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A member registered May 04, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you :))

Hey thanks for commenting! How I Miss You was supposed to be a title screen song and was meant to be pretty bare bones, but I've come to the realization that making a separate song that builds on it would have been really awesome and I regret not thinking of that now haha

I was planning on making a lot more but due to my personal time constraints and my pickiness with ideas got in the way sadly.

I'm you enjoyed what I did make though, I appreciate you taking the time to listen!

Hey thanks for the great feedback! Come to think of it, I feel like I definitely should have made a full version of the title screen for another song, but unfortunately i did not have that idea before the deadline :/

I'm very happy you thought The World I Made For Us was a solid track in all the areas you said, I put a lot of time into fine tuning it! Thanks again for all the kind words :)

HAHA omg thats so funny that it would auto queue that, I forgot I had it on soundcloud...

And thanks so much! I'm very glad you enjoyed everything and thought it all fit what I was going for, that's very relieving to hear :)

Hey there thanks for the feedback! I agree, it could have used  a bit of delay, that would have sounded really nice. I'm glad you enjoyed the second track! 

I'm really sad I wasn't able to make more. It was a mix of less time from my job and not being satisfied with anything else I could come up with. I suppose there's always next time though!

Thanks again for your time to listen :)

Thanks so much! glad it was a good call haha, i appreciate you taking the time to listen :)

WHAAT this is amazing, the composition and creativity is absolutely mind blowing!! Every song shines in their own unique way and its actually so impressive I'm jealous

I think my favorites were the first and last tracks. Super refreshing to hear these incredible vocals, its the first I've heard for this jam! Kudos to the vocalist

Brilliant work, this was one of my favorites I've heard! Good luck to you :)

Wowwww the quality is insane! Im in love with the piano throughout it's composed so well!

The mixing is great too, I loved hearing the powerful brass instruments on the right and the strings on the left, made it felt like a real orchestra was playing it!

That epic section at 1:15 is amazing... so much power and emotion to it its insane, and then the de-escalation of it was done so gracefully

Remarkable work, best of luck to you!

Hey, this was such a fun listen! The Undertale and Pokemon vibes are bringing me back haha its awesome!

"Outta My Way!!" reminded me a lot of like a pokemon gym leader theme song or something, I love its energy

"THIS IS MY WORLD" is sooo epic i love it sm, especially all the different lead melodies and instruments / synths you bring in, and the staccato strings make it so powerful and intense

the game over music is so beautiful, I love the background arp synth thing, feels a bit nostalgic in a way

You definitely captured the top down RPG style music perfectly, super impressive! I applaud you and best of luck :)

Hey there! Loved listening to this, reminded me a lot of Celeste (seems like a lot of people think so too haha) which is awesome, everything sounds so beautiful and relaxing like a breath of fresh air.  I also really like the more mysterious sounding tracks like "Forest of Loneliness". Such a fun sounding OST, incredible work! Best of luck to you :)

What a trip... every song fits so perfectly with each scenario you described, I felt lost in this made up game idea you had while listening to some parts, especially "SAVE ROOM". The ambience feels so beautiful and melancholic, its got my in feels haha

I also really liked "HIDING AND PURSUIT", kind of reminded me of the game OMORI (one of my fav games of all time) so that was super cool

I'm such a huge fan of story heavy horror games so I felt really invested. Fantastic work!

Thank you so much Layla! I'm really happy you thought my work was quality :) I put a lot of effort in! I'm glad you thought I was able to capture the nostalgia for first song. And thank you for the kind words about my string arrangements! I appreciate it a lot!

Wow, what a journey. Totally not what I expected from this jam, but I am shocked at how creative and unique this is. Every single track captured the story you were describing perfectly. Gave me huge Black Mesa and DOOM vibes throughout. 

Also amazed at how much you made in such a short amount of time. Especially with each track keeping up with the same high quality, well done for that! Super impressive stuff.

I think my favorite tracks were "Rock And Stalagmites" and "Full Metal Temple".  Loved the gritty sounds, I can imagine feeling so cool killing all the mutants with this music in the background lol

Amazing job, I wish you the best of luck :)

Thanks a lot! Glad you enjoyed it :) 

Holy, I am a sucker for every single piano in this soundtrack. The composition in this is absolutely beautiful and could definitely see these being in an anime :) 

My favorite track was "Its the "Enemy!" Prepare your "Weapons!"", it sounded so full and lively.

Each track was so fun to listen to, fantastic work!!

Wow, this was not what I was expecting going into other's interpretations of the theme but it fits SO well and is SO unique.  The composition feels very dreamlike, whimsical at times, and sometimes mysterious which I love.  Your use of all of the strings instruments really captures those feelings well and definitely puts me in the story you described.

Also I loved the vocal melodies that happen sometimes, those were beautiful!

Such a fun listen, I wish you the best of luck :)

Hey there! Really enjoyed listening to all the tracks! They were all so heavy-hitting and can definitely see how they would fit into an emotional rollercoaster story game. 

Some things I specifically really liked were the choirs that appeared in the tracks, the short swells really added an epic feel to it.

I also loved the bass in each track, made every song sound super powerful!

And finally, the different types of bells you used in some sections were beautiful. 

Again, well done with these tracks and best of luck :) 

Thank you very much! Although the title track is short it took a bit to get it to my liking haha, I'm glad it was worth the effort

Hey thanks so much! The drumbeat is actually one of the first ideas I had for the project besides the arp haha, I'm glad you saw the vision :) 

Thank you so much for the feedback! I kind of expected the second track to be a bit different from peoples expectations of the theme but I'm really glad you still enjoyed it. I appreciate all the nice words and good luck to you too :)

Thank you! I'm glad you also thought the orchestral and electronic was a good choice. Was worried stuff wasn't gonna fit the theme as well as I had hoped

Thank you so much! I love the minecraft music, I'm glad that it reminded you of it.