept! would love to see more if you decide to work on it more.

Thank you!

I really like the art style and music. Though some jumps feel kinda impossible unless you time it perfectly. Might I suggest having the jump command only execute as the button is pressed down, not when it is held, I think it would make the platforming of the game much more controllable for the tight platforming and difficult platforming style you're going for.

Great job!

I love the simple sound design of the game! I think there is something that I would wanna change is this: due to my large screen size, having to hover all the way to the bottom right of the screen to click the "Check solution" button was something I don't think I wanna do very much. Maybe implement a keyboard button press or move the button closer to the central play area? 

Otherwise, I love this game, 5/5 stars for you!

Thank you for your submission! Lovely game, I really like the tone as well as the monochrome aesthetics!  nicely done!