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A member registered Mar 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yes ça marche. Je compte faire aussi un devlog en english pour garder une trace du processus et mes impressions (et aussi pour tester ça sur itch). Je ne sais pas si j'aurais le temps de l'écrire d'ici mardi soir mais y aura ptet ça aussi.

What a great puzzle game. It is so well realized. Took me a bit to get how things were working (especially rotating arrow when you are not picking them up) but once it clicks, you can really loose yourself in it. Fantastic work !

Thanks for the comment. :)

Yeah, I thought using triggers I could prevent him from standing up while going through the tight spaces but Bobo always managed to stand up anyway. I think I'm on the right track with triggers, just need to work on it a bit more. 

Thanks for the feedback.

Cookie counter is definitely on top of the list of things I have to add in post voting period.

Plushie is on a strict cookie-diet only so I think Bobo is safe on that front :)

Yeah, he is a magic bear. He can float in mid air. x)

Happened a few times while I was rushing for the finish line and didn't take the time to fix this one.

Thanks for the feedback :)

Merci ! :)

Oui, tous les assets ont été faits pendant la jam de mes petites mains. C'était un vrai challenge car je n'avais jamais fait de la musique avec les limitations de la Game Boy et les influences, avec la fatigue et la deadline, sont parties dans tous les sens. 
Même chose pour le pixel art, une première, et je me suis grave compliqué la vie avec Photoshop.

A travailler tout seul, je me rends compte que j'ai pas pris le temps de vraiment jouer avec les méchaniques de bases.

En voyant ton jeu c'est ce qui m'a le plus bluffé et vraiment inspiré. La manière dont tu arrives à trouver un twist à chaque niveau.

Really great game. The 2D survival horror made me think of Lone Survivor and you can totally see how this could expand into a bigger game. I was really curious to see how you would switch things up with the enemy and the boss fight happened haha. 

Congratz !

C'est juste impressionnant bravo !

The mechanics are really tight and the way the levels are paced together to teach you and introduce new ideas is fantastic. Beat the game, had a lovely time and while I took a break from the computer I was humming the music to myself. Congratz. Loved it.

Yup, Normand. C'est pour ça que ça m'a fait rire de voir que le français était une option :)

Amazing audio and visual presentation. I had a lot of fun going through the game. Timer a tad bit on the short side but it was already mentioned. Great game. Who knew I'd get that hyped remembering the GB screen resolution. x)

(2 edits)

Was really impressed with it. The graphics are cute, the levels have a really nice flow to them. Really well made. I managed to kind of brute force my way through the rain level but I'm glad I got to see the end (charming end screen).
As someone who also made a submission where the goal of the game is to pick up and carry your friend, I loved how much more elegant your mechanics were compared to what I came up with. Really inspiring. Good job !

Really enjoyed it, made me chuckles all the way through. It was cool to invite the crane driver to the poker game as well. Loved that every level had its own mechanic.

En plus d'avoir la sélection des langues, bravo, ça évoque vraiment les jeux PAL de l'époque haha. Du coup je devais vraiment tester la version française. Saloperie d'accents qui refusent de s'aligner avec le reste des lettres ! x)

There sould have been a text box appearing triggering the end screen once you put the bear next to the fire and press B, however I think if you place it exactly on the fire, the text box never appears. It's one of the area where I wish I telegraphed what to do a bit more.

For the cookie counter, I couldn't figure out a way to have the UI in a non intrusive manner and like, the next day post submission, an idea came into my head. Sadly too late haha. But you are right, this is needed especially for the latter levels.

Thanks for the feedback and the pics ! I only had a Vita homebrew to try it out and it fill me with joy seeing the game run on a yellow GBC (like the one I had when I was a kid haha). 

Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to fix this one once the voting period is over. The picking up action can be a little janky at times, sadly couldn't polish it more in time. Thanks for the comment :)

Thanks for the comment. We all need more cookie friends !

That's a really good point and I can't believe it never crossed my mind during the week haha. Thanks for the feedback and I'll definitely look for a way to implement a way to reset the level. :)

Really enjoyed it. Impressive effort. I'm a sucker for stealth game and really enjoyed the pacing until that infamous red room with the guard and the turret haha. In the browser version, I couldn't get passed it, even following what you wrote in another comment.

 Can't wait for the rebalancing and again congratz on your first game, that was fun !

Fun game. Got a few chuckles out of me :)

I liked the exploration and finding all those different rooms. Congratulations !

Really charming game. Felt all cozy and managed to hit that emotional string in the end. Congrats !