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A member registered Oct 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hmm very interesting, we'll investigate, thank you!

That seems like it might be an issue on the side and not directly because of the game.

Which browser are you using and which operating system are you on?

hello, whats not working for you?

I really liked this, the framerate was a bit bad for me but once I got used to it and understood the gameplay I really had fun.

I found a glitch that if you roll and then instantly jump you move really fast which made the whole game a lot more fun for me haha

Once a bit polished and the movement code a bit cleanuped this will be really cool and unique game

Cool idea, I liked the creative level design, especially the bubbles of cubes you have to break open to get inside. Also the time pick-ups are a good idea otherwise the timer would feel to frustrating.
The whole vibe, music and color scheme are also really nicely chosen.
Love the game over ":("

2 small changes that I would propose: its cool that the character controller accelerates and has momentum, but I would just make the movement a bit more responsive, maybe make the acceleration stronger but then cap the max velocity you can accelerate by yourself (that way the moving boxes can still push you beyond your own speed limit).
The other thing is regarding world visbility, the web player is really small and even when increasing the browser page zoom level you dont see a lot, I think the game would be a bit better if you could see more of the level at a glance.

Really cool core concept, with a bit of polish and adjustments it would be super fun I think

Maybe speed up the gameplay a bit? Increase the amount of blips but make them restore less time so you have to do more actions.
I felt that I often was just looking and not seeing anything so I couldnt do anything. (since the blips are random theres a chance a player might get really unlucky and not spot any at all, but if theres more, thats less likely to occur and also its just satisfying to find a blip so it should happen more often)

The reticle upgrade seemed to be the best by a long shot, its a lot cheaper and with moving the mouse around it gives you the most vision. I would make the other upgrades a bit stronger and/or cheaper

I also was confused by the 3 numbers on the right that were stacked on top of each other, maybe separate them and make it more clear what each of them represents.

Some extra suggestions that would be nice but not as important as the other changes:
Sound-effects, screen-shake on blip pickup, make the grab-arm extend animation not as linear but instead accelerate and decelerate in speed (Essentially tween or lerp it), make increasing in score more satisfying (sound-effect, color change in score, little animation, do the "score increase number that floats up and then disappear like in so many video game"-effect)

I really liked the atmosphere, the pixelart and the game idea of having a maze you quickly have to traverse.
Also I liked the rabbit that once caught gave you time back.

As someone else already suggested, an input buffer system would be great.
My move inputs kept not being registered cause I pressed a key during the movement of the frog.

Also maybe interpolate the movement of the frog over time when he moves a tile so its not just an instant jump to the next tile.

I think that once the frog movement feels a bit nicer the game will already be drastically improved

Really cool, only criticism I can come up with:

Character controller feels a bit stiff and jank

And starting the game is disorientating, maybe pointing the player so he looks at the desk instead of the wall would help?

Really liked the narration and the "story"