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Random Letter Q

A member registered Aug 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Awesome, nice to hear!

Ok! Sorry to hear that.

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You're welcome! I'm sure you have the potential to make some pretty neat stuff, its just that this felt empty.

This is an incredibly cool jam entry. The gameplay of killing enemies to collect coins and going through special rooms was handled really well and I thought that the sound design and visuals were really cool. I found the upgrades incredibly fun to use as well and they provided a good bit of further enjoyment to the game. My only real problems with this game is that it honestly felt really easy and there wasn't too much variation in slaying the enemies (more enemy types or other stuff like this would help this out). I also thought it was a tad short for what it was trying to be. Overall, I really liked this one.

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Appreciate your feedback and kind words! I'll consider adding in a non-randomized gamemode if I ever make a post-jam version.

This game isn't the worst, per se, but there isn't anything here that makes it stand out. The art is incredibly basic, there is no music to be found, and the idea isn't original at all (its just Tic-tac-toe). The novelty of the game runs out incredibly fast and, depending on how you programmed the ai, the game may not even be possible to win. Overall, really lacking.

Ok! Its still a pretty good game, it just needs a few tweaks.

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(DESKTOP) This game was honestly pretty good. I enjoyed the gameplay of having to look for both the keys and the exits in each level and I liked the addition of multiple difficulty options. I also think that the enemies added a good bit of difficulty to the game, though the ghosts could be a bit annoying to deal with (especially being annoying/lethal when it came to dead ends). On top of this, I found the lack of music or sounds to be quite strange and it made the game feel a little empty. Additionally, I have no idea how to access the settings and credits in the main menu. Overall, though, good job!

Alright, I'll take note of this.

Sorry to hear that. Glad you think the art style is cool though.

You're welcome!

Honestly, really good. The whole gameplay of using a boat and shooting down monsters is something I haven't seen before in a game and I really enjoyed how it was done here. I additionally found the atmosphere pretty good and it gave the game a nice, creepy feeling. The blue fish monster trying to jump at the player also made the end portion of this game really intense and interesting. The only thing I would maybe change is that some obstacles are kind of annoying to dodge (like the waves) due to the turning. Overall, great job!

This game is alright for a little bit but I think that it gets pretty stale quickly. The entire gameplay revolves around going downwards and collecting gold and batteries along the way. This is a neat idea, but I think it needs a lot more expansion in order to be enjoyable. The gameplay, as it is now, feels incredibly repetitive and getting the gold for more upgrades takes an incredibly long time.  Additionally, the obstacles are almost impossible to avoid after you gain enough speed. Neat idea, but I think that it needs more polish to it.

You're welcome. Hope to see you improve in the future!

Makes sense, lol

I'm honestly not really sure what the point of this game is. There doesn't appear to be any win objective and there's nothing here you can actually interact with. In all honesty, this doesn't seem even remotely finished or related to the jam. If its meant to be just a small joke game then I guess its alright, but as an actual submission it falls flat completely.

This game is very close to being pretty good, but the final three levels are just way too hard for me. A lot of hits are forced and I ended up getting really frustrated playing this given how many times I died. Additionally, the game crashes upon interacting with the menu or retry buttons. This game does have a pretty neat idea to it and the music is also pretty good, but I think it really needs more balancing in terms of difficulty to be more enjoyable.

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For anyone looking at this topic and wondering, switching the color palette shouldn't impact the score in any way as long as there are only two colors on screen at once. For example, you can have a green + blue game that switches to yellow + red and then switches to black + white, but you can't have a game that uses green + blue + yellow at once. Hope this clears things up!

I'll admit that I didn't end up getting to the ending for this jam entry. This is mainly due to a few glitches I encountered during my attempts to finish it (such as "invisible" card enemies you can't attack or the game not loading when you skip through too much text). Still, this is a really cool game. I really enjoyed the use of coloring and low poly(?) visuals. I also found the gameplay quite innovative, though I'm not sure how I feel about death being essentially forced in order to progress. Also, I have no clue what the blue cards are meant to do. With just a bit of tweaking and bug fixing, this game could be better. As it is now, however, I find it pretty good.

I did have some fun with playing this to get better times, though I do find this game quite lacking. The whole gameplay of collecting keys and then making it to the exit is a neat idea, though I find the actual platforming to be way too simple and the game to be too short to get much out of it. I also find the game's camera weirdly "zoomed" and the mouse cursor being visible is incredibly distracting. The graphics are also pretty generic and don't stick out to me that much. Overall, neat idea, but it requires more innovation for it to be better. 


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Really neat little project!

Positives - 
I feel like the boss works quite well for this example as it challenges the player without being too rough, allowing for them to get a good sense of how this engine works. I also like the physics for this and I find the spriting to be really well done.

Negatives -
The lack of music makes the game feel a little hollow. Additionally, I'm not a huge fan of the weapon selection and I find Quick Boomerang to be lackluster to use.

Excited to see where you might take this in the future. Also, what is the boss called (if he has a name)?

I'd imagine a "shorter" game (2-10 minutes) with a simple concept behind it.

Just to be clear, if I had a game that had multiple color pallet switches, would that impact the "Does it use only two colors" score or would I only lose points if I had more than two colors at once?