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A member registered Jan 07, 2024 · View creator page →

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I fixed the collider problem at outpost 4 and 5 (I was in a very big rush), Ill add a lock system for an update after the judging, thanks for the comment 

Greetings, Sorry you're experiencing problems. the player can pogo by hitting your sword downwards and hitting an enemy/spike, you can pogo the centipedes across. As for any other questions regarding the movement, the controls are written on the page, thank you for commenting and playing. (Here are the controls)


WASD - Movement

Space - Jump

WASD & Click - Directional Sword

WS & Click On Spikes - Pogo

E - Dash

Left Shift & Left Click - Throw Fluid

ZX - Swap Fluid

(Unlockable Controls):

Q  - Place Vine on Nail

Left Shift & Right Click & On Wooden Surface - Places Nail

Space & Falling - Jetpack

Left Shift & Right Click - Spawns Wall

Please play with a smaller monitor..... there is a bug (Crying noises) 

(1 edit)

Warning, You should definitely play on a smaller monitor, There's a UI Bug in which the vignette/names are really small.

Difficulty curve was very balanced, the puzzles were fun and interesting, Great Job!