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A member registered Mar 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi rgb_map!)

In fact, I did not expect that the game would turn out so good, despite the fact that one person participated in the development for three days) 

For me, even such a result is a huge progress, since I had not participated in such a game jam before, it was interesting and precious  experience :)

 I'm glad I was able to meet such wonderful people and play such impressive games created by enthusiasts like me)

I believe that every game on this jam deserves the first place, and a lot of attention from the players :)  

Because I believe that sooner or later by participating in such events you will be able to achieve excellent results and build a community around your games that would be interested in them, I like one quote that would describe this situation well: "a bad experience is still an experience  " :)

 In any case, thank you very much for your feedback, unfortunately I did not see your game in the rating, but I know for sure that in my personal rating it will take definetly not last place :D 

Have a nice day, rgb_map!

Thanks for your comment!) 

I like you game neither) 

Nice and funny game, and mechanics is interesting) 

I really like to play this) 

Glad to hear it!: )

As for me, it's really awesome space game!
I really liked visuals and "Elite dangerous"-like interface and movement, but to be honestly, movement process  was for me challenging : \
Also I liked sound design, but it was too loud for me, so I just set volume little bit down on my headset : )
Overall game is brilliant!  Nice work!

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Nice game, and using unity assets for this theme, nice work!

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Thanks! Your game also nice and fun, as my)

Thanks very much, i really tried my best, working on this game)

Much appreciated, I really loved your game too))

Nice racing game)
Gameplay really interesting)

Hello, Merxon22!
Thanks very much for your comment))
Yeah, I will remodel and recolor some models for more difference between them
I think I will even hold voting on this platform, where the players themselves will choose which model they want to see in the game, so stay tuned on)

Have a nice day :)

Hi, The Bean)
Yeah, actually it's something like template for my future UI, so I will redraw it as soon as I find color palette for my game : )
Thank you very much for your reply, it's very valuable information for me)
Have a nice day)

Good afternoon Chimham, Thank you very much for your feedback!
It is because of such reviews that there is a desire to work and develop indie games.
I can say the same about your game, it's fantastic!

I had idea very similar to your game, chess but strategy with resources)
But your realization very great, I definitely like it)
One of the most interesting game of this jam)

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Cute slimes)
Good game I think)
Thanks for your submission)

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Nice game, and interesting mechanics)))
Actually idea really nice, but as for me, game too minimalistic
All other is good)

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Absolutly mutually

I really liked arts and conception of this game, but I had serious issue during play : (
Game started but any notes hasn't appears(
Did I do something wrong?(

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks! 

(1 edit)

Nice and funny game, really like it
But I hasn't find "Exit" button *: )

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Thanks very much, I had tried my best to do this game)
I also really like your game)
Everyone who reading this, but hasn't check game "Avoider", please check it out, it's really worth yours atentions)

Nice to hear that : D
So there's some that I found, in most of them it's just "Tippfehler", but in International QA community it's still bugs)

Bug: Typo in page "About"
Expecting result: "...hope you have a great day :)"
Actual result: "... hope you habe a greate day :)"


Bug: Typo in page "Stats"
Expecting result: "Avoided enemies"
Actual result: "Avoided enemys"


Bug: upgrade button hides under panel almost fully, 
Expecting result: button is fully visible
Actual result: more than half of button is hidden under the panel

And one more, honestly not bug but issue:
On 100% size of page, game looks like:

For comfort playing you need no zoom out to 50%
It's issued by expexted screen resolution in project settings on

For correct displaying of game, I'd recommend set this parameter from "1080X1920" to "800X1280" for example.
Game quality stays, but resolution will be more comfortable to play: )

At this moment, that's all that I had to say)
Have a nice day)

Fantastic pixel-art game!
I really like how its going, and there present fully working leaderboard

But there is also a small note. As one of the commenters below said, the enemies move faster than the character, and there are situations where the enemy just "Sticks" to the character, it's a little frustrating

Other than that, I would say it's a great game)

A little hint:

Usually problems with movement speed are caused by the fact that the movement logic is in the "Update" method, but in such cases, I would advise to implement the mechanics of movement and speed in "FixedUpdate", (as it is always called about 60 times per second) (if the FPS is higher 60:D)*

You can also try using "Time.DeltaTime", multiplying it by the speed, to get the distance that the object has traveled since the last frame :D

I hope you find the problem and successfully solve it)

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Very nice and cute game!
I really enjoyed this some kind of strategic game, with cute vampire girl 
(At least, I think so :) )
All in this game is brilliant. Music, art style, features on another level! 
Game one of the best, on my opinion

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Happy Christmas, Gamedevs!
Funny game, but I'm not really understand some of mechanics, but it's no problem, because I enjoyed from cookie destruction process)
I think it's nice game with old shooters aesthetics 

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Fun game with glitch effects)
Gameplay addictive and intensive, but my eyes tired really fast)
Well done, overall game is nice)

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Really good game. I like every how different mechanics, pixel-art characters and tabletop-like map come together in this game
But the ricochet mechanic is my favorite :D

Very nice work!)

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Nice game! Mechanics simple and understandable, but during gameplay, as QA I has found, several minor bugs. I can tell you about them, if you interested in it : )
Overall game is good)

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Interesting rogue-lite game, that demonstrating all routine of healers in different MMO's :D
Mechanics really nice, and sprites from "Minifolks" asset, fits very well)
Overall game is good)

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Hi Rubikow, Thanks for your detailed review : )
I fully agree that the enemies look similar and are hard to distinguish with this camera position, so I plan to rework them and, as you said, make them distinctive from each other.

The only reason why I had to make this decision is that on the 2nd day of development I had a prototype ready without a visual. Since I'm the only one in the team, I had to invent and model the characters myself, but I'm glad that they at least turned out to be at least a little similar to what was originally intended :D
Anyway, I'm planning to rework them and the UI after the game jam is over and make them more accurate
One more time, thanks very much for your review <3, it's very important for me)

Nice isometric game, with very interesting game mechanics that I like for sure.
Game really addicting, visually simple but challenging at the same time
Nice work!)
By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Game is looking very cute as for me, and gameplay also does not let you get bored

Great work : )

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

(1 edit)

I thought about it, and realized that sooner or later I will need a discord server :D

Now the problem is that I won't be able to service it often and develop my games, because I have some problems with electricity in my country, and it's out for literally 16-18 hours a day, so the rest of the time I try to work and respond to your comments

I'm sure sooner or later I'll create it, set it up and be sure to leave a link in all my media and on the page

I think you will be one of the first to know about it :D

By the way, today was first update, you can read about it in devlog on page of this game)

(2 edits)
Hi Lennyi, thank you very much for such a great and detailed review, I'm glad you liked the game :)

At the stage of designing the game idea, I often find myself in situations where there was nothing left but to take damage, but after 3-4 games I realized that sometimes the player drives himself into a corner while running away from enemies. Therefore, I decided to make different enemies have different features, so that, knowing from, it would be possible to avoid such a situation.

For example: you find yourself in a situation where a goblin is standing in front of you, but a trickster is standing next to him. Knowing that the trickster, instead of the first 2 attacks, simply jumps over the character, I understand that, and it makes sense to beat the goblin first, and then the trickster, instead of running away

I totally agree with you about graphic design. The fact that I am the only one in my "Team" caused a lot of problems. I can say that I am more of a programmer and tester than a designer or artist. It was also my first experience of creating voxel models :)

I think that over time I will rework the UI towards smaller panels and a more beautiful interface, as well as pick up a suitable color palette

In any case, I'm glad that you played the game and left such a great and useful review, thanks very much again : )

Have a nice day!)

(1 edit)

Nice game with simple but confusing mechanics. It is good, it is implemented perfectly, but my brain starts to confuse itself after 10-15 balls : )

But I think it would be nice to add some visual effects when balls collides something, but it only my personal preference so don't mind that :) I definitely like this game

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Nice game with awesome retro-wave visuals
One funny thing happened during my second play, I was killed in one shot by the fast enemy on 6-th second : )
This visuals looks really amazing! I hope one day I will learn how to do the same cool post-processing effects

By the way, please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and I need to test this feature :) Thanks!

Game not bad, I believe that if You make some re-texturing, and add 2-3 new bombs, this game will be pretty nice, so I'll be waiting for future updates!)

Please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and i need to test this feature :)

(3 edits)

Game really nice, but as for me, there a not too much features
By the way, music is calm and relaxing, so I even have a rest while played this game

Overall nice addictive game that need a little bit new features and updates)

Please, check out my game and rate it, from recent update you can play this game in browser and i need to test this feature :)

Really interesting game, i really liked pixel aesthetic of it
It was suprisingly addictive and and fun experience
But I has some troubles with throwing sandwiches to customers
Overall game is realy-realy nice, Good work!

Wooow, this is most unique game that i still find on this jam : / 

First of all, it was made in blender : \
Next one, idea of game really interesting, and gameplay is challenging and little bit creepy
You trully deserve more ratings for this piece of art
By the way, picasso-like art looks nice in this game
Overall 11/10 i think 

Very addicting and interesting game with unique mechanics, very nice work, definetly one of the most liked game of this jam