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A member registered Oct 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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Loved the humor and style! I wish it were a bit easier getting to specific numbers and I feel I must have missed something because Amy died anyways every time (I get that maybe that's the joke, but it got me trying A LOT of different numbers searching for a different ending) Overall a very interesting entry!

Very cool entry! it was really creative to use the keyboard to change the trap. Loved the narrative justification for the gameplay and the music is definitely "science lab music".

Great art! I liked the idea of having to make it through to get the souls/score. I was a bit confused on the advantages  and disadvantages of using each weapon, I imagine they deal different damage and have different ranges, maybe some feedback when hitting enemies would help with that! It was a fun experience though, nice entry!

Very nice and fun game! Would love to see more levels and gym progression!

Loved the art and the game overall, great concept and very fun to play!

Very cool way of fitting the theme! I liked how the mechanics changed according to how the fish turned into a dragon

Nice looking game! it was a bit tricky to place the pieces on the grid but apart from that it was a good experience :)

Very cool looking and fun to play, although it's quite complicated to learn. The music and sounds were on point too!

Very nice style and the voice acting was quite funny!

Looks and sounds really good, would love to see more challenging levels!

What a great game! Very cool level design, mechanics and style! Had lots of fun

Really funny concept and i had fun playing it! (but i HATED THE FISH)

Cool game and concept overall! Really hard at the later levels

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4. Asignatura libre a convalidar (Libre 1,2,3,4,5,6 o 7)
5. Nombre del juego en el que trabajaron
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  1. Nombre de la Actividad (ej: Taller de Godot)
  2. Horario en el que participaron (ej: 14/06/2024 2:30-16:30)
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