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Princess Bananabelle

A member registered Aug 15, 2017 · View creator page →

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This is a cute little game, and I REALLY like the rock, paper, scissors type element system. Because I'm so used to fire and water being opposites I kept accidently using fire against water, so I had to restart a couple times. It would have been nice to have some extra cushion with the boss, but since the game was so short I didn't mind restarting. I liked the puzzles too and would love to see this kind of game fleshed out. You did a great job!

Thank you so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it.

Thank you so much for the kind words.

Wow, I'm so glad to hear it had such a strong impact. I'm really happy you enjoyed it and thank you so much for leaving a comment.

It was perfect! It was challenging and engaging, and I liked having to read your enemies movement patterns.

The battle system was so much fun, I loved it! 

Very cute, and well done. Gameplay and story was simple but well executed. I love the awkward conversation at the end.

The overall story was pretty good, but I felt like an outsider. I was never told everything and I wish I could know more, though that's not necessarily a fault. The way you portrayed the mood throughout the game was very well done and it's interesting how you can choose to move on or choose to lock yourself away with a false hope at the end.

The scenes are incredibly well made, I thoroughly enjoyed watching them! I also found the health mechanic challenging and interesting. This was really fun, great job!

The story was very interesting and I like how "off" the world seemed. I do wish the central hub room was a little smaller though. Great job!

I'm sure it was working the way it was meant to, I was just experimenting outside of battle to confirm I was using the right button but nothing happened until I actually tried to kill something. I also would face the enemy and hit, but then immediately move away in hopes of avoiding damage, but it would end up with nothing happening. Took me a few enemies to realize I would take damage every time I hit something and there was nothing I could do about it.

Interesting game, I liked the challenges each part presented. I wish the action sequences and voice were faster and it took me a while to realize I was releasing the QTE buttons to quickly rather than pressing them too late, but overall it was a fun game.

This was super fun! The puzzles were all interesting and I love the perspective of being an outside force. I really do wish there were more levels, it was way too much fun for being so short. 

This was super cute and fun! I loved the puzzles, the battle system was interesting, and it was great to hear all the cute noises when I interacted with things. I personally tend to dislike most battle systems, but this one was pretty fun. It took me a bit to figure out I was pressing the right button to attack, it would've been reassuring if an attack animation played every time rather than just when I was successful. You did a great job on this!

I'm so happy you liked it! I had difficulty balancing the battles, so opted for easy over difficult, but I'm glad you still had fun. Thank you so much for the lovely review!

Thank you for playing my game, I'm glad you liked it! Unfortunately I wasn't able to recreate the bug you found so I'm not sure what's going on there, but thanks for the feedback!

Very impressive for a week's worth of work! I love how each dungeon had it's own quirk, the third one was my favorite. This game was quite fun.

I'm so glad you both enjoyed it! Thank you for playing and for letting me know you liked it :)

Sure :)