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Thank you so much, I do agree with you and wished I spent some more time play testing longer games.

Thank you for the feedback. When I got the game uploaded and I rechecked that I seen that as well and I should have made the duck's speed faster. Have a wonderful day.

Thank you so much for taking the time to come back to this I really appreciate it.

This is a good game but the portal stop working for whatever reason. Besides from that it was a wonderful game.

No game.

Your game is shown bellow your message so you don't have to put the link.

I love the game and think it looks good and sounds good. I could not get  the swinging down for the life of me but that is more because of me.

Loved the game and I thought that it was wonderful. It looked grate and work well. The only thing is I would add a cpu because it is such a good game and I wish I could play it like it was meant to be. With that said I understand that adding a CPU can be very difficult. Wonderful job.

The embedded game was way to big and I had to scroll to get it to Fullscreen to make it work. The Carma at the start was to slow for me. But I love  the art (remined me of riddle school) and the music. The machinates worked well when we got to the sea and I liked that we start on the land than go to the sea, its nice to see the whole story.

The art is good and I love the sounds. Overall not my game but not a bad game.

Its poorly optimize, you can tell that it is unfished. But I don't want to say all bad,  I like the idea and the art. 

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I got to get the bad things out of the way first, the screen size for the itch page did not work for me and I had to resize my screen and could never get it perfect. And the biggest one is I was getting close to maxing everything and my coins went to null, I know why this happens but I could not do anything after. But now with the bad out of the way the good, I loved the sounds and the art of the game. I loved the idea and thought it was fun, I did get close to maxing it out so that must say something, Overall I would say wonderful job. I did see that I said more bad here but I put all of the starts at 4+ so I did think that it was a good game.

At first I did not see the guy but that is all on me. I kina wish that you could hold W because some of the fish are fast and the shark at the end is very hard to get past if you are not spamming. But it is not a bad little game.

Fun little game. I would have tried to make it a little more obveice that e is to interact because not everyone looks in the fine text at the bottom. That is of course only a small thing and I think that the game is a good game. 

Thank you so much. I should have made this more clear in the game, this is my first jam and one of my first games, you are supposed to shoot the trash with space or your mouse and don't let any get though. I apology's for that, but if you do come back to it now you know. Thank you again. 

This was a good game, little repative after a bit. Loved the music, it is to good.

That is weird, I will have to look into that thank you.

Ok that happens(and if nothing else it made me laugh), I will check out the discord because I loved this game and would like to see it grow and get better. Nice job.

Where do I even begin,  this is a wonderful game I love everything about it. First I want to say the only two things that was not like the rest of the game, the jumping felt a little weird at times and the final thing only died in one hit. I laguft when I did that but also it looked so cool and I kinda wanted more. Now for some of the good(there is a lot) I love the art it looks grate, I also love the music it is so good. I love the idea of this and the shooting feels grate. I like everything you did with it, you can stay in the air for a little bit aim it ect. The big boss before the end was a good fight it was the right difficulty and took a few trys but when I learned the patter I could beat it. There is a lot more good things to say but I do not feel like typing them out so good job.

NP, GL with everything. Thank you for making it!

This is not really a game for me. I think that with more time this game could be really good. Also I don't think you can die in the game(I died on the inside when I fell tho).  I also heard no music or sound. good screen size btw I have seen 2 games in a row before this where it is way to big.

I could not find out how to play. I just died from the big fish. But good sound and I like the idea of this game.

I love the music and art of this game. I was a little confuse on how to play at first but when I got there it was fun. Good game.

This game is very good, I love that the music blends in so well and that you did something unique. It is a grate concept. The only thing is that after a bit getting things can be tidies, even with the baby. 

I like the idea, I will say that I think that there may be to much fish but other than that it is very good.

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Thank you so much, also I loved your game.

Thank you.

Thank you, I should have made the ducks speed at least a little faster.

Thank you so much.

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DUCKS, and thank you.

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

(2 edits)

Thank you so much. The person who was making the art did not make that much and I had to come in the end and make some fast art. The duck(not including the water gun), the background, and one of the trash was not made by me. Thank you so much for your feedback, constructive criticisms, and the kind words, have a wonderful day.

That's should be because of the trash hitting you. If not sorry about that. Thank you.

If the trash gose past a point you die. I should have made that more clear, sorry. Thank you for the feebback.

Thank you.

I like the idea of this. I would recommended having checkpoints in the game but it is good a good small game.  

I think this may be the best game of this jam. It has been a long time since I have seen a point and click game and this was very good. I like that it makes sense and after you drown you get hints on what to do next time. Good music good story wonderful art love the creativity.

This was a fun play, I got to the very end and enjoyed it a lot. It is simple and I like what you did with it. I think that you nailed the difficulty of this game down it is just right all the way. 

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Was not able to play, If you make a game like this again I would suggest making a CPU mode.  But it looks like it would be fun.