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Primitive Dev

A member registered Feb 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! I hope to update the game, smooth out the rough edges, and re-release it later this year : )

Thanks! I was going to add other things to make it easier to collect the items like a backpack and vacuum but I didn't have time

I definitely could have added some text to make that more clear. I'll keep that in mind for the future : )

The spheres were just placeholder items. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to replace them with something else. The conveyor belts were super fun to play with. I put a hidden button on the side of the store that would give you money each time you press it incase anyone wanted to build a something crazy with the conveyor belts

I'm glad you enjoyed the experience. I was actually debating not posting it because I lost about a days worth of progress trying to get the apk build to work. I somehow broke the game completely trying to do that. Thankfully I was using GitHub, so I was able to revert back to a previous version.

I'll try it again later today! I was using the Oculus rift CV1.

I wasn't able to take a picture with the camera. Am I missing something?

Thanks for the great feedback!

The visual and sound design is amazing! Great Game!

Thank you for the wonderful comment! It made me genuinely smile :)

I planned on leaving it as is, but if you believe it has potential then maybe I'll come back to it in the near future!

Hahaha, I'm glad it looks scary. Unfortunately the game is very bare bones so it only has creepy audio. The creature doesn't do anything. Didn't have time to make animations.

Found It! And I guess I got what I asked for XD

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I wanted to do that but I didn't put enough hours into the project to get it done :( 

Great Art Style! I couldn't find the key in the game room though.

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Great twist! I love the game within a game idea.

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I love the introduction style and the graphical style!

I love the character animation!

Congrats on Submitting to your first game jam!

Your game is very fun! I can see myself playing this for an hour or so if it had audio and a way to regenerate health.

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Would you be interested in teaming up?

I've been working with Unity for almost a year and a half now. I've participated in 3 game jams. I mostly focus on the VR platform but I also have some experience with regular 3D.

Here is my discord if you are interested:


Note: The discord link on your website doesn't seem to work properly.

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I love pixel art! Add me on discord. I can create a group and we can communicate on there

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Sure, add me on discord. We can communicate on there

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I've participated in 3 game jams so far but never been a part of a team before. I have just over a year of experience working with Unity and coding in C#. Most of my experience is with making VR games, but I some experience with regular 3D and have slim experience with 2D. Feel free to checkout my portfolio:  https://updog97.itch.io/

For this game jam I want to focus one specific aspect of game development (coding, art, music) so I can focus on and improve that specific skill. I have some experience using blender and wouldn't mind focusing on that. I've never tried making music but I wouldn't mind focusing on that.

You can message me here or on discord Updog97#5842

There is always the next game jam! 

Great! I'm glad it worked! Yea, I wasn't able to add much in terms of gameplay. I spent way too much time trying to perfect the color code and the book mechanics. I originally had 3 panes of glass that you had to put together for the code but found that it was tedious to get them to line correctly. I left the 3 panes of glass somewhere in the game as an easter egg.

Yea I was able to beat the game. I tried resetting the view but that didn't fix the floor issue. I didn't try adjusting the floor height. I definitely think having an in-game way to adjust it would make it easier for the player.

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The game had a great atmosphere and amazing visuals. I loved the water effects and the creepy thing above the well. I personally had to restart a few times because the keys disappeared or because they were simply too low on the ground (Bellow my reach because of my physical floor). This also made it hard to unlock my feet and forced me to drop the key in the right spot or drag them to the lock with another object. A positive consequence of this was that it forced me to use other objects to reach the keys while they were on the floor which actually made the game feel more immersive.

Congrats on creating a beautiful game in 3 days!

Thank you for the kind words! Hexabody and Hurrican are great assets that make it much easier to create these types of experiences. I was originally going to make the rock climbing section harder with smaller and narrower rocks but I'm glad I didn't!

Haha... of course I did that on purpose.... Lol but actually it's super cool to see what other do people with your game. I'm glad you had fun with it! 

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I just uploaded an additional build that supports Valve and HTC called (Works with all headsets/ late submission) Test Subject Escape.zip

Let me know if it works if you try it!

I was setting up and looking at the door at the starting area and I heard the footsteps get louder so I turned around and the mannequin was already in my face. The timing was perfect. I screamed because I didn't expect it to be that close to me so fast

Sorry about that! I completely forgot to add other inputs into the game :( I'll make note of this so I don't make the same mistake next time.

Hahaha, I'm glad you enjoyed the game. I definitely wanted to add more to the game but this is all I could manage with the time limit.

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The environment had a lot of life and personality. An unfortunate side effect of this was a drop in framerate. The dialogue trap was funny but also slightly irritating (which I assume was the intent). I also walked in on someone in the bathroom... that was embarrassing...

I think you should have kept the doors in to give a sense of progression because I kinda felt lost wandering around.

It would have been more fun if there were more objects in the room and we had to find the ones that we needed to put on the wall. Great job with the teleport movement and grabbing.

I definitely heard the ding, but I didn't see the key. I have the same problem with my game, I should have made one of the clues more obvious. I'm happy to give feedback. I would also appreciate any feedback on my game if you get a chance to play.

I think the difficulty was perfect. It took me about 4 tries before I beat the game and got that score. 

You never know how someone is going to play your game or if they will know what to do. For example, for my game there is a bookshelf with 2 books that are interactable while the rest are solid. Thinking about it now people will probably assume that all the books are solid and give up without checking all the books.

I had a great time playing your game. It reminded me of call of duty zombies. Took me a few playthroughs to understand what to do but I had fun with each playthrough. I think I got the fastest time so far (2:30) can anyone beat it?

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Hahaha thanks, I'm a big fan of the saw movies! 

There are 2 books on the bookshelf that open.  I think you found the Easter egg book (the yellow one that opens).  There is another book there that you need to check. In hindsight, I should have made that easter egg book not openable (or kept an egg inside the book) to avoid confusion.

I'm glad you enjoyed the climbing part!

Loved the ambiance and the little story that explained the movement mechanic. I personally found it hard to get the block onto the button. Also, not sure if it's just me but the block on the right always falls when I try to pick it up.