I think that you spotted a bug allowing the player to go through the camera, if you managed to reach the second room without the first upgrade 😅
Anyway thanks for your feedback, a coyote time could indeed greatly improve controls
I definitely loved this submission, well polished and had a really fun time !
Just in case you don't know : the first boss respawns, and I got hard-locked by re-entering his area from the exit,
And in the top-right room, if you go to the top-right, the game seems like trying to spawn you from below and you die x)
Anyway, good job, great metroidvania !
This is a known bug and somehow more rare than this... It's frame-perfect and I haven't exactly identified what triggers it, something between jumping at the edge of the range and desactivating it.
Entering multiple cameras at the same time doesn't trigger this bug, you can definitely play the full game, it shouldn't happen too often !
Got the same issue with my game! It's easy to fix, just follow this post : https://forum.unity.com/threads/solved-webgl-build-error-unable-to-parse-build-f...