Great concept! I enjoyed it, and it has a lot of great potential!
Maybe think about ways to make it more challenging. I found that I could throw the heart at my feet to get some light, and then pick it right back up over and over. Maybe think of reasons to throw the heart somewhere and leave it (on a button or to distract enemies) so that there is more tension.
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The campaign needs some balancing, you can only afford 1 tower at the beginning, and even placing it where it has the most coverage it can't beat the first wave. It took 2 waves to get a second tower, and it was just a duplicate of the first. Would have like to see the ability to earn more towers faster/sooner to see how they could combine. Your towers also didn't prioritize the first target in range, which meant that sometimes it would let an enemy pass when it could have killed it.
The instructions were pretty dense, making it hard to know what I was doing without re-reading them. Overall, a pretty fun concept! Instead of having the links decay overtime, it would have been cool to see enemies that could break the links that you would try to eliminate. I would also have liked to have more control over where my ship was shooting.
Really great game! I love the concept, and it felt super fun to play. I think it just needs some quality of life things, and you could put it up on steam! Making the door usable by another key so I don't pick up items on my way out the door, have the ladders usable in different directions, make the trees/rocks visible in front of the house, etc.
I liked the concept, but found it a bit frustrating to play. I think it would be better to have at least a little bit of control over the swtiching. for example, maybe a switch happens no matter what, but you can pick who to go to next. I sat around trying to swap to the blue guy for awhile, and only got to use him for a few seconds, and I couldn't progress. I think with a bit of tweaking it could be really good!