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A member registered Jan 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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It's so cute! Amazing looking game, good job!

Thank you for the detailed feedback!
More tutorials make sense, but we were literally making them during the extra hour cause we forgot so :)

The scores I would get didn't really match what I thought I got at all. Maybe the game is just difficult but the scores I got felt kinda random (I know they're not I'm just going off feels)

HM that's fair. We played our game for so long we forgot the little things could be confusing. I added a note in the description of the game that can hopefully help some people. 

As for the unpredictability of the Scientists, that was in purpose. You're meant to scope out the level and plan your actions before actually executing them. Or just keep trying until you know every path by heart lol (me in level 9)

(1 edit)

Loved this, but the gameplay felt a little unfair at times. 

I loved the intro so much and the game looks absolutely gorgeous. And clearer indication of when you get hit would be nice tho. 

Omg it looks so good <3

Best game I've played in this jam (but it could be harder tho)

Absolutely great idea!

I mean T*ump could also be the orange. And Obama's kinda tall so banana I suppose?

Fun but it was difficult to figure out what things weighed in a few levels. Best part of the game was weirdly the little screens at the end of each level. Good job.

The music is perfect and the art is so cute. Only complaints would be that the camera feels jerky and the jump feels a bit low and unsatisfying. 

Thanks for playing our game! Could you explain what exactly confused you?

I'm sorry I really wanted to like this but there's just too many bugs in the movement. 

The music is nice.

Would be more fun if it was harder to break/exploit. Lost my 25 day run (where I skipped most of the days cause trading would actively lose me money) by accidentally pressing the "Give Up" button which is in the same place as the "Skip" button. Feels like a day or two of balancing could have made this game great. 

Would be fun if the trivia was correct???
The Great Wall of China is 21,196km not m and the sun is around 11 times larger than Jupiter not like 4 or 5. 

In level 9 you're supposed to be able to choose 7 Qubits not 4. The level is still very beatable (if anything it's a a tiny bit easier) but the rating system is broken. Use this instead:
2 Qubits: SS+
1 Qubit: S
0:Qubits: B

Doesn't capture anything that makes real-life golf fun, there's a lot of waiting and the whole point of the game is just to be precise with your inputs without any creativity. Plain unfun.

I like the concept but:

a. A tutorial would be nice
b. What does this have to do with the theme??

Absolute Cinema / Kino Is Served | Know Your Meme

he's jealous he can't get any action so he doesn't want anyone else to have any

no worries. Tbh, didn't know you wrote it on the page since the jam page just has a download button, without sending you to the game page. Also the game is quite nice in general, good job. 

LMAO go play some other game

Amazing. My only problems are:

1. Level 9 is the most difficult level, and the levels in general feel just randomly shuffled. Level 1 is not a tutorial. 
2. Beating level 15 doesn't do anything, an ending card would be nice. 

Still, nice job.

I tried to type go, run, walk, forwards, rump before I looked at the comments. Your tutorial needs a tutorial, esp when you literally explain how to jump. 

Amazing. That's it. 

The art's amazing, the music is fun and the concept is super intersting too. Only when playing the second level did I realize it had to be on the corner and that's so cute! The game's a bit short and level 4 can easily be beaten with only one STOP. Still, a lovely game. Nice job!

Great idea, turning the P-switch from the Mario games into a whole game. Loved the art and sound design. I do have to say, the level where you jump through the coins and turn them into two platforms afterwards has an unnatural difficulty spike, being the most difficult level. Maybe if you rearranged some of the levels it would flow more naturally. Great job still!

I loved the game. However. How the fuck do you unselect a piece. in a normal chess game I just keep selecting them while thinking and this literaly made the game unplayable for me, as I keep softlocking myself. 

Yeah that's a good one. You could also use a combination of graphic tablet + mouse. But the game is very beatable with just a mouse))

It would maybe be better to tweak how much damage those other two were dealing because they annihilate the survivors

Looks great and the music is nice. But the gameplay is super confusing, yet at the same time I won so I guess it's also easy... 

Very fun, but there just isn't enough variety and it gets stale pretty fast. 

(1 edit)

Make a tutorial

Funny story and pretty fun mini-games. Loved it. However, the music, to be frank, is not good and the fact that the mini-games just go on and on is kinda annoying, like I feel like there should have been an ending if you're making a game with this kind of story. Still, nice job.

Loved the idea, the game is pretty fun, however the graveyard and swamp are completely useless and the game is just too easy. Still, nice job!

Well that was... short. Nice idea but this feels like the first level or smth...

Nice job!

sorry but I got bored before I could reach it. The art looks good tho!