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Reaver Workshop

A member registered Feb 13, 2024 · View creator page →

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Salve! Que trabalho visual bem feito encontrei aqui! Mas ainda não joguei para ver se o jogo é tão bom quanto a arte visual. Não vai atualizar a versão em português não?

What a simple, abstract and poetic small game you did! Loved the concept and simplicity of it, well done!

Que legal o joguinho! Simples e pequeno como eu gosto! Parabéns!
Eu só fiquei em dúvida sobre a resistência da linha, acho que faltou nas regras uma parte dizendo que tem que alocar um dado ali e em qual valor começa?

Legal ver mais um PnP BR por aqui! Ainda mais se é do tipo que eu gosto, pequeno e simples! Não joguei ainda, mas já baixei e curti bastante o layout. Você é o artista das ilustrações?

I loved the artwork, concept and simplicity of this. Great for playing with children or to feed adult's inner child and creative vision. Printed right to my collection!

Hi! I'm glad you liked, and thanks for the comment. If you really enjoy it, please leave your rating and review.
Expansions will come in a near future for sure, it was made to be a collectible card game too.

Just had my playtime with this game! It's very cool and fun!
After about 10 plays in a row I finally graduated in the last move with exactly 45 credits, 0 sanity and the same amount of white and dark powers.
I'll try again to see if I can find new ways to win.
Great work!!! You should think on expansion cards (new courses and magic) for the future.
I just didn't understand very well why the Tired cards, the two ingame and the two useless out of the game.
Overall it's a nice game and it will occupy a place of respect in my collection, so I'll make a custom box to keep my cards like I do with all my PnP games

Opa! Estou no aguardo desse!

Love your drawings and minis! Printed all of them and assembled for my collection!

A remarkable inspiration to me! Great work!

Really nice one, but I stopped playing since I just keep dying by the lack of light.

I really enjoyed your game! I just want to suggest that you review how the attributes work, specially in combat, if I ever use my d12 in Brawl in can make through easily and the game seems a little unbalanced and boring.
But overall it's a great game! Simple, direct, obscure and fun!


This game is such an inspiration to me, I played it a lot!
I would be glad to make a brazilian portuguese translation if you want!

Looking forward for the official release with the publisher!

Looks great! You could make it more specific for a solo play.

I'm one of the backers and this is one of my favorite PnP games in my collection! So clever and simple!

You should make more of this!

E fazê versão BR pô!

Falta só uma versão BR! Ótimo trabalho!

Maravilha de trabalho! Tudo muito bem feito, desde a criação da masmorra às ilustrações!

Ótima aventura old-school! Peguei a versão BR!

Sensacional o que você fez aqui em poucas páginas, com certeza um material muito especial e excelente contribuição pra OSR BR!

Oh nice, got it! I really appreciate simple games like this. Thanks!

Greetings from Brazil!
I just stumbled into your games here and it really got me the attention, Specially What a King and Graduate in Necromancy, which I'll be looking further later.
So for this one... What does the guild members serve for? I know that if you have 3 units of a kind in a district you put one of the same there (which I assume are those 2 grey squares below the district), but, then what? I couldn't find in the rules what can I do with guilds.
Great work here, by the way!


Since the game have only a few components I didn't consider that for now. I did all the layout to improve the experience of the game, and also I have in mind that it can become somekind of scenarios Trading Card Game, where after you play it you collect the cards, so I want people to have full experience in colors. But in a near future, if the game gets more attention and expands, I'll surely consider making a low ink version to reach those who can't afford a good quality printing or don't have access to a color printer.

Thank you for pointing that!

Legal, bom saber que mais de uma pessoa sentiu essa necessidade. Vou planejar para uma atualização futura. Valeu!

Olá! Que legal que baixou o jogo. Acredito que você não está conseguindo ler, pois o PDF está finalizado para impressão, para então ser montado em um pequeno livreto do tamanho das cartas. Experimente imprimir a folha em um papel A4, frente e verso e montar o livreto. Creio que com o livreto em mãos não terá problemas na leitura.
Talvez seja interessante futuramente eu pensar em um arquivo para leitura no PC, sem a necessidade de impressão. Obrigado pela dica!
Espero que goste do jogo!

(2 edits)

Maravilha! Que ótimo ver o jogo tendo apoio no Brasil! Valeu pela força, e que bom que gostou do jogo!

Só um pequeno detalhe sobre as regras, você não perde as localidades já visitadas da missão principal caso vá para alguma outra localidade no meio do caminho, por exemplo nessa aventura que jogou, você poderia ir para a localidade 2 ou qualquer outra antes da 3 caso achasse vantagem, porém a localidade 2 precisaria ser visitada novamente após a 3 para seguir a ordem. No início há um terceiro caminho, você poderia passar pelo evento quadrado antes, talvez pudesse pegar recursos ali, ou seja, você não é necessariamente obrigado a se dirigir diretamente para a próxima localidade da rota. Ou caso chegue com poucos recursos na 6, poderia tentar ir para a 7 (uma localidade fora de qualquer rota) para tentar subir o modificador, e isso não te faria perder a rota percorrida, faz parte da estratégia de escolha dos caminhos, acho que tem uma nota para isso na página 5. Mas como pude ver você precisou de pouquíssima estratégia, pois os dados estavam demais a seu favor! Cheguei até a duvidar se era isso mesmo hahah.

A sugestão sobre a temática foi ótima! Como não sou grande conhecedor de Fallout creio que não faria exatamente sobre isso, mas se o público se empolgar e divulgar o jogo a mais pessoas eu penso em criar novas expansões e novos conjuntos de 3 cartas com novas aventuras, talvez algumas em ambientações diferenciadas como o estilo sci-fi.

Mais uma vez agradeço! E parabéns pelo trabalho no canal apoiando os print n play! Abraço!

Great! Hope you can easily understand it and have fun!

Trimod community · Created a new topic About the Art

Yes, as you can see, all the illustrations were generated through AI, with some editing by me. I'm an artist and know about all the discussions on using AI art, but this is the way I can release it now. Maybe for the future, if the game gets a wide reception, I consider using my own art, or maybe of another artist interested. But feel free to express your oppinion here, I'm all open to what you have to say about this interesting subject.

Yes, you got it! And thank for pointing this about the dashed lines, maybe I explain that better on future updates.

Trimod community · Created a new topic Questions

If you have any questions on how to play, feel free to ask here, maybe your doubt can help others too.

Awesome! Have fun!

Hey! Good you brought some questions. So, about The Thieves' Cave, as you can read on the second paragraph of the Quests section in the booklet, if the locations on the route aren't connected by a dashed line, you don't need to follow an order, you just need to pass trough each location, in any order, before going to the final location with a green check. Different from Mining at Kabad Mountains, where you need to visit locations on the indicated order, 'cause the route is connected by a dashed line.

And no, you don't go immediately to #7, if that was possible, the game doesn't happen, you need to choose possible paths and will pass through other locations before reaching your goal, in case of The Thieves Cave, after solving the challenge in location 1, your only option is going to location 2, after that you have 2 possible paths to another location, and then you keep going and stopping at each location facing the challenges, until you fulfill your quest. And sure you can go to another location before 7 and can divert by going to 6 before, and even fulfill your side quest before, there's a note on page 5 about this. Also, even if you have a route with dashed line, like Mining in Kabad Mountain, you can visit another locations while you keep tracking your main route, that's a point of strategy in the game. Hope you can understand better now and have fun!

Awesome! Hope you enjoy it!

Nice! I'll have a look at that, thank you!

Trimod community · Created a new topic Pictures

If you really enjoyed the game and want to share a picture of how you assembled it, feel free to share it here.

Trimod community · Created a new topic Report Errors

Feel free to share any errors on layout, texts and translations, here.

Please, feel free to leave any review of your experience with Trimod, or any suggestions for further improvements here. Thanks!

The first game of Reaver Workshop was just released today! Try it out and have fun!

In this game you are an adventurer choosing paths and facing challenges to fulfill a main quest, with a very compact, fast, nice and fun design.

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