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A member registered Oct 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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One of the best game of the jam

Really nice project, all endings were cool. We enjoyed discovering your story.

Really cool ! I was a bit lost one time because sometimes we can’t go through blue pipes and one time we can.

Really liked the overall mood and the Ladybug controls

Congrats !

You’re right… I miss this part, an update is needed !

Le concept fonctionne, je veux plus de contenu :D

C’est beau, c’est détente, on sauve la planète, et y’a même des animaux !

Noot noot / 5

J’ai eu du mal à comprendre au début les différentes barre de vie, il m’a fallu 2 défaite pour comprendre. Mais une fois compris j’ai pu me suicider pour upgrade !

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Congratulations ! Here is your Certificate

Really nice, efficient gameplay and visual

Like the “wobbly” controls of the ship it nicely challenge the precision Nice game :D

Really smart concept ! You manage your time well to create this game in 3hours good job

You are now an official Fluxjentorist !

Thanks for the feedback and I’m sorry you didn’t flux any jentor. This is my first time doing a “enigma” game and balancing is really hard 😢

Why do they all want to leave their timeline !?

Why do they all want to leave their timeline !?

Beaucoup de travail engagé ! J’ai paniqué en me disant que tout a été fait en 3h et puis j’ai vu le timer, ça m’a rassuré sur mon rythme de travail 😂

Parfois les trajets sont un peu long, je pense avoir eu la malchance de devoir parcourir toute la galaxie.

A quand une course poursuite avec des space pirates dans les ceintures de météores !

Beaucoup de travail engagé ! J’ai paniqué en me disant que tout a été fait en 3h et puis j’ai vu le timer, ça m’a rassuré sur mon rythme de travail 😂

Parfois les trajets sont un peu long, je pense avoir eu la malchance de devoir parcourir toute la galaxie.

A quand une course poursuite avec des space pirates dans les ceintures de météores !

Really smart gameplay, love the visuals

Thanks for the feedback !

I’m glad you Jentored that much ! Did you understand the rules quickly ? I wanted the game to be a little cryptic but with some trails everyone should figure it out

Hello, I just tested your game and I have some feedback to give.

At first, I didn’t understand that it’s impossible to build buildings in the grid cells marked in red, but I eventually figured it out by reading the guide with the likes and hates. I found the star symbol very understandable, and I quickly placed the buildings on it.

I made several mistakes in the placement of the buildings, and I couldn’t find a way to either restart the level or undo the action.

I really like the graphic style, and I find the buildings understandable; the animations add a nice polish.

I had a lot of fun playing the game, and I hope to be able to test the next version!

Really enjoyed the game, Puzzle + Gardening is a really nice combination !

Reminds me of Heave Ho :D There is some weird physics related bugs, but overall it was fun to play

Smart take on the theme mutation, well done

Smart take on a idle game, enjoyed watch my blob colony grow

Really beautiful game, I wish I had your pixel art skills !

It took me a while to understand that some bullets are friendly.

Thanks for the feedback ! Fullscreen option removed 👌

In case it helps I’m playing with chrome on windows. I’m going to test that desktop version !

Really liked the mood, and the Gameplay serves the Theme well done :D

I’m playing in browser the second pattern is generated but not spawning :(

Really enjoyed the overall mood !

I’m a Stackland fan soooo :D I had a bug with the font, almost impossible to read in menu

Thanks for testing ! My more balanced build took too much time to compile… Keep update on the project I will post it asap :D

Love the overall mood, reminded me of Inscryption.

Billiant idea ! I thought of the same type of game but yours is definetly better made 😂

It was stressful to find everything ! Very smart game

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Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to balance the game. So as you said it’s pure RNG. I made the game in 3 hours for the Trijam

Did you find the game concept and explanation clear to understand the game system ?

I had in mind the puzzle part, but in 3 hours it so tough ! But I also think that can be a good following for the dig part.