You got the vip treatment from already, but I am posting links under every demo I played, so here it is:
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Poke ALL Toads's pageComments
I played the test levels.
The game is overloaded with cuteness, a really nice game.
The ease of which levels can be skipped is great for those that do not want a lot of difficulty. I do wonder whether you should additionally add walkthroughs for each level, or hints, or similar - but that may be superfluous.
I have seen most/all these levels on stream months ago, so they were not that difficult for me (they would have been more difficult if I had not seen how to solve them on stream), though still challenging.
For the space levels, could some fairy-themed space objects be relevant? Like some fairy-themed spaceship zipping by far in the background? Or some constellation of a fairy godmother or such? On the other hand, the background should not be too distracting.
A number of the levels depend on the "corner-cases" of the game rules, which might be good.
I could be wrong, but the game feels ready and done.
I wonder if you could get different and possibly more useful feedback from newcomers, like people that have never played or watch a stream of the game and never heard of it.
I feel like I am not giving you useful feedback here, in part since I have played it a long time ago and also have watched streams of at least some of these levels, and it just feels good.
Thanks for playing! Sorry for the late response
The ease of which levels can be skipped is great for those that do not want a lot of difficulty. I do wonder whether you should additionally add walkthroughs for each level, or hints, or similar - but that may be superfluous.
I thought about adding hints, but it would be a ton of work. Maybe in the future.
For the space levels, could some fairy-themed space objects be relevant? Like some fairy-themed spaceship zipping by far in the background? Or some constellation of a fairy godmother or such? On the other hand, the background should not be too distracting.
Yeah the space world is too raw at the moment. I want to add some more flavor to it.
I could be wrong, but the game feels ready and done.
The game feels ready because Im not showing what is missing, which is a lot. Mostly puzzles and polish.
I wonder if you could get different and possibly more useful feedback from newcomers, like people that have never played or watch a stream of the game and never heard of it.
I feel like I am not giving you useful feedback here, in part since I have played it a long time ago and also have watched streams of at least some of these levels, and it just feels good
I think I reached a point of DD where it is difficult to receive feedback. Its ok, I knew this day would come sooner or later. I always apreciate people taking their time to play my game.
I couldn't tell if Zoom x2 pixel perfect was cutting off some of the edge, if you could put some kind of picture frame around the edge of the screen on that screen it would help with that
even at max volume the audio was a bit quiet even compared to other games, I think your base audio files are not normalised to 0db or something?
I had my system to max volume and windows noises were loud and the game was still quiet/dim
I like the graphics and the animations. cool game
Thanks for playing. Sorry for the late response.
I will adjust all the audio, I'm aware of the problems. I tend to listen to music really low, which infected the game accidentally by me playing with the volume sliders.
The zooms are not full screen, so part of the screen will be cut. You have to select the other options to avoid part of the screen getting cut.
You should know the drill, but if it is the first time: there is a whole new world with NEW PUZZLES, but hidden. To unlock that world you have to LOSE the first level. "Try again" must appear on the screen when you lose. Once that happens you will hear the victory music. Go to the map and the new world will be unlocked.
If you want a tip in how to do that: keep poking the gray toad (lots of pokes).
I'm looking for feedback on those levels mostly.
Last two months have been hectic for me and I wasn't able to add a lot of things suggested in last DD. I apologize for that, I will do better next time.
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