This should be fixed now in 1.1.1, thanks for letting us know!
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Vedal's sounds and watching him gallop is very funny. It's cool to hear the doppler effect on the fans as you pass by and the music slow down as the game ends. The platforming is really tough, the tank control for Vedal definitely takes some getting used to. The game requires many precise jumps in a row with no checkpoint, but the movement controls make that precision really difficult. But it is doable once you kind of learn it.
You can charge the jump and then hold forward right before you release it and you'll get the full forward momentum still. This technique is very useful for lining up jumps, you can position yourself precisely first, and then use this to pull off the full jump. Jumping is the fastest way to move around.
I wrote this guide for myself while figuring out the game, here it is if it helps you:
Once you get to the fans, right before you would start walking on the first wire, stand to the right of the dot in "i" in pizza on the pizza box as close to the edge as possible, face the fan, and then jump at full force at it to get on top of it. From the top of the fan, walk as close as you can to edge and try to jump to the bundle of three wires, which is the safest place to land off of it.
From there, walk down the wire to the second fan. The first most dense collection of bumps on the two wires sort of marks the area to stand on for this jump. Standing on top of them, when the fan turns off, charge up another full power jump facing past the small trapezoid block further down the wires (it's the only way to move fast enough to get out of the way in time).
Continue down the wire to the impassible block. Charge a full strength jump on to the block to the right again. Make sure you are no longer holding forward by the time you land on this block, lining up and doing the next jump is the trickiest one. Turn 90 degrees to the left to face the wires going out the other side of that impassible block, and charge another jump where the meter is a bit less than halfway between the "J" and the top of the bar.
Watch the third fan, it turns on almost immediately so you need to start charging your jump before it turns off. Luckily, you don't have to jump far. It stays on for about 5-6 seconds and I would start charging the jump at 5-5.5 seconds to about 1/4 to 1/3 the bar. That should get you from the wires to the first box. Walk all the way to the left for the next jump since I think the fan doesn't reach there.
Home stretch from here. To get on top of the green "No Mosquitos Allowed" trapezoid, charge a jump up to the "U". From, here, turn around about 180 all the way to the chair sort of behind you, and fully charge a jump at it, that should get you on the seat. Charge a jump to about "J" to get on the impassible green block from earlier. Walk around the vertical pizza block and fully charge the jump to the next chair. Finally, walk very close the corner of the chair near the table but not all the way, and fully charge a jump at the table.
Fun little game, I liked the writing for the different things you could interact with and the enemies and their attacks. Shame about the game locking after the second boss, I'll have to come back after you patch it! If possible, could you package the RPG maker runtime with the game? It's a bit out of the way to go download an extra program just for this one game.
Same thing happened here, you can see the submission time was 18:58 UTC
The art in this is particularly strong, UI, HUD, in game graphics are all great. Music is good too. I got a bit confused with the smaller ships but eventually figured out you could get them. My one piece of critique would be the map could feel a bit empty of enemies in some places so you might want to increase spawning them. Good job!
I had fun playing it! There's a little bit of bullet hell kinda going, especially if you let the enemies build up and that can be a good challenge. I wasn't sure if my hits were always connecting with an enemy so I was unsure whether the enemies simply required a few hits or if the hitbox for hitting them was smaller than I thought. The movement feels nicely fast though, I think with just a bit of extra polish it would be complete. Good work!