"Unleash the brazilian power"
I got to play this
you can cleraly see the mother inspiration, truly beutyful, the combat is fun and the moviment leaves nothing to complain, the controls are a bit werid(when was the last time you used j to interact? lol) but that isin't an issue ,10/10 for me, would pay to play an extended and more polished version of this, good job
Thanks and I definitely will, tatical monster collector is an idea that I have been holding for a while, and even if portal critters doesn't go very far, I have tons of concept art and some small tests for 3 other games of that nature but I'm making them alone while I also work on game jams and study for college (I'm doing computer sciences), they are : DWG (about a crazy scientist and wepons dealer that makes dinosaurs to rescue his brother from another dimension because of an experiment gone wrong), beasts of gaia (about a world tour in a world where a meteor with strange properties mutated the animals turning them into monstrous forms of themselves, this one has creatures based on fauna, flora and culture in every continent and galapagos and Hawaii because those arquipelagos are cool) and lof (take the tatical and monster collector idea and mix with don't starve and monster hunter and give literal 50kg of sketchbooks of lore, it's the most ambitious of the bunch), also I encourage ya to try giving a shot to the idea, adding the movement really complements the capture systems, moves and usefulness of the troops, you will be amazed on the things you can and can't "import" from other games like pokemon, fire emblem and jwa, and all that without sacrificing strategic complexity what is the usual reason that people play thease games (as far as I remember everyone that purposes real time combat on pokemon cites the anime, I am not oposed to real time sinse I get is that is more imersive and all of that but I can't play some of them because of the mechanical skill entry bar, strategy games allow me to be challenged despite lacking the time and genetics to time everything right, I can just use my brain and be happy with myself or with my brother of the clever tricks I pull, flutter mane with clam mind + subtitute on pokemon showdown lol ), it's fun to play and to make, if you like the idea and try yourself pls contact me because I will be more than happy to give it a shot (I'm making them because is something that I really want to play but can't find a complete one to play or make my ideas with the time I have), have a exceptional day :b
nice, me and a buddy are on this jam and we also have a beta tester to help, would you be interested in joining us?
you can just leave after this jam or keep on the team for the next one, she is an artist and I am a generalist(music, art, programing, writing lol) but I ain't fast enhough to do everthing so you joining would lift a heavy weight of my shoulder and you will still have a creative say sinse the devs words are the most important when evaluating the little demos we make before sending, just join https://discord.gg/VEJcQ67 and send me or in the interview chanel something to attest if you really are up to task( you don't need to be the very best we are all here to learn afterall lol, but can't also be horible at it, whats the point of having someone making music if we won't use it)
best of luck to ya even if you reject our offer
9/10 sem tutorial mas intuitivo o suficiente para jogar sem um, eu so tive problema com a agua sendo hitkill (meio paia isso dai) e inimigos tanto não dropando nada tanto não conseguindo te perseguir, meio que tira o ponto da mecânica principal ser de combate se o jogo te recompensa por evitar combate, é muito mais fácil liberar o pessoal e sair correndo, é tão fácil de escapar que é idiotice usar as mecânicas do jogo o que em minha opinião é uma falha, mas mesmo sem suas mecânicas principais ainda é exemplar
O jogo tem um final inclusive eu já finalizei 3 vezes, só é difícil, e também tem tudo direitinho para ler durante os leveis, você poderia ter escutado o dragão do mar, desculpa pela má experiência, mas você também não parece ter dado uma chance ao jogo kkkk espero que caso nos encontremos de novo o jogo enviado seja satisfatório
eu sei que vai ganhar
você sabe que vai ganhar
ela na primeira aula sabia que ia ganhar
o único defeito que pude encontrar foi que por não ter uma porta nas saidas com setas, eu fiquei que nem doido tentando sair quando não podia porque tinha inimigos, mas isso é o de menos, o único jogo verdadeiramente 3d da jam e um dos 2 que realmente valem alguma coisa no mercado, é meio chato de fazer uma review pq a capa e screenshots fazem justiça para o que o jogo é
parabéns Hensley pelo trabalho fenomenal como sempre
concordo 100% e uma mecânica de ataque era planejada só que o programador do time (eu) não foi competente o suficiente para implementar a tempo, temos até um inimigo peixe espada que foi cortado tb pela questão do tempo
aq ele
a questão do polvo eu acho que n é nem a hitbox ser grande de mais e sim o fato de não haver animação de dano e você ser muito rápido, pois a hitbox é literalmente menor que o mesmo