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A member registered Jan 03, 2017

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Hopefully the developers comes back and finish the game! release it on steam then, money for more games or to continue the development of the game!

Wish you guys good luck on your steam release! seeing as you give the game currently for free (as it should be) I would be buying the game after a month it's release. :D

I'm not sure what's wrong but I have an 8gb myself and there's no frame drops on max settings. probably has something to do with your Processor/Graphics card. Would you please post your system? you should have when asking questions like this.

Could you explain It in English?

Why the heck do you need a Tutorial? :| It's pretty much there.

to make hammers, all you have to do is stick the Ingots TOGETHER Not sure what you did. Can't believe someone still runs Minecraft on the lowest settings and get 40fps. It only runs worst for you, as you use the INTEGRATED GRAPHICS of that said Laptop. you really need to buy a New Laptop or just buy a Computer. Don't blame It on the game :/

(1 edit)

Thank you! that means a LOT to me!

Oh, and It seems that I have mixed Bandits with Thieves there lol, forgot to edit It out.. but, oh well.

*I am playing the 64 bit version of the game. It seems that It has been updated but, I'll wait for more before I play It every day lol.

(1 edit)

Hi there! I really like this game since that arcade game where he the MC was a Dog forging Weapons for his warriors to pave way for his Caravan. I'm going to be suggesting a few things So..

-Make the Day Longer! I do think that the Day time on lasts for about 5 Minutes. make It at least 10 - 12 Minutes!

-Bows! a Medieval Era without Bows is NOT a Medieval. Don't forget the Crafting of Quivers and arrows!

-Hire Staffs! One or two would immediately carry what you order to their specific Stations, Ingots on the Forge, Grips and handle on the Shelves. Though It'll be better to have a Better Storage.

-Expansion! So you can Expand your workplace by buying specific Locations! (Storage and what not, you know what I think of right?)

-More waiting Queue One at a time doesn't quite work well in this one, It'll be good to have It increase to 2-3. Have the time they are waiting Increase also by 50 Seconds. I'll Explain on how you manage It further down.

-More ANIMATIONS! It'll be really good to have an Animation of Hammering down the Ingots.

-Realism I know that some people would not like this, Especially players of Minecraft and what not. though adding Realism in this one will make It very popular to more People, as well as make It an Educational Stuff. Like burning the ingots and Cooling It by putting It on the Water with Steam going off and Hammering the Ingot down will make It Actually Flatten. Aaah..

Special Events! Add tons of them If possible!

  • a Noble's Courier goes into your Shop running and says the Noble's name and what time before he's going to pick the weapons up. Ex: 2x Greatsword, 8x Swords, 5x Bows with Quivers, 5x Daggers and he'll give you like 3 - 4 Minutes to finish It up.
  • On the Courier one, Once you get One done with that Certain Noble, It'll Increase your relation with him and as It goes on, when he sends the Courier to order again (after you've done 3-5 Requests from him Satisfied) He'll give you money half the Cost of all the Items to Ease your Buyings, as Accepting these Special Requests will make you lose Money. He'll also Drop some Guards as well!
  • Bandits! Hehehe.. you think your just going to Manufacture Weapons without care when your Precious Ingots and Weapons are just ripe for the taking? Think Twice! Once you have a Stack of Ingots lying around your workplace without a Proper storage, a Bandit will sometimes Steal 3-5 Items like a Whirlwind just pass through your Shop! It will happen more often as the days go by and when you have more items lying around, if you can have them steal money, then have them do so :)

To counteract the Bandits, Hire Guards! It is part of the Staffs and If possible, the player will have the right to place them to their Stations. If they see a Bandit running through inside (Of course the Bandit will, of course try to Disguise and then sneak inside the Workshop, to notice this, they'll be first be Customers then be like Team Rocket! they'll change into a Thief Cloak and then run in a Amazing Speed then Blast off! like Team Rocket!) It's where the Guards has trouble, they'll have to catch up to the said Thief. have the Guards only run half the speed compared to the Thieves.

*Edit: On the Noble Event one, you'll need to place all of them Somewhere (Storage Containers preferably.) and the Courier won't get them until the Time's up, where he'll of course give you the money and a Bonus If you have done superbly!

Lastly! Detailed Background/City! It's nice to see Wagons and people living their houses!

Hopefully you'll take this Suggestions into Consideration!

The dev has said that Bugs like that are going to be fixed on the Next Update.

The one that I can only agree on is #4. The rest is meh.

Great tips you have there Redbaron14n! Thanks! though I'll just currently wait for the Game to have most of the Bugs gone.

Hopefully the Dev sees your Comment!

Okay, somehow I managed to screw up the title lol. Sorry about that, I can't seem to Edit the Title. Should of put a Question mark :(

So, as the title says, Just how do you get past 60 Coins? I'm stuck with buying 5 Copper Ingots. :( I'm on day 06 now and It's still the same, blitz's video proved that otherwise, making 200+ on day 3. I'm using the 64 bit version of this, Is it somehow a bug?

(4 edits)

Hopefully the Developers reads all the Comments in this Thread. (Well, not all but, you know.)

First off, Day and Night Cycle really Important. Sure that you guys are working on this but, I'll just leave It here.

- a Way to Reinforce the Foundations, E.g Foundation ---> Reinforced Foundation ---> Metal Reinforced Foundation etc.

- Difficulty Options, with Increasing Sharks the Harder the Difficulty is Set.

- Breaking/Health Animations for Certain Objects If not, all. *Important* Since you wouldn't know when the Foundations are being Gnawed at and rendering the Repair Useless. Trees as well. (The Forest)

-Probably make the Foundation more Larger?

-Animations for the water! like, you know, Wavy! the Raft needs to be Wavy since It's floating on Water.

-Variety of Sharks? Megalodon :D


-Islands? Subnautica?

-Wreckage of Ships that you can loot on! and maybe find a Diving Suit or a Rebreather!

-Upgrade the Graphics? or is it Change the Engine? not sure but It'll be nice If you guys could really bring out the life on the Water since It's 90% Water (Unless you played for 2-4 Hours) anyways. Seeing Subnautica's Waters is really good.

-Temperature! when night, the Cold strikes. You'll need to stay Warm or else you'll die out of Hyperthermia and too much heat as well. Vice versa.

-Realistic Weights so that when you don't upgrade your foundation when you put certain Objects like the Tree farm? (Forgot the name) It won't Sink.

*Edit - and a Backpack as well. a Craftable one and one that you can find somewhere.

-Variety of food. (Though the Coconuts are enough to last your entire life killing Thousands of Sharks).

-Spoilage of Food and more Crafting!

*Eh, forgot one thing.. the Harpoon! where you'll find It on some Ship Wrecked Yatch along the way.

*I Forgot one again, SPIKES! or TRAPS for the DAMN Sharks to Gnaw into! they'll get stuck into It and have time to go the Shark and kill It! though If you are late, they'll get away and be More Aggressive Afterwards. Just to add a Few Seconds before they escape again.

*Sorry, Last one. Crafting! Bows, with a Variety of Arrows that you can Craft, a Reinforced one and a Metal Reinforced one. and on How long you have drawn the Bow, the More damage It deals. It's good for have the Shark stop gnawing the Foundation. best for when the Shark is Trap you can the one shot It. also good for hunting down Birds and Collect their Feathers. *Note* Feathers and Sticks are needed in order to Craft the Arrows. Planks = 4-6 Sticks and Feathers sometimes Drop on the Sky or when you hit Birds that Stops by to your Raft.

-Specific Storage for Objects :D Food Storage and what not.

That's all I Could think for now. :) hopefully this won't be another Stranded Deep.