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A member registered Jan 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

thank you for playing my game :)

wow very good idea that feets theme perfectly, art style is simple but great. very polished.

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thanks for feedback! the reason ai is so broken is that it is a gmtk gamejam game and i was thinking about idea for a long time and i have scrapped projects 3 times, so i didn't had to much time to polish everything, massive thank you for playing the game

если что последствия здесь  это типа если ты промахиваешься то у тебя отнимается урон, который ты наносишь :| (да я знаю что в тему попасть не смог :((( )


ай пасиба брат

ну там типа наносимый урон понижается когда промахиваешься, кароч согласен интерпритация темы - говно

таже самая проблема

u can't

haha karlson go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

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good game, but green background not looking nice for me, also i like reload system

good game

also good luck with future projects)

dont worry thats was joke)

the graphics are bad, car physics are bad too, if the game would be more polished it would be good interpritation of that idea


this game is just a masterpiece idk how do you made so much in this game in this short time limit)


very juicy game i love main cherecter movement

glad ypu liked the game)

i really like this game it is relaxing and it looks good


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Game updated bois

glad you liked the atmosphere in tis game,  i will lower monster's speed and sight radius, thank you

i glad you liked it, thanks for playing :)

thanks for reporting this error i fixed that you can play this game now :)

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bruh dont judje pls it's my first published game