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A member registered Aug 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very polished game, all the sounds, graphical effects and little animations are very satisfying

3d punishment scene is a pretty cool idea, just wish there was more to it x3. Even if it was just static poses, I think you can go pretty far with them + kinky writing and sounds

Good job!

Pretty neat little game. This kind of perspective is pretty unique, good job on the art too!

I liked how you showed the tutorial on top of the game map, I much prefer that to a how-to-play screen, heh

Its probably not intended but it was pretty fun to avoid the people to yionk items from under them

You can't really enjoy the sexy writing because you -have- to rush through it before you get caught, heh.

For some reason my screen was flickering black in some random (but consistent) spots, not sure why :o. The inventory ui was still working so not sure what was going on there.

Either way, nice game, I liked it overall!

Pretty good little platformer. The arts were nice, the boss was pretty good too, I like that the clothes dissappeared half-way through, heh. The platforming was challenging but not too annoying, you striked a good balance

Like others said, I'd remove the spacebar jump and maybe add some text that tells you to use the mouse to jump. Would be cool if pogo-jumps kept you bouncing on the same height forever.. or maybe allowed you to speed up more (like bunnyhops x3)

There are a few 'blind' jumps, ones where you don't know where you will be landing because its off-screen. Dunno if its a screen resolution thing but yeah, that can probably be fixed by moving the camera to the right rather than centering it on the player

Either way, good job! You drew a lot of arts, that's impressive

Gotta say, I got addicted to the grind x3. Good job! I did play by holding control most of the time but it was still fun, heh

The little story snippets that you get between all the dungeons were pretty cool, I liked the writing, the jokes didn't feel out of place ^^. The ending was very wholesome

The amount of enemies seems very impressive, each one has 2 pictures too, wow. Great job. The pony shop keeper is adorable

You can level up easily if you run away from the final-final boss constantly, dunno if that's intentional x3. At some point I just got enough evasion to never get hit

The ghost enemy is probably the most annoying one since you have to use the mage class to defeat it looks like x3

Hope you're doing well too, you made a great game ^^

The art that's there is pretty nice. Seeing clothing disappear from the girl as you complete levels seems like a cool idea, wish there was more x3

I won't repeat what others say but I agree with them, heh. Don't get me wrong, game is very much playable, just lacking some polish like a fixed grid, balloons falling when left in the air, etc.

I think the music sounds a bit dissonant, sounds strange to the ear, dunno.

Nice concept, good job

Cute little game, well made, especially for 5 days of work.

The visuals are amazing, you have great artstyle. 2d sprites + simple 3d meshes with hand-drawn look fit so well together.

Story is scary x3. Just kidding. The intro slides are well made, good job ^^

Gameplay maybe a bit too simple but it works. Only so much you can do in such limited amount of time. I only wish that you'd display somewhere how many variations of the end-screen there are and what score is required to get it. From my testing, I think there are 3? Unique arts is what would make me play even more x3

Either way, good job! Art is the best part about this game, you did great

Amazing little story! You made me care for the characters, good job. And the world seems to be bigger than portrayed, great job on the world building ^^.

The art in panels looks great and stylish, the way the camera moves with a little motion blur adds soooooo much polish, makes it look like a finished game x3. That transition from light to dark with a small spooky moment is great.

Tried all three endings, thanks for the fast text feature ^^. The spooky one is super good. I guess I only wish that there was the panel with the girl drawn using the toy because a steampunk vibrator sounds like such a cool idea x3

Great job, really!

The art is pretty cute, some kind of little animation for the pleasurable action would make it feel complete, just one or two more frames. The voice acting is cute and the moans are lewd, good job on those ^^.

Main mechanic works pretty well. Would be funny to see the cute girl pop out from different spot each time, my eyes were mostly glued to the left part of the screen.

It's impressive how a game with a single 2d screen can take up so much harddrive space x3. Not your fault, I guess there is no way to make an unreal game smaller.

Cute lewd game!

The animations were pretty cool, good job! I know how time-consuming animating a single second of motion can be x3

Snake with extra powerups is a pretty neat idea too. There is no real need to look at the naked girl during gameplay sadly, your focus is mostly on the field. Maybe you could have made the game field transparent and put the girl behind it x3. Just a thought

That snakedick picture is pretty cursed x3. Good game

The cutscenes between the levels are pretty nice, good job on those. The writing helps with the limited gbc graphics, it was a smart choice.

Couldn't get past the fourth level, the time limit was wa-a-ay too strict, any mistake/dead-end leads to a very harsh game over where you have to play the whole game again. If it would let you restart from the same level, it wouldn't be so bad.

It's a good game, good job! Just wish I didn't need to grind the same levels to get another chance at the hard one

I was very confused about how to play at first x3. Maybe a built-in how-to-play screen after you press play could help with that. If you really want to let the player learn organically, make the top 3 buttons light up when you grab a key, that will make them understand ^^

Gameplay is pretty good once you understand it though! The risk-reward tradeoff of being able to use all 3 keys allows the player to challenge themselves more or less if they want, it's a great idea

The art is really nice. 2D animations are so time-consuming to make but you make so many of them :o. And also lots of unique game over (and win) screens. Art alone makes this game really good

The moans are extremely lewd and hot, great job on those too! Very sensual, I struggle to find the right words for good they are x3

And wow, you went all out creating the main menu with all the settings, special art piece and a credits screen. Good job

Great job, really! This is a really good game

It's a pretty cute game with a simple loop. The interface looks very cozy, good job. Some of the art is nice and some is very blurry and stretched heh. I like the little touches like your pouch of gold becoming visibly empty as you spend gold, that's a very nice touch!

Gameplay could use some kind of win condition. Maybe the forge has a very expensive key that will unlock a restraint that was forced upon you by someone evil, dunno x3. And so if it costs like 10k, that will give you a nice goal to work towards ^^

Some kind of extra check that prevents the same customer from appearing one after another would be nice ^^

Pretty sure the dwarden keys and runics are switched in the forge, buying one gives you the other one instead but it's not that critical

Either way, great job ^^

Pretty fun numbers go up game. What art is there is nice. All the moans and slaps get really loud and repetitive by the end x3. Good job, especially for 3 days of work

Got stuck by picking the wrong upgrades at the start x3. I think I'm not alone. Maybe the game could 'detect' that you're stuck and help you somehow, undo your actions. Or there can be a tutorial that makes sure you are unable to screw up but that sounds like a lot of work x3

It's a nice and simple idea. Just wish there was more, heh. Could use a score/highscore mechanic to encourage some replayability but you probably know that, heh. Something that keeps you playing for longer than a few rounds

Border is an interesting way to do a timer, maybe making it so it changes color (white-orange-red) as it gets closer to running out would help communicate the player what it means.

The little cutscenes are amazing. Puzzles are great. Wish the fact that boxes can't go through keys would be taught earlier x3. Found a little bug where you can push the boxes on their corners even when they are surrounded with holes, managed to cheese the second to last level that way, heh. The gallery images are pretty good, wearing a chastity belt while that heavily into pregnancy sounds like a bad idea, hah

Old saves should work, I coded the save system in a way so that any new variables just get loaded with a default value if they are not found in the save, been working pretty well so far

Stumbled upon this randomly. Such a great game, great art, great idea. Feels very polished too. You are incredibly skilled ^^. Makes me wanna be that cat who just doesn't care that the moon is so far away and just does it x3. Bit by bit, you know? For a small game this cat has a lot of character ^^. Thank you for making this

Just pushed the hotfix that fixes the crash, thank you.

thankies, good catch

Godot engine. I like it, perfect for simple 2d/3d games.

Good catch thanks. Sore nips will be fixed

Mk2 pump milks you when your breasts are full. And it checks every 30 minutes or when you sleep.

Turn on the modded launcher (first option in the options). Then restrart the game and press browse mods on the first screen. There will be a list of mods. Or you can join the discord server yeah


fastest way is to switch to keyboard and type "connect 127.0.10" then type "mode 9"

that should complete it

Thank you for the kind words, it warms my heart ^^

don't expect too much or you will be disappointed no matter what ^^. People's expectations put stress on me and make you sad. Better to just enjoy what's there today. Then any additions will make you (and me) happy ^^

Next update will have a big scene about Tavi that's taking place outside of prison ^^. It will be a very unique experience that people will enjoy nonetheless I hope.

Rahi content I do have big plans for but all my writing efforts went into extending the main route with Tavi this time, maybe the update after this one will be focused on her, haven't decided yet

Thank you for the kind words. There are good and bad days for me, just a human after all. But I'm still trying to work on my game every day ^^. I feel addicted to completing tasks which is probably good. Taking some time to delevop handy dev tools really helped me lately too

That one will be fixed in the next update, he and Skar have the wrong species set

That's kinda the point of it. But each 5 days a new scene will happen related to that, just follow that little storyline

It might seem like I have a schedule but the deadlines put too much stress on little poor me ^^. I just do tasks one by one, naturally sometimes they take up longer than a month, I'm not a machine. You know how they say, lower your expectations and you will never be disappointed ^^

just sleep until the lactation stops, it's not endless

if the game crashes on start remove everything except saves from the '%appdata%/Godot/app_userdata/BDCC' folder and try again.

Thank you for the kind words. Hope you get a break from the bad stuff :o we all need one honestly

Me -> Encounters

No plans for any transformations for now, working on other tasks

I think I fixed that for the next version, hopefully x3. Glad it works on macs

you too, thank you ^^

Yeah, that will be the focus of the next update ^^

Thanks for the kind words.

Breeder skill would require ideas for perks, maybe in the future.