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A member registered May 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you playing my game!

My goal is making an old school RPG with simple and easy to understand mechanics so i'm happy to heard that.

regarding the notes this help me a lot with balancing, fixing issues and adjusting the look and feel of the game. Thanks for taking the time to add them

nothing much to add as feedback. the game its awesome and i love it

Hi there! thanks for then feedback it means a lot!

- I really like your no-black-outline style

Thank you, doing pixel art is hard but i'm happy with what i made so far with my limited skills

- In little areas like houses maybe keep the cam locked (think of pokemon)

i already have this but it was doing weird stuff so i disabled for the demo, next DD should be fixed

- I understand the gameboy feel, but maybe the txtbox is too big, but it's fine since it has cohesion with the style of the game

my friends told me the same thing, i will try make it smaller but is gonna be low in my to-do list for now

- Very nice the cameos on portraits description

yeah, i plan on putting in a lot of references to other games. it's fun

- dunno why the save seems a shuriken

thats a place holder since i don't know what to use to reprersente the save point lmao

- I too had the bug where the music won't loop

godot is a bitch and doesn't like looping the music files.

- Dunno if it's already on your notes, but make enemy movement during combat a priority, that static screen is not good

thats in my todo list but is also low on it. i need to get a couple things done before i start working on that

- Since it's so old school maybe don't allow 8way movement? again think of pokemon

thats something i've been considering since it looks a weird sometimes but it makes exploring and running away from enemies a bit annoying

like the concept a lot. rreally fun game.
could use a better explanation fo the basic rules tho... maybe i'm just a brainlet but it took me a while to figure out the basic combat rules

Game is cool.

the art is AMAZING, sound design too
movement feels good and makes the combat really dynamic.

only complain i have is that it gets a bit hard to see whats happening. there is too much going on screen

overall i like it a lot

yeah. I made it a bit easy and quick to level up for testing purposes. Once i start working on balancing and proper progression is going to be better. 

Never missing and always going first is intended since i try to minimize RNG impact in the game. I want fights to feel more like puzzles you have to figure out.

The sound system of the game is in process of being reworked. Part of that is an optipn menu to adjust volume of music and effects.

For the npc hitbox, i think it is just fine like that but i will adjust it a bit more

 Thank you for trying it out and the feedback!

The sound system is in need of a rework currently. Need to add more soind effects and make his use easier. Next demo should be better in that regard

Thats intended.  maybe i should change it to 'nothing?'

The NPCs not returning to their original position is weird, they should, will look into it

Only the one in falltown is walking backwards?  Crazy. Its the same npc scene for every npc, i don't see how he would behave differently

I probably messed up the tilemapmlayer there. Thats a quick fix

The fully healing when leveling up is a good idea and easy to do. Thanks

Thank you for the feedback!

yeah. Spellsword magic (for now) is kinda underwhelming. Only there to use against high DEF enemies.  He will have mostly debuff and buff spells in the future

the archmage flag activating is REALLY weird. I will look into it.

Thanks for the feedback!

Game is awesome
-i was a bit confused at first with the combat system but once i understood how its great.

-music is nice

-enemies are complex and can wreck you if you aren't careful

-i think character design is weird but i like it. 

-story is interersting enough for me to not skip the dialog.

the movement is really hard to control. feels a bit janky even

the balloon noise was awful tho. i was annoyed after a little while

i still kinda like it.  could be a fun little game with a few adjustments to the movement

really charming and fun. movement and attacking feels a bit off but i had a lot of fun

i had fun!
looks nice, movement is smooth and combat is nice. really liked how punchy the main weapon feels

my only gripe would be the music in the boss fights it feels a little dull fo something that should be epic and intense

i was not able to watch the streams sadly. can you tell me which one was playing it?

also the turling+slam combo is a bug the damage calculation is doing something weird there and the damage goes bonkers. i tone it down a bit with a half assed fix for the demo (it was doing like 120-130 damage to the boss before) but didn't really fix the issue

thanks for all the feedback! i'm already working on fixing all those issues

Thanks for all the feedbck! it helps me  lot to improve my game.
-i was initially going for a higher qualty and size for the assets but it was above my current skill of pixel art. i agree the movement feels a bit weird but i am working on improving it and make it feel better
-i saw that AFTER i uploaded. it's just  checkbox so i fixed it alredy
-will look into the animations, it's one of the things i made quickly to get it done for Demo day
-thanks! i already have the code for giving items after defeating an enemy, but it was giving me some troubles when you had a full inventory so i left it out for the demo
-i found the save breaking bug just after uploading the game, i am currently looking how to fix it
-weird. your equipment should be cleaned when you start a new game, it could be related to the archmage bug. my save system is not working properly
-visual effects and feedback when attack or taking damage are in my to-do list. i hope i can get them done for the next demo day. 

Thanks again for trying it out! means a lot to me hearing you enjoyed the game!

lmao. that's weird, it loaded the default data, should have gave you a "no save file found" message or something. thanks for the feedback!

Fun, i found a way to clip trought the walls

really fun game. love the art and gameplay

i like the mechanics. there is nothing much to comment on besides that
good job!

amazing pack! love your work