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A member registered Aug 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Well, I tried. The game was fun and super intense! I died to my own blade A LOT, and have to sit straight to play. XD

I found it a bit hard to control the direction of the blade,  not sure if the actions're cursor-based will help.

It's been really fun watching you locked in XD followed!!

Higher than me XD, congrats!!

Sure,  also give us the link, we want to see it too!

Glad to hear that you really enjoy the game!

I just fixed the link, thanks for letting me know! here's our Discord

Glad that you love the game! Can I get the link to your stream?

Thank you for your feedback! 

I noticed that too, but I decided to keep the double jump as it gave the much-needed control. To navigate around and drop the block (and jump away) at the precise location. It's quite a difficult decision. The downside of that strat is that you will gain very little score!

2 minutes is pretty high! 

I'm thinking about making the control easier too! Ex. Shift to plant, Space Bar to Harvest.

Thanks for the really good feedback! 

Not letting player see enemies outside the light is quite a tough decision for me, but I decide to go with it as it really amplify the "shadow vs. light" aspect of the game. 

I do agree that sometime it can felt bad being unable to dodge attack when ran out of light. I might try to make the enemy have to charge-up before their attack to give players a small window to quickly react.

I really admired the artwork and animation! There're some level that the player head will hit the ceiling multiple time, also I think character fall down a bit too quick. But nevertheless, I cleared the game!

Thanks Pun!!, want to see you play la

Really snappy control and juicy combat as always!! btw I got stuck in a wall after dashing ;-;

This is super polished! I found myself mostly stomp enemies from the top as it's much more consistent than stabbing. (Sometime I thought I was higher but I still got beated.) btw I love the art, animation and color pallette. I also love the fact that the egg jump up when hitting the lava, clever and funny XD

Opposite to Summer Jam = Winter Jam
That's why we added the snow in the summer beach :D
also, what do you mean by "weird" transition?

Very polished animation & cutscene! Cute & wholesome endings XD

Thank you for the vid!

a game about a magician streamer summoning rabbits from your pocket dimensio-- I means hat! Play now!

I just release a lastest post-jam update with minor polishes, including emoji particle when catching rabbits!

This is our first Ludum Dare entry. It got 31st place overall3rd place in Graphics, and 36th place in Audio! Very happy with our first ludum dare entry. Props to the Earthquack team!

and also, here's devlog! 

I'm sorry to hear that! Since this is one of our earliest games, it might not be for everyone. If you're interested, I encourage you to check out our later games for a potentially better experience. Thank you for giving it a try, and I hope you have a good day!

Thank yee for playing!

Glad that you enjoy the game! and yes, the rabbits and carrats spawn randomly, but the percentage and amount are different in each wave. This is the example of the first 3 waves. (I made a spreadsheet for easier balancing XD)

Thank you! It means a lot to us to know that there's someone believing in us this much. We'll try our best with every game!

Glad that you love the game!

Thanks for checking out the game! You got so many carrots XD


The gameplay is too fast. Maybe it'll be better if you move the bait up to the top.

Great idea! such a sweet game.

Short and sweet! Polished and cute art, love those funny endings XD

(1 edit)

Funny Ending XD

Would be nice with some more audio or visual feedback of each action

Simple and funny, I'd have never thought of it XD

It needs to have TRIGGER WARNING for EXTREMELY LOUD jump scare.

Thank you! :D

(1 edit)

Cool channel 😎 shared in my discord laew na

YEE!! (Thank you!!)

YEE!!! (Thank you!)

YEE!! (The full version is now available to play!)

YEE!! (The full version is now available to play!)

YEE!! (The full version is now available to play!)

YEE!!! (The full version is now available to play!!)

YEE!!! (The full version is now available!! Stream it!!! XDDD)

Thanks for checking out the earlier version. We just want you to know that the full version is now available! :D