Sim, concordo, e com certeza acredito que todo sistema de RPG é assim, ainda mais se for jogar solo que é o meu caso.
Mas ao meu ver os sistemas emergentes precisam de jogadores para testar e sim, precisam mudar e se aprimorar. Então ainda acho a regra de encontros a cada 30 minutos bem quebrada para o sistema. É estranho deixar algo no sistema afirmando que isso pode ser mudado, sendo que todos vão mudar e ninguém vai jogar com a regra original, não me parece sensato.
Por exemplo, encontros a cada 30 minutos indicam 48 encontros em um dia de 24 horas, ou se deixarmos apenas 12 horas, teríamos 24 encontros por dia. Mas levando em consideração que a noite nesse mundo também é perigosa, é mais encontros atrás de encontros. E se você se move 6 horas de um hex a outro, seriam 12 encontros em apenas 1 hex. Nada disso faz sentido para mim e não vejo apenas como uma questão de adaptação, mas sim como uma falha que precisa ser revisada.
Reaver Workshop
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Tem uma questão nos encontros aleatórios e tempo de viagem que precisa ser revisada. Rolar para um encontro aleatório a cada 30 minutos é demais! Se posso viajar um hex a cada 6 horas seriam muitos encontros para apenas 1 hex. E viajar um hex a cada 6 horas talvez seja relativo, talvez 1 hex por dia faça mais sentido, e uma ou duas rolagens de encontro por hex também. Ou rolar um encontro para sair de um hex e outro para entrar no próximo, isso é um tempo de viagem de um dia, contanto tempo para poder caçar e descansar nessa viagem de um hex a outro.
Acredito que o sistema faça mais sentido em um hexcrawl que um dungeon crawl, não sei se seria muito interessante tem um mundo da idade da pedra cheio de megadungeons, até mesmo os dreamdungeons seriam algo mais especial. Então talvez encontros a cada 30 minutos façam mais sentido no dungeon, mas ainda assim seria melhor revisar isso.
Tb tem outra questão sobre os descansos. Descansar apenas 10 minutos para recuperar 1d3 + Coração é muito pouco tempo. Vejo que seria necessário o que é descrito como descanso longo para isso ficar mais justo. E o descanso longo seria um dia e noite inteiros. Senão ao meu ver fica muito desbalanceado. E isso conversa com oq falei sobre o tempo de viagem e encontros. Se eu tenho 2 em Coração e tiro 3 no d3, vou recuperar 5 em 10 minutos? 5 para um personagem de Vitalidade 10 seria um ferimento bem grave.
This looks brilliant! Such a simple and fun, and beautiful game! Congrats for the work!
I just think it is always an advantage to throw a cheap Scrap to avoid night rolls, there isn't any advantage of rolling for the night since only a result of 6 could be good. The other options are always worse than spending 1 cheap Scrap to avoid it.
This is something which could be more balanced by adding 1 or 2 advantages by choosing to roll for the night.
Thank you very much for the experience!
Edit: Just came back here to say I have a huge interest in translating this to brazilian portuguese. Brazil have a strong scene for Print and Play games and Solo RPGs. Could you provide the files?
Great work man! I think it is exactly what I was expecting. I think it will be a great game!
I have some first impressions for my first minutes playing only:
- Make Z to accept/confirm and X to cancel/back, the less buttons I use, the better. Why should I use Space and Esc also? (the same for the controller)
- Movement overall and some movement animations seems a little bit slow, making it a little kink to play (but it is just my first minutes). Controls seems responsive, but a little slow.
- don't know if grappling in the walls is very intuitive, I felt a little lost on how it works.
- Jumping and attacking seems weird, the characters just freeze in the air, let the movement flow.
- more on the controls, Z for attack and Space for jump doesn't feel right. Make it Z and X instead.
- tapping to attack with spear and holding to throw seems really fiddly, don't know if this will work on fast battles, maybe choosing which weapon to use and maintain one single button for attack could be better.
- finding ready made spears anywere looks weird for game with some realistic intents.
Well, I stopped when it was needed fire to procceed. Couldn't find flint or any way to make torches. For a starting part it doesn't seem intuitive on where to go or what to do from here since all the rest were very straight forward (so I can't say anything about level design too). My gameplay ends here.
Overall, looks a really, really great work!!! You rock, man!!! Truly rock!!!
Não joguei ainda, mas tive que deixar um comentário para elogiar o que parece ser um trabalho belíssimo. Que beleza o layout, arte e ilustrações, diagramação, e o game design, tudo parece se encaixar perfeitamente.
Espero que esteja correndo atrás para publicar a versão física.
Tudo de melhor e sucesso!
2. Yea, but notice that there's one second roll to determine which constellation, that was my doubt (and for the second roll the -1 could be useful)
5. Humm, understand, but I think you explained wrong, am I right? If I roll 1-3 I need only 1 success to beat, 4-5, 2 successes to beat (and not 5 as you said) and on a roll 6 need 3 successes to beat, right? But how am I supposed to know that? That isn't in the rules, there're just numbers there and nothing explained.
6. This means I have many more chances to win with this tribe I guess?
Looking forward for next updates! Good work!
Greetings! I find this really interesting, a mixture of styles in a very compact game with an elegant design. But I found many issues which need improvement.
1. On 'Observe the Stars' there's an "f" in "same constellation for roll 7 or less", that confused me a bit, then I realized you mean "or" and not "for".
2. When I gain +1/-1 to Observe the stars is it for the first roll? the second? or both? This isn't well explained in the rules.
3. I think the sentence for 'Journey' isn't very clear too, I took some time to understand what are torches for. It could have been something like this: 3. Camp (instead of Journey) "At the end of your turn you may use 1 torch to recover 1EP and use 1 item."
4. If I succeed in 21 where do I go? It says only for failure. I assume it is 13, but that isn't clear since the text is only after the failure.
5. Couldn't understand how to face a Challenge [CHA], I thought it was as said in Tests, but then I noticed the Difficult part... I think the 'Tests' are well explained, but in the Encounters I find only this [CHA], which is mentioned in Difficulty, and there the rules just say to roll 1d6, but then what?
6. What is this 1d6 always active of the barbarian tribe?
7. I never managed to draw a constellation since I only rolled less than 8 in my entire play, and since I need 3 constellations to win I think the game turned into something totally luck based on these rolls and all the rest of the game becomes blured. Maybe you could think in something to balance this (and here I get back to my question 2).
8. Also, let a little bit more of security blank border, maybe 5mm, not all printers can print closer to the paper border, my printer here is cutting all the page numbers, for example.
9. What if I don't have any EP left? What about Combat or Tests?
But I found this really cool, interesting and well designed, that's why I took my time to give you this feedback.
Hope to get any updated version so I can finish my gameplay! Haha
Thanks! All the best!
Hey! I just played your game and got it into my collection. I quite enjoyed it! Congratulations for this nice work! I think it's very cool this mixture of RPG and dice allocation mechanic in a roll & write of one single page.
I only have two questions... About your health when fighting a bot, you always recover it to 12 before starting? I didn't find it in the rules. Also, in the hard mode it is said that even the code for the Cyberlord changes, but where's it?
Just had my playtime with this game! It's very cool and fun!
After about 10 plays in a row I finally graduated in the last move with exactly 45 credits, 0 sanity and the same amount of white and dark powers.
I'll try again to see if I can find new ways to win.
Great work!!! You should think on expansion cards (new courses and magic) for the future.
I just didn't understand very well why the Tired cards, the two ingame and the two useless out of the game.
Overall it's a nice game and it will occupy a place of respect in my collection, so I'll make a custom box to keep my cards like I do with all my PnP games